refactor: no longer embed renterd

This commit is contained in:
Derrick Hammer 2023-06-06 16:32:07 -04:00
parent 72255eb3c5
commit d0e59c8729
Signed by: pcfreak30
GPG Key ID: C997C339BE476FF2
6 changed files with 3 additions and 1011 deletions

View File

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ import (
_ ""
@ -45,11 +44,6 @@ func main() {
// Initialize the database connection
// Start the renterd process in a goroutine
go renterd.Main()
@ -111,6 +105,4 @@ func main() {
if err != nil {
logger.Get().Error("Failed starting webserver proof", zap.Error(err))

View File

@ -1,150 +0,0 @@
// TODO: remove this file when we can import it from hostd
package node
import (
stypes ""
const solveAttempts = 1e4
type (
// Consensus defines a minimal interface needed by the miner to interact
// with the consensus set
Consensus interface {
AcceptBlock(context.Context, types.Block) error
// A Miner is a CPU miner that can mine blocks, sending the reward to a
// specified address.
Miner struct {
consensus Consensus
mu sync.Mutex
height stypes.BlockHeight
target stypes.Target
currentBlockID stypes.BlockID
txnsets map[modules.TransactionSetID][]stypes.TransactionID
transactions []stypes.Transaction
var errFailedToSolve = errors.New("failed to solve block")
// ProcessConsensusChange implements modules.ConsensusSetSubscriber.
func (m *Miner) ProcessConsensusChange(cc modules.ConsensusChange) {
defer = cc.ChildTarget
m.currentBlockID = cc.AppliedBlocks[len(cc.AppliedBlocks)-1].ID()
m.height = cc.BlockHeight
// ReceiveUpdatedUnconfirmedTransactions implements modules.TransactionPoolSubscriber
func (m *Miner) ReceiveUpdatedUnconfirmedTransactions(diff *modules.TransactionPoolDiff) {
reverted := make(map[stypes.TransactionID]bool)
for _, setID := range diff.RevertedTransactions {
for _, txnID := range m.txnsets[setID] {
reverted[txnID] = true
filtered := m.transactions[:0]
for _, txn := range m.transactions {
if reverted[txn.ID()] {
filtered = append(filtered, txn)
for _, txnset := range diff.AppliedTransactions {
m.txnsets[txnset.ID] = txnset.IDs
filtered = append(filtered, txnset.Transactions...)
m.transactions = filtered
// mineBlock attempts to mine a block and add it to the consensus set.
func (m *Miner) mineBlock(addr stypes.UnlockHash) error {
block := stypes.Block{
ParentID: m.currentBlockID,
Timestamp: stypes.CurrentTimestamp(),
randBytes := frand.Bytes(stypes.SpecifierLen)
randTxn := stypes.Transaction{
ArbitraryData: [][]byte{append(modules.PrefixNonSia[:], randBytes...)},
block.Transactions = append([]stypes.Transaction{randTxn}, m.transactions...)
