package main import ( "embed" "" "" "" "" "" "" "log" ) // Embed a directory of static files for serving from the app's root path //go:embed app/* var embedFrontend embed.FS func main() { // Initialize the configuration settings config.Init() // Initialize the database connection db.Init() // Create a new Iris app instance app := iris.New() // Enable Gzip compression for responses app.Use(iris.Compression) // Serve static files from the embedded directory at the app's root path app.HandleDir("/", embedFrontend) // Register the AccountService with the MVC framework and attach it to the "/api/account" path mvc.Configure(app.Party("/api/account"), func(app *mvc.Application) { app.Handle(new(service.AccountService)) }) mvc.Configure(app.Party("/api/auth"), func(app *mvc.Application) { app.Handle(new(service.AuthService)) }) // Start the renterd process in a goroutine go renterd.Main() // Start the Iris app and listen for incoming requests on port 80 log.Fatal(app.Listen(":80")) }