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import { Button } from "~/components/ui/button"
import logoPng from "~/images/lume-logo.png?url"
import lumeColorLogoPng from "~/images/lume-color-logo.png?url"
import discordLogoPng from "~/images/discord-logo.png?url"
import { Link } from "@remix-run/react"
export const DashboardLayout = ({ children }: React.PropsWithChildren<{}>) => {
return (
<div className="p-10 h-full flex flex-row">
<header className="w-full flex flex-col max-w-[240px] h-full">
<img src={logoPng} alt="Lume logo" className="h-10 w-32" />
<nav className="my-10 flex-1">
<Link to="/dashboard">
<ClockIcon className="w-5 h-5 mr-2" />
<Link to="/file-manager">
<DriveIcon className="w-5 h-5 mr-2" />
File Manager
<Link to="/account">
<CircleLockIcon className="w-5 h-5 mr-2" />
<span className="text-primary-2 mb-3 -space-y-1 opacity-40">
<Button className="w-[calc(100%-3rem)] font-semibold h-16">
<CloudUploadIcon className="w-6 h-6 -ml-3 mr-4" />
Upload Files
<footer className="my-5">
<ul className="flex flex-row">
<Link to="https://discord.lumeweb.com">
className="flex flex-row gap-x-2 text-input-placeholder"
<img className="h-5" src={discordLogoPng} alt="Discord Logo" />
Connect with us
<Link to="https://lumeweb.com">
className="flex flex-row gap-x-2 text-input-placeholder"
<img className="h-5" src={lumeColorLogoPng} alt="Lume Logo" />
Connect with us
const NavigationButton = ({ children }: React.PropsWithChildren) => {
return (
<Button variant="ghost" className="justify-start h-14 w-[calc(100%-3rem)] font-semibold">
const ClockIcon = ({ className }: { className?: string }) => {
return (
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const CircleLockIcon = ({ className }: { className?: string }) => {
return (
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d="M11.1722 2.56738C16.3146 2.56738 20.4831 6.73587 20.4831 11.8783C20.4831 13.8671 19.8593 15.7106 18.7969 17.2237L15.8277 11.8783H18.6209C18.6208 10.1615 18.0277 8.49755 16.9419 7.16779C15.8561 5.83804 14.3443 4.92415 12.6623 4.58073C10.9802 4.23731 9.23121 4.48544 7.71106 5.28315C6.19092 6.08086 4.99298 7.37917 4.31989 8.95846C3.64681 10.5377 3.5399 12.301 4.01726 13.9501C4.49461 15.5991 5.52693 17.0326 6.93957 18.0082C8.3522 18.9837 10.0584 19.4413 11.7697 19.3036C13.4809 19.1659 15.092 18.4414 16.3305 17.2525L17.2597 18.9238C15.5699 20.388 13.4081 21.1925 11.1722 21.1892C6.02982 21.1892 1.86133 17.0207 1.86133 11.8783C1.86133 6.73587 6.02982 2.56738 11.1722 2.56738ZM11.1722 7.22283C11.913 7.22283 12.6235 7.51712 13.1474 8.04096C13.6712 8.5648 13.9655 9.27528 13.9655 10.0161V10.9472H14.8966V15.6026H7.44786V10.9472H8.37895V10.0161C8.37895 9.27528 8.67324 8.5648 9.19708 8.04096C9.72092 7.51712 10.4314 7.22283 11.1722 7.22283ZM11.1722 9.08501C10.9442 9.08504 10.7241 9.16877 10.5536 9.32031C10.3832 9.47185 10.2743 9.68067 10.2477 9.90716L10.2411 10.0161V10.9472H12.1033V10.0161C12.1033 9.78804 12.0196 9.56793 11.868 9.39751C11.7165 9.22709 11.5076 9.11821 11.2812 9.09153L11.1722 9.08501Z"
const DriveIcon = ({ className }: { className?: string }) => {
return (
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