block.MinerPayouts = append(block.MinerPayouts, stypes.SiacoinOutput{
Value: block.CalculateSubsidy(m.height + 1),
UnlockHash: addr,
target :=
merkleRoot := block.MerkleRoot()
header := make([]byte, 80)
copy(header, block.ParentID[:])
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(header[40:48], uint64(block.Timestamp))
copy(header[48:], merkleRoot[:])
var nonce uint64
var solved bool
for i := 0; i < solveAttempts; i++ {
id := crypto.HashBytes(header)
if bytes.Compare(target[:], id[:]) >= 0 {
block.Nonce = *(*stypes.BlockNonce)(header[32:40])
solved = true
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(header[32:], nonce)
nonce += stypes.ASICHardforkFactor
if !solved {
return errFailedToSolve
var b types.Block
convertToCore(&block, &b)
if err := m.consensus.AcceptBlock(context.Background(), b); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to get block accepted: %w", err)
return nil
// Mine mines n blocks, sending the reward to addr
func (m *Miner) Mine(addr types.Address, n int) error {
var err error
for mined := 1; mined <= n; {
// return the error only if the miner failed to solve the block,
// ignore any consensus related errors
if err = m.mineBlock(stypes.UnlockHash(addr)); errors.Is(err, errFailedToSolve) {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to mine block %v: %w", mined, errFailedToSolve)
return nil
// NewMiner initializes a new CPU miner
func NewMiner(consensus Consensus) *Miner {
return &Miner{
consensus: consensus,
txnsets: make(map[modules.TransactionSetID][]stypes.TransactionID),

View File

@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
package node
import (
mconsensus ""
stypes ""
type WorkerConfig struct {
ID string
AllowPrivateIPs bool
BusFlushInterval time.Duration
ContractLockTimeout time.Duration
SessionLockTimeout time.Duration
SessionReconnectTimeout time.Duration
SessionTTL time.Duration
DownloadSectorTimeout time.Duration
UploadSectorTimeout time.Duration
DownloadMaxOverdrive uint64
UploadMaxOverdrive uint64
type BusConfig struct {
Bootstrap bool
GatewayAddr string
Network *consensus.Network
Miner *Miner
PersistInterval time.Duration
DBLoggerConfig stores.LoggerConfig
DBDialector gorm.Dialector
type AutopilotConfig struct {
AccountsRefillInterval time.Duration
Heartbeat time.Duration
MigrationHealthCutoff float64
ScannerInterval time.Duration
ScannerBatchSize uint64
ScannerMinRecentFailures uint64
ScannerNumThreads uint64
type ShutdownFn = func(context.Context) error
func convertToSiad(core types.EncoderTo, siad encoding.SiaUnmarshaler) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
e := types.NewEncoder(&buf)
if err := siad.UnmarshalSia(&buf); err != nil {
func convertToCore(siad encoding.SiaMarshaler, core types.DecoderFrom) {
var buf bytes.Buffer
d := types.NewBufDecoder(buf.Bytes())
if d.Err() != nil {
type chainManager struct {
cs modules.ConsensusSet
network *consensus.Network
func (cm chainManager) AcceptBlock(ctx context.Context, b types.Block) error {
var sb stypes.Block
convertToSiad(b, &sb)
return cm.cs.AcceptBlock(sb)
func (cm chainManager) LastBlockTime() time.Time {
return time.Unix(int64(cm.cs.CurrentBlock().Timestamp), 0)
func (cm chainManager) Synced(ctx context.Context) bool {
return cm.cs.Synced()
func (cm chainManager) TipState(ctx context.Context) consensus.State {
return consensus.State{
Index: types.ChainIndex{
Height: uint64(cm.cs.Height()),
ID: types.BlockID(cm.cs.CurrentBlock().ID()),
type syncer struct {
g modules.Gateway
tp modules.TransactionPool
func (s syncer) Addr() string {
return string(s.g.Address())
func (s syncer) Peers() []string {
var peers []string
for _, p := range s.g.Peers() {
peers = append(peers, string(p.NetAddress))
return peers
func (s syncer) Connect(addr string) error {
return s.g.Connect(modules.NetAddress(addr))
