feat: setup auth provider and refine with login, check and logout methods

This commit is contained in:
Derrick Hammer 2024-03-13 13:16:52 -04:00
parent 7032892686
commit 51618a2fda
Signed by: pcfreak30
GPG Key ID: C997C339BE476FF2
6 changed files with 18990 additions and 195 deletions

View File

@ -1,37 +1,99 @@
import { AuthProvider } from "@refinedev/core"
import type {
// @ts-ignore
} from "@refinedev/core/dist/interfaces/bindings/auth"
import type {AuthProvider} from "@refinedev/core"
export const authProvider: AuthProvider = {
login: async (params: any) => {
return { success: true } satisfies AuthActionResponse
logout: async (params: any) => {
return { success: true } satisfies AuthActionResponse
check: async (params?: any) => {
return { authenticated: true } satisfies CheckResponse
onError: async (error: any) => {
return { logout: true } satisfies OnErrorResponse
register: async (params: any) => {
return { success: true } satisfies AuthActionResponse
forgotPassword: async (params: any) => {
return { success: true } satisfies AuthActionResponse
updatePassword: async (params: any) => {
return { success: true } satisfies AuthActionResponse
getPermissions: async (params: any) => {
return { success: true } satisfies AuthActionResponse
getIdentity: async (params: any) => {
return { id: "1", fullName: "John Doe", avatar: "https://via.placeholder.com/150" }
// @ts-ignore
import type {AuthActionResponse, CheckResponse, OnErrorResponse} from "@refinedev/core/dist/interfaces/bindings/auth"
import {Sdk} from "@lumeweb/portal-sdk";
export type AuthFormRequest = {
email: string;
password: string;
rememberMe: boolean;
export class PortalAuthProvider implements RequiredAuthProvider {
private apiUrl: string;
private sdk: Sdk;
constructor(apiUrl: string) {
this.apiUrl = apiUrl;
this.sdk = Sdk.create(apiUrl);
const methods: Array<keyof AuthProvider> = [
methods.forEach((method) => {
this[method] = this[method]?.bind(this);
async login(params: AuthFormRequest): Promise<AuthActionResponse> {
const ret = await this.sdk.account().login({
email: params.email,
password: params.password,
return {
success: ret,
redirectTo: ret ? "/dashboard" : undefined,
async logout(params: any): Promise<AuthActionResponse> {
let ret = await this.sdk.account().logout();
return {success: ret, redirectTo: "/login"};
async check(params?: any): Promise<CheckResponse> {
const ret = await this.sdk.account().ping();
return {authenticated: ret};
async onError(error: any): Promise<OnErrorResponse> {
return {logout: true};
async register(params: any): Promise<AuthActionResponse> {
return {success: true};
async forgotPassword(params: any): Promise<AuthActionResponse> {
return {success: true};
async updatePassword(params: any): Promise<AuthActionResponse> {
return {success: true};
async getPermissions(params?: Record<string, any>): Promise<AuthActionResponse> {
return {success: true};
async getIdentity(params?: any): Promise<AuthActionResponse> {
return {id: "1", fullName: "John Doe", avatar: "https://via.placeholder.com/150"};
public static create(apiUrl: string): AuthProvider {
return new PortalAuthProvider(apiUrl);
interface RequiredAuthProvider extends AuthProvider {
login: AuthProvider['login'];
logout: AuthProvider['logout'];
check: AuthProvider['check'];
onError: AuthProvider['onError'];
register: AuthProvider['register'];
forgotPassword: AuthProvider['forgotPassword'];
updatePassword: AuthProvider['updatePassword'];
getPermissions: AuthProvider['getPermissions'];
getIdentity: AuthProvider['getIdentity'];

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import type { LinksFunction } from "@remix-run/node";
// Supports weights 200-800
import '@fontsource-variable/manrope';
import {Refine} from "@refinedev/core";
import {authProvider} from "~/data/auth-provider.js";
import {PortalAuthProvider} from "~/data/auth-provider.js";
import routerProvider from "@refinedev/remix-router";
export const links: LinksFunction = () => [
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ export function Layout({children}: { children: React.ReactNode }) {
export default function App() {
return (

