import Uppy, {debugLogger, type State, UppyFile} from "@uppy/core" import Tus from "@uppy/tus" import toArray from "@uppy/utils/lib/toArray" import {type ChangeEvent, useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState} from "react" import DropTarget, {type DropTargetOptions} from "./uppy-dropzone" import {useSdk} from "~/components/lib/sdk-context.js"; import UppyFileUpload from "~/components/lib/uppy-file-upload.js"; import {PROTOCOL_S5, Sdk} from "@lumeweb/portal-sdk"; import {S5Client, HashProgressEvent} from "@lumeweb/s5-js"; const LISTENING_EVENTS = [ "upload", "upload-success", "upload-error", "file-added", "file-removed", "files-added" ] as const export function useUppy() { const sdk = useSdk() const [uploadLimit, setUploadLimit] = useState<number>(0) useEffect(() => { async function getUploadLimit() { try { const limit = await sdk.account!().uploadLimit(); setUploadLimit(limit); } catch (err) { console.log('Error occured while fetching upload limit', err); } } getUploadLimit(); }, []); const inputRef = useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null) const [targetRef, _setTargetRef] = useState<HTMLElement | null>(null) const uppyInstance = useRef<Uppy>() const setRef = useCallback( (element: HTMLElement | null) => _setTargetRef(element), [] ) const [, setUppyState] = useState<State>() const [state, setState] = useState< "completed" | "idle" | "initializing" | "error" | "uploading" >("initializing") const [inputProps, setInputProps] = useState< | { ref: typeof inputRef type: "file" onChange: (event: ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void } | object >({}) const getRootProps = useMemo( () => () => { return { ref: setRef, onClick: () => { if (inputRef.current) { //@ts-expect-error -- dumb html inputRef.current.value = null console.log("clicked", { input: inputRef.current }) } }, role: "presentation" } }, [setRef] ) const removeFile = useCallback( (id: string) => { uppyInstance.current?.removeFile(id) }, // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps [targetRef, uppyInstance] ) const cancelAll = useCallback( () => uppyInstance.current?.cancelAll({ reason: "user" }), // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps [targetRef, uppyInstance] ) useEffect(() => { if (!targetRef) return const tusPreprocessor = async (fileIDs: string[]) => { for(const fileID of fileIDs) { const file = uppyInstance.current?.getFile(fileID) as UppyFile // @ts-ignore if (file.uploader === "tus") { const hashProgressCb = (event: HashProgressEvent) => { uppyInstance.current?.emit("preprocess-progress", file, { uploadStarted: false, bytesUploaded: 0, preprocess: { mode: "determinate", message: "Hashing file...", value: Math.round(( / * 100) } }) } const options = await sdk.protocols!().get<S5Client>(PROTOCOL_S5).getSdk().getTusOptions( as File, {}, {onHashProgress: hashProgressCb}) uppyInstance.current?.setFileState(fileID, { tus: options, meta: { ...options.metadata, ...file.meta, } }) } } } const uppy = new Uppy({ logger: debugLogger, onBeforeUpload: (files) => { for (const file of Object.entries(files)) { // @ts-ignore file[1].uploader = file[1].size > uploadLimit ? "tus" : "file"; } return true; }, }).use(DropTarget, { target: targetRef } as DropTargetOptions) uppyInstance.current = uppy setInputProps({ ref: inputRef, type: "file", onChange: (event) => { const files = toArray( if (files.length > 0) { uppyInstance.current?.log("[DragDrop] Files selected through input") uppyInstance.current?.addFiles(files) } uppy.iteratePlugins((plugin) => { uppy.removePlugin(plugin); }); uppy.use(UppyFileUpload, { sdk: sdk as Sdk }) let useTus = false; uppyInstance.current?.getFiles().forEach((file) => { if (file.size > uploadLimit) { useTus = true; } }) if (useTus) { uppy.use(Tus, { limit: 6, parallelUploads: 10 }) uppy.addPreProcessor(tusPreprocessor) } // We clear the input after a file is selected, because otherwise // change event is not fired in Chrome and Safari when a file // with the same name is selected. // ___Why not use value="" on <input/> instead? // Because if we use that method of clearing the input, // Chrome will not trigger change if we drop the same file twice (Issue #768). // @ts-expect-error TS freaks out, but this is fine // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign = null } }) uppy.on("complete", (result) => { if (result.failed.length === 0) { console.log("Upload successful üòÄ") setState("completed") } else { console.warn("Upload failed üòû") setState("error") } console.log("successful files:", result.successful) console.log("failed files:", result.failed) }) const setStateCb = (event: (typeof LISTENING_EVENTS)[number]) => { switch (event) { case "upload": setState("uploading") break case "upload-error": setState("error") break default: break } setUppyState(uppy.getState()) } for (const event of LISTENING_EVENTS) { uppy.on(event, function cb() { setStateCb(event) }) } setState("idle") }, [targetRef, uploadLimit]) useEffect(() => { return () => { uppyInstance.current?.cancelAll({ reason: "unmount" }) uppyInstance.current?.logout() uppyInstance.current?.close() uppyInstance.current = undefined } }, []) return { getFiles: () => uppyInstance.current?.getFiles() ?? [], error: uppyInstance.current?.getState, state, upload: () => uppyInstance.current?.upload() ?? new Error("[useUppy] Uppy has not initialized yet."), getInputProps: () => inputProps, getRootProps, removeFile, cancelAll } }