func (s syncer) BroadcastTransaction(txn types.Transaction, dependsOn []types.Transaction) {
txnSet := make([]stypes.Transaction, len(dependsOn)+1)
for i, txn := range dependsOn {
convertToSiad(txn, &txnSet[i])
convertToSiad(txn, &txnSet[len(txnSet)-1])
func (s syncer) SyncerAddress(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
return string(s.g.Address()), nil
type txpool struct {
tp modules.TransactionPool
func (tp txpool) RecommendedFee() (fee types.Currency) {
_, max :=
convertToCore(&max, &fee)
func (tp txpool) Transactions() []types.Transaction {
stxns :=
txns := make([]types.Transaction, len(stxns))
for i := range txns {
convertToCore(&stxns[i], &txns[i])
return txns
func (tp txpool) AddTransactionSet(txns []types.Transaction) error {
stxns := make([]stypes.Transaction, len(txns))
for i := range stxns {
convertToSiad(&txns[i], &stxns[i])
func (tp txpool) UnconfirmedParents(txn types.Transaction) ([]types.Transaction, error) {
pool := tp.Transactions()
outputToParent := make(map[types.SiacoinOutputID]*types.Transaction)
for i, txn := range pool {
for j := range txn.SiacoinOutputs {
outputToParent[txn.SiacoinOutputID(j)] = &pool[i]
var parents []types.Transaction
seen := make(map[types.TransactionID]bool)
for _, sci := range txn.SiacoinInputs {
if parent, ok := outputToParent[sci.ParentID]; ok {
if txid := parent.ID(); !seen[txid] {
seen[txid] = true
parents = append(parents, *parent)
return parents, nil
func NewBus(cfg BusConfig, dir string, seed types.PrivateKey, l *zap.Logger) (http.Handler, ShutdownFn, error) {
gatewayDir := filepath.Join(dir, "gateway")
if err := os.MkdirAll(gatewayDir, 0700); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
g, err := gateway.New(cfg.GatewayAddr, cfg.Bootstrap, gatewayDir)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
consensusDir := filepath.Join(dir, "consensus")
if err := os.MkdirAll(consensusDir, 0700); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
cs, errCh := mconsensus.New(g, cfg.Bootstrap, consensusDir)
select {
case err := <-errCh:
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
go func() {
if err := <-errCh; err != nil {
log.Println("WARNING: consensus initialization returned an error:", err)
tpoolDir := filepath.Join(dir, "transactionpool")
if err := os.MkdirAll(tpoolDir, 0700); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
tp, err := transactionpool.New(cs, g, tpoolDir)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// If no DB dialector was provided, use SQLite.
dbConn := cfg.DBDialector
if dbConn == nil {
dbDir := filepath.Join(dir, "db")
if err := os.MkdirAll(dbDir, 0700); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
dbConn = stores.NewSQLiteConnection(filepath.Join(dbDir, "db.sqlite"))
sqlLogger := stores.NewSQLLogger(l.Named("db"), cfg.DBLoggerConfig)
walletAddr := wallet.StandardAddress(seed.PublicKey())
sqlStore, ccid, err := stores.NewSQLStore(dbConn, true, cfg.PersistInterval, walletAddr, sqlLogger)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
} else if err := cs.ConsensusSetSubscribe(sqlStore, ccid, nil); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
w := wallet.NewSingleAddressWallet(seed, sqlStore)
if m := cfg.Miner; m != nil {
if err := cs.ConsensusSetSubscribe(m, ccid, nil); err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
b, err := bus.New(syncer{g, tp}, chainManager{cs: cs, network: cfg.Network}, txpool{tp}, w, sqlStore, sqlStore, sqlStore, sqlStore, l)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
shutdownFn := func(ctx context.Context) error {
return joinErrors([]error{
return b.Handler(), shutdownFn, nil
func NewWorker(cfg WorkerConfig, b worker.Bus, seed types.PrivateKey, l *zap.Logger) (http.Handler, ShutdownFn, error) {
workerKey := blake2b.Sum256(append([]byte("worker"), seed...))