View File

@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
import Login from "./login";
import { useGo, useIsAuthenticated } from "@refinedev/core";
import { useEffect } from "react";
import {useGo, useIsAuthenticated} from "@refinedev/core";
import {useEffect} from "react";
export default function Index() {
const { isLoading, data } = useIsAuthenticated();
const {isLoading, data} = useIsAuthenticated();
const go = useGo();
const go = useGo();
useEffect(() => {
if (!isLoading && data?.authenticated) {
go({ to: "/dashboard", type: "replace" });
useEffect(() => {
if (!isLoading) {
if (data?.authenticated) {
go({to: "/dashboard", type: "replace"});
} else {
go({to: "/login", type: "replace"});
}, [isLoading, data]);
if (isLoading) {
return <>Checking Login Status</> || null;
}, [isLoading, data]);
if (isLoading) {
return <>Checking Login Status</> || null;
if (data?.authenticated) {
return <>Redirecting</> || null;
return <Login />;
return (<>Redirecting</>) || null;

View File

@ -1,179 +1,205 @@
import type { MetaFunction } from "@remix-run/node"
import { Link, useLocation } from "@remix-run/react"
import { z } from "zod"
import { Button } from "~/components/ui/button"
import type {MetaFunction} from "@remix-run/node"
import {Link, useLocation} from "@remix-run/react"
import {z} from "zod"
import {Button} from "~/components/ui/button"
import logoPng from "~/images/lume-logo.png?url"
import lumeColorLogoPng from "~/images/lume-color-logo.png?url"
import discordLogoPng from "~/images/discord-logo.png?url"
import lumeBgPng from "~/images/lume-bg-image.png?url"
import { Field, FieldCheckbox } from "~/components/forms"
import { getFormProps, useForm } from "@conform-to/react"
import { getZodConstraint, parseWithZod } from "@conform-to/zod"
import {Field, FieldCheckbox} from "~/components/forms"
import {getFormProps, useForm} from "@conform-to/react"
import {getZodConstraint, parseWithZod} from "@conform-to/zod"
import {useGo, useIsAuthenticated, useLogin} from "@refinedev/core";
import {AuthFormRequest} from "~/data/auth-provider.js";
import {useEffect} from "react";
export const meta: MetaFunction = () => {
return [
{ title: "Login" },
{ name: "description", content: "Welcome to Lume!" }
return [
{title: "Login"},
{name: "description", content: "Welcome to Lume!"}
export default function Login() {
const location = useLocation()
const hash = location.hash
const location = useLocation()
const {isLoading: isAuthLoading, data: authData} = useIsAuthenticated();
const auth = useIsAuthenticated();
const hash = location.hash
const go = useGo();
return (
<div className="p-10 h-screen relative">
<img src={logoPng} alt="Lume logo" className="h-10" />
<div className="fixed inset-0 -z-10 overflow-clip">
alt="Lume background"
className="absolute top-0 right-0 md:w-2/3 object-cover z-[-1]"
useEffect(() => {
if (!isAuthLoading) {
if (authData?.authenticated) {
go({to: "/dashboard", type: "replace"});
}, [isAuthLoading, authData]);
{hash === "" && <LoginForm />}
{hash === "#otp" && <OtpForm />}
return (
<div className="p-10 h-screen relative">
<img src={logoPng} alt="Lume logo" className="h-10"/>
<div className="fixed inset-0 -z-10 overflow-clip">
alt="Lume background"
className="absolute top-0 right-0 md:w-2/3 object-cover z-[-1]"
<footer className="my-5">
<ul className="flex flex-row">
<Link to="https://discord.lumeweb.com">
className="flex flex-row gap-x-2 text-input-placeholder"
<img className="h-5" src={discordLogoPng} alt="Discord Logo" />
Connect with us
<Link to="https://lumeweb.com">
className="flex flex-row gap-x-2 text-input-placeholder"
<img className="h-5" src={lumeColorLogoPng} alt="Lume Logo" />
Connect with us
{hash === "" && <LoginForm/>}
{hash === "#otp" && <OtpForm/>}
<footer className="my-5">
<ul className="flex flex-row">
<Link to="https://discord.lumeweb.com">
className="flex flex-row gap-x-2 text-input-placeholder"
<img className="h-5" src={discordLogoPng} alt="Discord Logo"/>
Connect with us
<Link to="https://lumeweb.com">
className="flex flex-row gap-x-2 text-input-placeholder"
<img className="h-5" src={lumeColorLogoPng} alt="Lume Logo"/>
Connect with us
const LoginSchema = z.object({
email: z.string().email(),
password: z.string(),
rememberMe: z.boolean()
email: z.string().email(),
password: z.string(),
rememberMe: z.boolean()
const LoginForm = () => {
const [form, fields] = useForm({
id: "login",
constraint: getZodConstraint(LoginSchema),
