/*! * config.js - configuration parsing for bcoin * Copyright (c) 2016-2017, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License). * https://github.com/bcoin-org/bcoin */ 'use strict'; const assert = require('assert'); const Path = require('path'); const os = require('os'); const fs = require('./fs'); const HOME = os.homedir ? os.homedir() : '/'; /** * Config Parser */ class Config { /** * Create a config. * @constructor * @param {String} module - Module name (e.g. `bcoin`). * @param {Object?} options */ constructor(module, options) { assert(typeof module === 'string'); assert(module.length > 0); this.module = module; this.prefix = Path.join(HOME, `.${module}`); this.suffix = null; this.fallback = null; this.alias = Object.create(null); this.options = Object.create(null); this.data = Object.create(null); this.env = Object.create(null); this.args = Object.create(null); this.argv = []; this.pass = []; this.query = Object.create(null); this.hash = Object.create(null); if (options) this.init(options); } /** * Initialize options. * @private * @param {Object} options */ init(options) { assert(options && typeof options === 'object'); if (options.suffix != null) { assert(typeof options.suffix === 'string'); this.suffix = options.suffix; } if (options.fallback != null) { assert(typeof options.fallback === 'string'); this.fallback = options.fallback; } if (options.alias) { assert(typeof options.alias === 'object'); for (const key of Object.keys(options.alias)) { const value = options.alias[key]; assert(typeof value === 'string'); this.alias[key] = value; } } } /** * Inject options. * @param {Object} options */ inject(options) { for (const key of Object.keys(options)) { const value = options[key]; switch (key) { case 'hash': case 'query': case 'env': case 'argv': case 'config': continue; } this.set(key, value); } } /** * Load options from hash, query, env, or args. * @param {Object} options */ load(options) { if (options.hash) this.parseHash(options.hash); if (options.query) this.parseQuery(options.query); if (options.env) this.parseEnv(options.env); if (options.argv) this.parseArg(options.argv); this.prefix = this.getPrefix(); } /** * Open a config file. * @param {String} file - e.g. `bcoin.conf`. * @throws on IO error */ open(file) { if (fs.unsupported) return; const path = this.getFile(file); let text; try { text = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8'); } catch (e) { if (e.code === 'ENOENT') return; throw e; } this.parseConfig(text); this.prefix = this.getPrefix(); } /** * Create a child config. Filter by plugin name. * @param {String} name * @returns {Config} */ filter(name) { assert(typeof name === 'string'); const child = new Config(this.module); child.prefix = this.prefix; child.suffix = this.suffix; child.fallback = this.fallback; child.argv = this.argv; child.pass = this.pass; _filter(name, this.env, child.env); _filter(name, this.args, child.args); _filter(name, this.query, child.query); _filter(name, this.hash, child.hash); return child; } /** * Set default option. * @param {String} key * @param {Object} value */ set(key, value) { assert(typeof key === 'string', 'Key must be a string.'); if (value == null) return; key = key.replace(/-/g, ''); key = key.toLowerCase(); this.options[key] = value; } /** * Test whether a config option is present. * @param {String} key * @returns {Boolean} */ has(key) { if (typeof key === 'number') { assert(key >= 0, 'Index must be positive.'); if (key >= this.argv.length) return false; return true; } assert(typeof key === 'string', 'Key must be a string.'); key = key.replace(/-/g, ''); key = key.toLowerCase(); if (this.hash[key] != null) return true; if (this.query[key] != null) return true; if (this.args[key] != null) return true; if (this.env[key] != null) return true; if (this.data[key] != null) return true; if (this.options[key] != null) return true; return false; } /** * Get a config option. * @param {String} key * @param {Object?} fallback * @returns {Object|null} */ get(key, fallback) { if (fallback === undefined) fallback = null; if (Array.isArray(key)) { const keys = key; for (const key of keys) { const value = this.get(key); if (value !== null) return value; } return fallback; } if (typeof key === 'number') { assert(key >= 0, 'Index must be positive.'); if (key >= this.argv.length) return fallback; if (this.argv[key] != null) return this.argv[key]; return fallback; } assert(typeof key === 'string', 'Key must be a string.'); key = key.replace(/-/g, ''); key = key.toLowerCase(); if (this.hash[key] != null) return this.hash[key]; if (this.query[key] != null) return this.query[key]; if (this.args[key] != null) return this.args[key]; if (this.env[key] != null) return this.env[key]; if (this.data[key] != null) return this.data[key]; if (this.options[key] != null) return this.options[key]; return fallback; } /** * Get a value's type. * @param {String} key * @returns {String} */ typeOf(key) { const value = this.get(key); if (value === null) return 'null'; return typeof value; } /** * Get a config option (as a string). * @param {String} key * @param {Object?