w, err := worker.New(workerKey, cfg.ID, b, cfg.ContractLockTimeout, cfg.SessionLockTimeout, cfg.SessionReconnectTimeout, cfg.SessionTTL, cfg.BusFlushInterval, cfg.DownloadSectorTimeout, cfg.UploadSectorTimeout, cfg.DownloadMaxOverdrive, cfg.UploadMaxOverdrive, cfg.AllowPrivateIPs, l)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return w.Handler(), w.Shutdown, nil
func NewAutopilot(cfg AutopilotConfig, s autopilot.Store, b autopilot.Bus, workers []autopilot.Worker, l *zap.Logger) (http.Handler, func() error, ShutdownFn, error) {
ap, err := autopilot.New(s, b, workers, l, cfg.Heartbeat, cfg.ScannerInterval, cfg.ScannerBatchSize, cfg.ScannerMinRecentFailures, cfg.ScannerNumThreads, cfg.MigrationHealthCutoff, cfg.AccountsRefillInterval)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
return ap.Handler(), ap.Run, ap.Shutdown, nil
func NewLogger(path string) (*zap.Logger, func(context.Context) error, error) {
writer, closeFn, err := zap.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
// console
config := zap.NewProductionEncoderConfig()
config.EncodeTime = zapcore.RFC3339TimeEncoder
config.EncodeLevel = zapcore.CapitalColorLevelEncoder
config.StacktraceKey = ""
consoleEncoder := zapcore.NewConsoleEncoder(config)
// file
config = zap.NewProductionEncoderConfig()
config.EncodeTime = zapcore.RFC3339TimeEncoder
config.CallerKey = "" // hide
config.StacktraceKey = "" // hide
config.NameKey = "component"
config.TimeKey = "date"
fileEncoder := zapcore.NewJSONEncoder(config)
core := zapcore.NewTee(
zapcore.NewCore(fileEncoder, writer, zapcore.DebugLevel),
zapcore.NewCore(consoleEncoder, zapcore.AddSync(os.Stdout), zapcore.DebugLevel),
logger := zap.New(
return logger, func(_ context.Context) error {
_ = logger.Sync() // ignore Error
return nil
}, nil
func joinErrors(errs []error) error {
filtered := errs[:0]
for _, err := range errs {
if err != nil {
filtered = append(filtered, err)
switch len(filtered) {
case 0:
return nil
case 1:
return filtered[0]
strs := make([]string, len(filtered))
for i := range strs {
strs[i] = filtered[i].Error()
return errors.New(strings.Join(strs, ";"))

View File

@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
package renterd
import (
const (
// accountRefillInterval is the amount of time between refills of ephemeral
// accounts. If we conservatively assume that a good host charges 500 SC /
// TiB, we can pay for about 2.2 GiB with 1 SC. Since we want to refill
// ahead of time at 0.5 SC, that makes 1.1 GiB. Considering a 1 Gbps uplink
// that is shared across 30 uploads, we upload at around 33 Mbps to each
// host. That means uploading 1.1 GiB to drain 0.5 SC takes around 5
// minutes. That's why we assume 10 seconds to be more than frequent enough
// to refill an account when it's due for another refill.
defaultAccountRefillInterval = 10 * time.Second
var (
// to be supplied at build time
githash = "?"
builddate = "?"
// fetched once, then cached
apiPassword *string
apiAddr *string
seed *types.PrivateKey
ready = make(chan bool)
readyFired = false
shutdown = make(chan bool)
shutdownFired = false
func check(context string, err error) {
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("%v: %v", context, err)
func GetAPIPassword() string {
if apiPassword == nil {
pw := os.Getenv("RENTERD_API_PASSWORD")
if pw != "" {
fmt.Println("Using RENTERD_API_PASSWORD environment variable.")
apiPassword = &pw
} else {
fmt.Print("Enter API password: ")
pw, err := term.ReadPassword(int(os.Stdin.Fd()))
if err != nil {
s := string(pw)
apiPassword = &s
return *apiPassword
func GetSeed() types.PrivateKey {
if seed == nil {
phrase := os.Getenv("RENTERD_SEED")
if phrase != "" {
fmt.Println("Using RENTERD_SEED environment variable")
} else {
fmt.Print("Enter seed: ")
pw, err := term.ReadPassword(int(os.Stdin.Fd()))
check("Could not read seed phrase:", err)
phrase = string(pw)
key, err := wallet.KeyFromPhrase(phrase)
if err != nil {
