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interface PinningStatus {
id: string;
progress: number;
status: 'inprogress' | 'completed' | 'stale';
// biome-ignore lint/complexity/noStaticOnlyClass: <explanation>
class PinningProcess {
private static instances: Map<string, PinningStatus> = new Map();
static async pin(id: string): Promise<{ success: boolean; message: string }> {
if (PinningProcess.instances.has(id)) {
return { success: false, message: "ID is already being processed" };
const pinningStatus: PinningStatus = { id, progress: 0, status: 'inprogress' };
PinningProcess.instances.set(id, pinningStatus);
// Simulate async progress
(async () => {
for (let progress = 1; progress <= 100; progress++) {
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, Math.floor(Math.random() * (500 - 100 + 1)) + 100)); // Simulate time passing with random duration between 100 and 500
pinningStatus.progress = progress;
if (progress === 100) {
pinningStatus.status = 'completed';
return { success: true, message: "Pinning process started" };
static *pollProgress(id: string): Generator<PinningStatus | null, void, unknown> {
let status = PinningProcess.instances.get(id);
while (status && status.status !== 'completed') {
yield status;
status = PinningProcess.instances.get(id);
yield status ?? null; // Yield the final status, could be null if ID doesn't exist
// Example usage:
// (async () => {
// const { success, message } = await PinningProcess.pin("123");
// console.log(message);
// if (success) {
// const progressGenerator = PinningProcess.pollProgress("123");
// let result = progressGenerator.next();
// while (!result.done) {
// console.log(result.value); // Log the progress
// result = progressGenerator.next();
// }
// }
// })();