} fallback * @returns {String|null} */ str(key, fallback) { const value = this.get(key); if (fallback === undefined) fallback = null; if (value === null) return fallback; if (typeof value !== 'string') throw new Error(`${fmt(key)} must be a string.`); return value; } /** * Get a config option (as an integer). * @param {String} key * @param {Object?} fallback * @returns {Number|null} */ int(key, fallback) { const value = this.get(key); if (fallback === undefined) fallback = null; if (value === null) return fallback; if (typeof value !== 'string') { if (typeof value !== 'number') throw new Error(`${fmt(key)} must be an int.`); if (!Number.isSafeInteger(value)) throw new Error(`${fmt(key)} must be an int.`); return value; } if (!/^\-?\d+$/.test(value)) throw new Error(`${fmt(key)} must be an int.`); const num = parseInt(value, 10); if (!Number.isSafeInteger(num)) throw new Error(`${fmt(key)} must be an int.`); return num; } /** * Get a config option (as a unsigned integer). * @param {String} key * @param {Object?} fallback * @returns {Number|null} */ uint(key, fallback) { const value = this.int(key); if (fallback === undefined) fallback = null; if (value === null) return fallback; if (value < 0) throw new Error(`${fmt(key)} must be a uint.`); return value; } /** * Get a config option (as a float). * @param {String} key * @param {Object?} fallback * @returns {Number|null} */ float(key, fallback) { const value = this.get(key); if (fallback === undefined) fallback = null; if (value === null) return fallback; if (typeof value !== 'string') { if (typeof value !== 'number') throw new Error(`${fmt(key)} must be a float.`); if (!isFinite(value)) throw new Error(`${fmt(key)} must be a float.`); return value; } if (!/^\-?\d*(?:\.\d*)?$/.test(value)) throw new Error(`${fmt(key)} must be a float.`); if (!/\d/.test(value)) throw new Error(`${fmt(key)} must be a float.`); const num = parseFloat(value); if (!isFinite(num)) throw new Error(`${fmt(key)} must be a float.`); return num; } /** * Get a config option (as a positive float). * @param {String} key * @param {Object?} fallback * @returns {Number|null} */ ufloat(key, fallback) { const value = this.float(key); if (fallback === undefined) fallback = null; if (value === null) return fallback; if (value < 0) throw new Error(`${fmt(key)} must be a positive float.`); return value; } /** * Get a value (as a fixed number). * @param {String} key * @param {Number?} exp * @param {Object?} fallback * @returns {Number|null} */ fixed(key, exp, fallback) { const value = this.float(key); if (fallback === undefined) fallback = null; if (value === null) return fallback; try { return fromFloat(value, exp || 0); } catch (e) { throw new Error(`${fmt(key)} must be a fixed number.`); } } /** * Get a value (as a positive fixed number). * @param {String} key * @param {Number?} exp * @param {Object?} fallback * @returns {Number|null} */ ufixed(key, exp, fallback) { const value = this.fixed(key, exp); if (fallback === undefined) fallback = null; if (value === null) return fallback; if (value < 0) throw new Error(`${fmt(key)} must be a positive fixed number.`); return value; } /** * Get a config option (as a boolean). * @param {String} key * @param {Object?} fallback * @returns {Boolean|null} */ bool(key, fallback) { const value = this.get(key); if (fallback === undefined) fallback = null; if (value === null) return fallback; // Bitcoin Core compat. if (typeof value === 'number') { if (value === 1) return true; if (value === 0) return false; } if (typeof value !== 'string') { if (typeof value !== 'boolean') throw new Error(`${fmt(key)} must be a boolean.`); return value; } if (value === 'true' || value === '1') return true; if (value === 'false' || value === '0') return false; throw new Error(`${fmt(key)} must be a boolean.`); } /** * Get a config option (as a buffer). * @param {String} key * @param {Object?} fallback * @returns {Buffer|null} */ buf(key, fallback, enc) { const value = this.get(key); if (!enc) enc = 'hex'; if (fallback === undefined) fallback = null; if (value === null) return fallback; if (typeof value !== 'string') { if (!Buffer.isBuffer(value)) throw new Error(`${fmt(key)} must be a buffer.`); return value; } const data = Buffer.from(value, enc); if (data.length !== Buffer.byteLength(value, enc)) throw new Error(`${fmt(key)} must be a ${enc} string.`); return data; } /** * Get a config option (as an array of strings). * @param {String} key * @param {Object?