seed = &key
return *seed
type currencyVar types.Currency
func newCurrencyVar(c *types.Currency, d types.Currency) *currencyVar {
*c = d
return (*currencyVar)(c)
func (c *currencyVar) Set(s string) (err error) {
*(*types.Currency)(c), err = types.ParseCurrency(s)
func (c *currencyVar) String() string {
return strings.Replace((*types.Currency)(c).String(), " ", "", -1)
func flagCurrencyVar(c *types.Currency, name string, d types.Currency, usage string) {
flag.Var(newCurrencyVar(c, d), name, usage)
func getDBDialectorFromEnv() gorm.Dialector {
uri, user, password, dbName := stores.DBConfigFromEnv()
if uri == "" {
return nil
return stores.NewMySQLConnection(user, password, uri, dbName)
func parseEnvVar(s string, v interface{}) {
if env, ok := os.LookupEnv(s); ok {
if _, err := fmt.Sscan(env, v); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("failed to parse %s: %v", s, err)
fmt.Printf("Using %s environment variable\n", s)
func Main() {
var nodeCfg struct {
shutdownTimeout time.Duration
var busCfg struct {
remoteAddr string
apiPassword string
busCfg.Network = build.ConsensusNetwork
var dbCfg struct {
uri string
user string
password string
database string
var dbLoggerCfg struct {
ignoreNotFoundError string
logLevel string
slowThreshold string
var workerCfg struct {
enabled bool
remoteAddrs string
apiPassword string
workerCfg.AllowPrivateIPs = false
workerCfg.ContractLockTimeout = 30 * time.Second
var autopilotCfg struct {
enabled bool
apiAddr = flag.String("http", build.DefaultAPIAddress, "address to serve API on")
tracingEnabled := flag.Bool("tracing-enabled", false, "Enables tracing through OpenTelemetry. If RENTERD_TRACING_ENABLED is set, it overwrites the CLI flag's value. Tracing can be configured using the standard OpenTelemetry environment variables.")
tracingServiceInstanceId := flag.String("tracing-service-instance-id", "cluster", "ID of the service instance used for tracing. If RENTERD_TRACING_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID is set, it overwrites the CLI flag's value.")
dir := flag.String("dir", ".", "directory to store node state in")
// db
flag.StringVar(&dbCfg.uri, "db.uri", "", "URI of the database to use for the bus - can be overwritten using RENTERD_DB_URI environment variable")
flag.StringVar(&dbCfg.user, "db.user", "", "username for the database to use for the bus - can be overwritten using RENTERD_DB_USER environment variable")
flag.StringVar(&dbCfg.password, "db.password", "", "password for the database to use for the bus - can be overwritten using RENTERD_DB_PASSWORD environment variable")
flag.StringVar(&dbCfg.database, "", "", "name of the database to use for the bus - can be overwritten using RENTERD_DB_NAME environment variable")
// db logger
flag.StringVar(&dbLoggerCfg.ignoreNotFoundError, "db.logger.ignoreNotFoundError", "true", "ignore not found error for logger - can be overwritten using RENTERD_DB_LOGGER_IGNORE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR environment variable")
flag.StringVar(&dbLoggerCfg.logLevel, "db.logger.logLevel", "warn", "log level for logger - can be overwritten using RENTERD_DB_LOGGER_LOG_LEVEL environment variable")
flag.StringVar(&dbLoggerCfg.slowThreshold, "db.logger.slowThreshold", "500ms", "slow threshold for logger - can be overwritten using RENTERD_DB_LOGGER_SLOW_THRESHOLD environment variable")
// bus
flag.BoolVar(&busCfg.Bootstrap, "bus.bootstrap", true, "bootstrap the gateway and consensus modules")
flag.StringVar(&busCfg.GatewayAddr, "bus.gatewayAddr", build.DefaultGatewayAddress, "address to listen on for Sia peer connections - can be overwritten using RENTERD_BUS_GATEWAY_ADDR environment variable")
flag.DurationVar(&busCfg.PersistInterval, "bus.persistInterval", busCfg.PersistInterval, "interval at which to persist the consensus updates")
flag.StringVar(&busCfg.apiPassword, "bus.apiPassword", "", "API password for remote bus service - can be overwritten using RENTERD_BUS_API_PASSWORD environment variable")
