import { AnimatedAxis, // any of these can be non-animated equivalents AnimatedLineSeries, XYChart, buildChartTheme, } from "@visx/xychart"; import { curveCardinal } from "@visx/curve"; interface UsageChartProps { usageName: string; dataset: { x: string; y: number; }[]; } const accessors = { xAccessor: (d) => d.x, yAccessor: (d) => d.y, }; const customTheme = buildChartTheme({ colors: ["hsl(var(--ring))"], backgroundColor: "hsl(var(--primary-2))", gridColor: "hsl(var(--primary-2))", gridColorDark: "hsl(var(--primary-2))", tickLength: 8, xAxisLineStyles: { strokeWidth: 1, } }); export const UsageChart = ({ usageName, dataset }: UsageChartProps) => { return (
); }; const InfoIcon = ({ className }: { className?: string }) => { return ( ); };