} fallback * @returns {String[]|null} */ array(key, fallback) { const value = this.get(key); if (fallback === undefined) fallback = null; if (value === null) return fallback; if (typeof value !== 'string') { if (!Array.isArray(value)) throw new Error(`${fmt(key)} must be an array.`); return value; } const parts = value.trim().split(/\s*,\s*/); const result = []; for (const part of parts) { if (part.length === 0) continue; result.push(part); } return result; } /** * Get a config option (as an object). * @param {String} key * @param {Object?} fallback * @returns {Object|null} */ obj(key, fallback) { const value = this.get(key); if (fallback === undefined) fallback = null; if (value === null) return fallback; if (typeof value !== 'object' || Array.isArray(value)) throw new Error(`${fmt(key)} must be an object.`); return value; } /** * Get a config option (as a function). * @param {String} key * @param {Object?} fallback * @returns {Function|null} */ func(key, fallback) { const value = this.get(key); if (fallback === undefined) fallback = null; if (value === null) return fallback; if (typeof value !== 'function') throw new Error(`${fmt(key)} must be a function.`); return value; } /** * Get a config option (as a string). * @param {String} key * @param {Object?} fallback * @returns {String|null} */ path(key, fallback) { let value = this.str(key); if (fallback === undefined) fallback = null; if (value === null) return fallback; if (value.length === 0) return fallback; switch (value[0]) { case '~': // home dir value = Path.join(HOME, value.substring(1)); break; case '@': // prefix value = Path.join(this.prefix, value.substring(1)); break; default: // cwd break; } return Path.normalize(value); } /** * Get a config option (in MB). * @param {String} key * @param {Object?} fallback * @returns {Number|null} */ mb(key, fallback) { const value = this.uint(key); if (fallback === undefined) fallback = null; if (value === null) return fallback; return value * 1024 * 1024; } /** * Grab suffix from config data. * @returns {String} */ getSuffix() { if (!this.suffix) throw new Error('No suffix presented.'); const suffix = this.str(this.suffix, this.fallback); assert(isAlpha(suffix), 'Bad suffix.'); return suffix; } /** * Grab prefix from config data. * @private * @returns {String} */ getPrefix() { let prefix = this.str('prefix'); if (prefix) { if (prefix[0] === '~') prefix = Path.join(HOME, prefix.substring(1)); } else { prefix = Path.join(HOME, `.${this.module}`); } if (this.suffix) { const suffix = this.str(this.suffix); if (suffix) { assert(isAlpha(suffix), 'Bad suffix.'); if (this.fallback && suffix !== this.fallback) prefix = Path.join(prefix, suffix); } } return Path.normalize(prefix); } /** * Grab config filename from config data. * @private * @param {String} file * @returns {String} */ getFile(file) { const name = this.str('config'); if (name) return name; return Path.join(this.prefix, file); } /** * Create a file path using `prefix`. * @param {String} file * @returns {String} */ location(file) { return Path.join(this.prefix, file); } /** * Parse config text. * @private * @param {String} text */ parseConfig(text) { assert(typeof text === 'string', 'Config must be text.'); if (text.charCodeAt(0) === 0xfeff) text = text.substring(1); text = text.replace(/\r\n/g, '\n'); text = text.replace(/\r/g, '\n'); text = text.replace(/\\\n/g, ''); let num = 0; for (const chunk of text.split('\n')) { const line = chunk.trim(); num += 1; if (line.length === 0) continue; if (line[0] === '#') continue; const index = line.indexOf(':'); if (index === -1) throw new Error(`Expected ':' on line ${num}: "${line}".`); let key = line.substring(0, index).trim(); key = key.replace(/\-/g, ''); if (!isLowerKey(key)) throw new Error(`Invalid option on line ${num}: ${key}.`); const value = line.substring(index + 1).trim(); if (value.length === 0) continue; const alias = this.alias[key]; if (alias) key = alias; this.data[key] = value; } } /** * Parse arguments. * @private * @param {Array?} argv */ parseArg(argv) { if (!argv || typeof argv !== 'object') argv = process.argv; assert(Array.isArray(argv)); let last = null; let pass = false; for (let i = 2; i < argv.length; i++) { const arg = argv[i]; assert(typeof arg === 'string'); if (arg === '--') { pass = true; continue; } if (pass) { this.pass.push(arg); continue; } if (arg.length === 0) { last = null; continue; } if (arg.indexOf('--') === 0) { const index = arg.indexOf('='); let key = null; let value = null; let empty = false; if (index !== -1) { // e.g. --opt=val key = arg.substring(2, index); value = arg.substring(index + 1); last = null; empty = false; } else { // e.g. --opt key = arg.substring(2); value = 'true'; last = null; empty = true; } key = key.replace(/\-/g, ''); if (!isLowerKey(key)) throw new Error(`Invalid argument: --${key}.