flag.StringVar(&busCfg.remoteAddr, "bus.remoteAddr", "", "URL of remote bus service - can be overwritten using RENTERD_BUS_REMOTE_ADDR environment variable")
// worker
flag.DurationVar(&workerCfg.BusFlushInterval, "worker.busFlushInterval", 5*time.Second, "time after which the worker flushes buffered data to bus for persisting")
flag.Uint64Var(&workerCfg.DownloadMaxOverdrive, "worker.downloadMaxOverdrive", 5, "maximum number of active overdrive workers when downloading a slab")
flag.StringVar(&workerCfg.WorkerConfig.ID, "", "worker", "unique identifier of worker used internally - can be overwritten using the RENTERD_WORKER_ID environment variable")
flag.DurationVar(&workerCfg.SessionLockTimeout, "worker.sessionLockTimeout", 30*time.Second, "the maximum amount of time a host should wait on the lock when the lock RPC is called")
flag.DurationVar(&workerCfg.SessionReconnectTimeout, "worker.sessionReconnectTimeout", 10*time.Second, "the maximum amount of time reconnecting a session is allowed to take")
flag.DurationVar(&workerCfg.SessionTTL, "worker.sessionTTL", 2*time.Minute, "the time a host session is valid for before reconnecting")
flag.DurationVar(&workerCfg.DownloadSectorTimeout, "worker.downloadSectorTimeout", 3*time.Second, "timeout applied to sector downloads when downloading a slab")
flag.Uint64Var(&workerCfg.UploadMaxOverdrive, "worker.uploadMaxOverdrive", 5, "maximum number of active overdrive workers when uploading a slab")
flag.DurationVar(&workerCfg.UploadSectorTimeout, "worker.uploadSectorTimeout", 5*time.Second, "timeout applied to sector uploads when uploading a slab")
flag.StringVar(&workerCfg.apiPassword, "worker.apiPassword", "", "API password for remote worker service")
flag.BoolVar(&workerCfg.enabled, "worker.enabled", true, "enable/disable creating a worker - can be overwritten using the RENTERD_WORKER_ENABLED environment variable")
flag.StringVar(&workerCfg.remoteAddrs, "worker.remoteAddrs", "", "URL of remote worker service(s). Multiple addresses can be provided by separating them with a semicolon. Can be overwritten using RENTERD_WORKER_REMOTE_ADDRS environment variable")
// autopilot
flag.DurationVar(&autopilotCfg.AccountsRefillInterval, "autopilot.accountRefillInterval", defaultAccountRefillInterval, "interval at which the autopilot checks the workers' accounts balance and refills them if necessary")
flag.DurationVar(&autopilotCfg.Heartbeat, "autopilot.heartbeat", 10*time.Minute, "interval at which autopilot loop runs")
flag.Float64Var(&autopilotCfg.MigrationHealthCutoff, "autopilot.migrationHealthCutoff", 0.75, "health threshold below which slabs are migrated to new hosts")
flag.Uint64Var(&autopilotCfg.ScannerBatchSize, "autopilot.scannerBatchSize", 1000, "size of the batch with which hosts are scanned")
flag.DurationVar(&autopilotCfg.ScannerInterval, "autopilot.scannerInterval", 24*time.Hour, "interval at which hosts are scanned")
flag.Uint64Var(&autopilotCfg.ScannerMinRecentFailures, "autopilot.scannerMinRecentFailures", 10, "minimum amount of consesutive failed scans a host must have before it is removed for exceeding the max downtime")
flag.Uint64Var(&autopilotCfg.ScannerNumThreads, "autopilot.scannerNumThreads", 100, "number of threads that scan hosts")
flag.BoolVar(&autopilotCfg.enabled, "autopilot.enabled", true, "enable/disable the autopilot - can be overwritten using the RENTERD_AUTOPILOT_ENABLED environment variable")
flag.DurationVar(&nodeCfg.shutdownTimeout, "node.shutdownTimeout", 5*time.Minute, "the timeout applied to the node shutdown")
log.Println("renterd v0.1.0")
log.Println("Network", build.ConsensusNetworkName)
if flag.Arg(0) == "version" {
log.Println("Commit:", githash)
log.Println("Build Date:", builddate)
} else if flag.Arg(0) == "seed" {
log.Println("Seed phrase:", wallet.NewSeedPhrase())
// Overwrite flags from environment if set.