onValidate({ formData }) {
return parseWithZod(formData, { schema: LoginSchema })
shouldValidate: "onSubmit"
const login = useLogin<AuthFormRequest>()
return (
className="w-full p-2 max-w-md space-y-3 mt-12 bg-background"
<h2 className="text-3xl font-bold !mb-12">Welcome back! 🎉</h2>
inputProps={{ name: fields.email.name }}
labelProps={{ children: "Email" }}
inputProps={{ name: fields.password.name, type: "password" }}
labelProps={{ children: "Password" }}
inputProps={{ name: fields.rememberMe.name, form: form.id }}
labelProps={{ children: "Remember Me" }}
<Button className="w-full h-14">Login</Button>
<p className="inline-block text-input-placeholder">
Forgot your password?{" "}
className="text-primary-1 text-md hover:underline hover:underline-offset-4"
const [form, fields] = useForm({
id: "login",
constraint: getZodConstraint(LoginSchema),
onValidate({formData}) {
return parseWithZod(formData, {schema: LoginSchema})
shouldValidate: "onSubmit",
onSubmit(e) {
const data = Object.fromEntries(new FormData(e.currentTarget).entries());
email: data.email.toString(),
password: data.password.toString(),
rememberMe: data.rememberMe.toString() === "on"
return (
className="w-full p-2 max-w-md space-y-3 mt-12 bg-background"
Reset Password
<Link to="/sign-up" className="block">
<Button type="button" className="w-full h-14" variant={"outline"}>
Create an Account
<h2 className="text-3xl font-bold !mb-12">Welcome back! 🎉</h2>
inputProps={{name: fields.email.name}}
labelProps={{children: "Email"}}
inputProps={{name: fields.password.name, type: "password"}}
labelProps={{children: "Password"}}
inputProps={{name: fields.rememberMe.name, form: form.id}}
labelProps={{children: "Remember Me"}}
<Button className="w-full h-14">Login</Button>
<p className="inline-block text-input-placeholder">
Forgot your password?{" "}
className="text-primary-1 text-md hover:underline hover:underline-offset-4"
Reset Password
<Link to="/sign-up" className="block">
<Button type="button" className="w-full h-14" variant={"outline"}>
Create an Account
const OtpSchema = z.object({
otp: z.string().length(6, { message: "OTP must be 6 characters" })
otp: z.string().length(6, {message: "OTP must be 6 characters"})
const OtpForm = () => {
// TODO: Add support for resending the OTP
const [form, fields] = useForm({
id: "otp",
constraint: getZodConstraint(OtpSchema),
onValidate({ formData }) {
return parseWithZod(formData, { schema: OtpSchema })
shouldValidate: "onSubmit"
const valid = false // TODO: some sort of logic to verify user is on OTP state validly
// TODO: Add support for resending the OTP
const [form, fields] = useForm({
id: "otp",
constraint: getZodConstraint(OtpSchema),
onValidate({formData}) {
return parseWithZod(formData, {schema: OtpSchema})
shouldValidate: "onSubmit"
const valid = false // TODO: some sort of logic to verify user is on OTP state validly
if (!valid) {
location.hash = ""
return null
if (!valid) {
location.hash = ""
return null
return (
className="w-full p-2 max-w-md mt-12 bg-background"
return (
className="w-full p-2 max-w-md mt-12 bg-background"
<span className="block !mb-8 space-y-2">
<h2 className="text-3xl font-bold">Check your inbox</h2>
<p className="text-input-placeholder">
We will need the six digit confirmation code you received in your
email in order to verify your account and get started. Didnt receive
a code?{" "}
<Button type="button" variant={"link"} className="text-md h-0">
<Button type="button" variant={"link"} className="text-md h-0">
Resend now
inputProps={{ name: fields.otp.name }}
labelProps={{ children: "Confirmation Code" }}
<Button className="w-full h-14">Verify</Button>
<p className="text-input-placeholder w-full text-left">
className="text-primary-1 text-md hover:underline hover:underline-offset-4"
Back to Login
inputProps={{name: fields.otp.name}}
labelProps={{children: "Confirmation Code"}}
<Button className="w-full h-14">Verify</Button>
<p className="text-input-placeholder w-full text-left">
className="text-primary-1 text-md hover:underline hover:underline-offset-4"
Back to Login

package-lock.json generated Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
"@conform-to/react": "^1.0.2",
"@conform-to/zod": "^1.0.2",
"@fontsource-variable/manrope": "^5.0.19",
"@lumeweb/portal-sdk": "^0.0.0-20240306231947",
"@lumeweb/portal-sdk": "0.0.0-20240313171219",
"@radix-ui/react-avatar": "^1.0.4",
"@radix-ui/react-checkbox": "^1.0.4",
"@radix-ui/react-dialog": "^1.0.5",