`); if (value.length === 0) continue; // Do not allow one-letter aliases. if (key.length > 1) { const alias = this.alias[key]; if (alias) key = alias; } this.args[key] = value; if (empty) last = key; continue; } if (arg[0] === '-') { // e.g. -abc last = null; for (let j = 1; j < arg.length; j++) { let key = arg[j]; if ((key < 'a' || key > 'z') && (key < 'A' || key > 'Z') && (key < '0' || key > '9') && key !== '?') { throw new Error(`Invalid argument: -${key}.`); } const alias = this.alias[key]; if (alias) key = alias; this.args[key] = 'true'; last = key; } continue; } // e.g. foo const value = arg; if (value.length === 0) { last = null; continue; } if (last) { this.args[last] = value; last = null; } else { this.argv.push(value); } } } /** * Parse environment variables. * @private * @param {Object?} env * @returns {Object} */ parseEnv(env) { let prefix = this.module; prefix = prefix.toUpperCase(); prefix = prefix.replace(/-/g, '_'); prefix += '_'; if (!env || typeof env !== 'object') env = process.env; assert(env && typeof env === 'object'); for (let key of Object.keys(env)) { const value = env[key]; assert(typeof value === 'string'); if (key.indexOf(prefix) !== 0) continue; key = key.substring(prefix.length); key = key.replace(/_/g, ''); if (!isUpperKey(key)) continue; if (value.length === 0) continue; key = key.toLowerCase(); // Do not allow one-letter aliases. if (key.length > 1) { const alias = this.alias[key]; if (alias) key = alias; } this.env[key] = value; } } /** * Parse uri querystring variables. * @private * @param {String} query */ parseQuery(query) { if (typeof query !== 'string') { if (!global.location) return {}; query = global.location.search; if (typeof query !== 'string') return {}; } return this.parseForm(query, '?', this.query); } /** * Parse uri hash variables. * @private * @param {String} hash */ parseHash(hash) { if (typeof hash !== 'string') { if (!global.location) return {}; hash = global.location.hash; if (typeof hash !== 'string') return {}; } return this.parseForm(hash, '#', this.hash); } /** * Parse form-urlencoded variables. * @private * @param {String} query * @param {String} ch * @param {Object} map */ parseForm(query, ch, map) { assert(typeof query === 'string'); if (query.length === 0) return; if (query[0] === ch) query = query.substring(1); for (const pair of query.split('&')) { const index = pair.indexOf('='); let key, value; if (index !== -1) { key = pair.substring(0, index); value = pair.substring(index + 1); } else { key = pair; value = 'true'; } key = unescape(key); key = key.replace(/\-/g, ''); if (!isLowerKey(key)) continue; value = unescape(value); if (value.length === 0) continue; const alias = this.alias[key]; if (alias) key = alias; map[key] = value; } } } /* * Helpers */ function fmt(key) { if (Array.isArray(key)) key = key[0]; if (typeof key === 'number') return `Argument #${key}`; return key; } function unescape(str) { try { str = decodeURIComponent(str); str = str.replace(/\+/g, ' '); } catch (e) { ; } str = str.replace(/\0/g, ''); return str; } function isAlpha(str) { return /^[a-z0-9_\-]+$/i.test(str); } function isKey(key) { return /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/.test(key); } function isLowerKey(key) { if (!isKey(key)) return false; return !/[A-Z]/.test(key); } function isUpperKey(key) { if (!isKey(key)) return false; return !/[a-z]/.test(key); } function _filter(name, a, b) { for (const key of Object.keys(a)) { if (key.length > name.length && key.indexOf(name) === 0) { const sub = key.substring(name.length); b[sub] = a[key]; } } } function fromFloat(num, exp) { assert(typeof num === 'number' && isFinite(num)); assert(Number.isSafeInteger(exp)); let str = num.toFixed(exp); let sign = 1; if (str.length > 0 && str[0] === '-') { str = str.substring(1); sign = -1; } let hi = str; let lo = '0'; const index = str.indexOf('.'); if (index !== -1) { hi = str.substring(0, index); lo = str.substring(index + 1); } hi = hi.replace(/^0+/, ''); lo = lo.replace(/0+$/, ''); assert(hi.length <= 16 - exp, 'Fixed number string exceeds 2^53-1.'); assert(lo.length <= exp, 'Too many decimal places in fixed number string.'); if (hi.length === 0) hi = '0'; while (lo.length < exp) lo += '0'; if (lo.length === 0) lo = '0'; assert(/^\d+$/.test(hi) && /^\d+$/.test(lo), 'Non-numeric characters in fixed number string.'); hi = parseInt(hi, 10); lo = parseInt(lo, 10); const mult = Math.pow(10, exp); const maxLo = Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER % mult; const maxHi = (Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER - maxLo) / mult; assert(hi < maxHi || (hi === maxHi && lo <= maxLo), 'Fixed number string exceeds 2^53-1.'); return sign * (hi * mult + lo); } /* * Expose */ module.exports = Config;