parseEnvVar("RENTERD_TRACING_ENABLED", tracingEnabled)
parseEnvVar("RENTERD_TRACING_SERVICE_INSTANCE_ID", tracingServiceInstanceId)
parseEnvVar("RENTERD_BUS_REMOTE_ADDR", &busCfg.remoteAddr)
parseEnvVar("RENTERD_BUS_API_PASSWORD", &busCfg.apiPassword)
parseEnvVar("RENTERD_BUS_GATEWAY_ADDR", &busCfg.GatewayAddr)
parseEnvVar("RENTERD_DB_URI", &dbCfg.uri)
parseEnvVar("RENTERD_DB_USER", &dbCfg.user)
parseEnvVar("RENTERD_DB_PASSWORD", &dbCfg.password)
parseEnvVar("RENTERD_DB_NAME", &dbCfg.database)
parseEnvVar("RENTERD_DB_LOGGER_IGNORE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR", &dbLoggerCfg.ignoreNotFoundError)
parseEnvVar("RENTERD_DB_LOGGER_LOG_LEVEL", &dbLoggerCfg.logLevel)
parseEnvVar("RENTERD_DB_LOGGER_SLOW_THRESHOLD", &dbLoggerCfg.slowThreshold)
parseEnvVar("RENTERD_WORKER_REMOTE_ADDRS", &workerCfg.remoteAddrs)
parseEnvVar("RENTERD_WORKER_API_PASSWORD", &workerCfg.apiPassword)
parseEnvVar("RENTERD_WORKER_ENABLED", &workerCfg.enabled)
parseEnvVar("RENTERD_WORKER_ID", &workerCfg.ID)
parseEnvVar("RENTERD_AUTOPILOT_ENABLED", &autopilotCfg.enabled)
var autopilotShutdownFn func(context.Context) error
var shutdownFns []func(context.Context) error
// Init tracing.
if *tracingEnabled {
shutdownFn, err := tracing.Init(*tracingServiceInstanceId)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("failed to init tracing", err)
shutdownFns = append(shutdownFns, shutdownFn)
if busCfg.remoteAddr != "" && workerCfg.remoteAddrs != "" && !autopilotCfg.enabled {
log.Fatal("remote bus, remote worker, and no autopilot -- nothing to do!")
if workerCfg.remoteAddrs == "" && !workerCfg.enabled && autopilotCfg.enabled {
log.Fatal("can't enable autopilot without providing either workers to connect to or creating a worker")
// create listener first, so that we know the actual apiAddr if the user
// specifies port :0
l, err := net.Listen("tcp", *apiAddr)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("failed to create listener", err)
shutdownFns = append(shutdownFns, func(_ context.Context) error {
_ = l.Close()
return nil
*apiAddr = "http://" + l.Addr().String()
auth := jape.BasicAuth(GetAPIPassword())
mux := treeMux{
h: createUIHandler(),
sub: make(map[string]treeMux),
// Create logger.
renterdLog := filepath.Join(*dir, "renterd.log")
logger, closeFn, err := node.NewLogger(renterdLog)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("failed to create logger", err)
shutdownFns = append(shutdownFns, closeFn)
busAddr, busPassword := busCfg.remoteAddr, busCfg.apiPassword
if busAddr == "" {
b, shutdownFn, err := node.NewBus(busCfg.BusConfig, *dir, GetSeed(), logger)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("failed to create bus, err: ", err)
shutdownFns = append(shutdownFns, shutdownFn)
mux.sub["/api/bus"] = treeMux{h: auth(b)}
busAddr = *apiAddr + "/api/bus"
busPassword = GetAPIPassword()
} else {
fmt.Println("connecting to remote bus at", busAddr)
bc := bus.NewClient(busAddr, busPassword)
var workers []autopilot.Worker
workerAddrs, workerPassword := workerCfg.remoteAddrs, workerCfg.apiPassword
if workerAddrs == "" {
if workerCfg.enabled {
w, shutdownFn, err := node.NewWorker(workerCfg.WorkerConfig, bc, GetSeed(), logger)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("failed to create worker", err)
shutdownFns = append(shutdownFns, shutdownFn)
mux.sub["/api/worker"] = treeMux{h: auth(w)}
workerAddr := *apiAddr + "/api/worker"
workerPassword = GetAPIPassword()
workers = append(workers, worker.NewClient(workerAddr, workerPassword))
} else {
// TODO: all workers use the same password. Figure out a nice way to
// have individual passwords.
workerAddrsSplit := strings.Split(workerAddrs, ";")
for _, workerAddr := range workerAddrsSplit {
workers = append(workers, worker.NewClient(workerAddr, workerPassword))
fmt.Println("connecting to remote worker at", workerAddr)
autopilotErr := make(chan error, 1)
if autopilotCfg.enabled {
autopilotDir := filepath.Join(*dir, "autopilot")
if err := os.MkdirAll(autopilotDir, 0700); err != nil {
log.Fatal("failed to create autopilot dir", err)
s, err := stores.NewJSONAutopilotStore(autopilotDir)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("failed to create JSON autopilot store", err)
ap, runFn, shutdownFn, err := node.NewAutopilot(autopilotCfg.AutopilotConfig, s, bc, workers, logger)
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("failed to create autopilot", err)
// NOTE: the autopilot shutdown function is not added to the shutdown
// functions array because it needs to be called first
autopilotShutdownFn = shutdownFn
go func() { autopilotErr <- runFn() }()
mux.sub["/api/autopilot"] = treeMux{h: auth(ap)}
srv := &http.Server{Handler: mux}
go srv.Serve(l)
log.Println("api: Listening on", l.Addr())
syncerAddress, err := bc.SyncerAddress(context.Background())
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("failed to fetch syncer address", err)
log.Println("bus: Listening on", syncerAddress)
signalCh := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
signal.Notify(signalCh, os.Interrupt, syscall.SIGTERM)
ready <- true
select {
case <-signalCh:
log.Println("Shutting down...")
shutdownFns = append(shutdownFns, srv.Shutdown)
case err := <-autopilotErr:
log.Fatalln("Fatal autopilot error:", err)
// Shut down the autopilot first, then the rest of the services in reverse order.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), nodeCfg.shutdownTimeout)
defer cancel()
if autopilotShutdownFn != nil {
if err := autopilotShutdownFn(ctx); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to shut down autopilot: %v", err)
for i := len(shutdownFns) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if err := shutdownFns[i](ctx); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Shutdown function %v failed: %v", i+1, err)
shutdown <- true
func GetApiAddr() string {
return *apiAddr
func Ready() bool {
if readyFired {
return true
readyFired = <-ready
return true
func ShutdownComplete() bool {
if shutdownFired {
return true
shutdownFired = <-shutdown
return true

View File

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
package renterd
import (
_ "net/http/pprof"
type clientRouterFS struct {
fs fs.FS
func (cr *clientRouterFS) Open(name string) (fs.File, error) {
f, err := cr.fs.Open(name)
if errors.Is(err, fs.ErrNotExist) {
return cr.fs.Open("index.html")
return f, err
func createUIHandler() http.Handler {
assets, err := fs.Sub(ui.Assets, "assets")
if err != nil {
return http.FileServer(http.FS(&clientRouterFS{fs: assets}))
type treeMux struct {
h http.Handler
sub map[string]treeMux
func (t treeMux) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
if strings.HasPrefix(req.URL.Path, "/debug/pprof") {
http.DefaultServeMux.ServeHTTP(w, req)
for prefix, c := range t.sub {
if strings.HasPrefix(req.URL.Path, prefix) {
req.URL.Path = strings.TrimPrefix(req.URL.Path, prefix)
c.ServeHTTP(w, req)
t.h.ServeHTTP(w, req)

View File

@ -10,10 +10,10 @@ import (
_ ""
@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ var client *resty.Client
func Init() {
client = resty.New()
client.SetBaseURL(renterd.GetApiAddr() + "/api")
client.SetBasicAuth("", renterd.GetAPIPassword())
client.SetBasicAuth("", viper.GetString("renterd-api-password"))