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2022-12-15 11:54:28 +00:00
import PCancelable from "p-cancelable";
export interface ClearablePromise<T> extends Promise<T> {
Clear the timeout.
clear: () => void;
export type Options<ReturnType> = {
Milliseconds before timing out.
Passing `Infinity` will cause it to never time out.
milliseconds: number;
Do something other than rejecting with an error on timeout.
You could for example retry:
import {setTimeout} from 'node:timers/promises';
import pTimeout from 'p-timeout';
const delayedPromise = () => setTimeout(200);
await pTimeout(delayedPromise(), {
milliseconds: 50,
fallback: () => {
return pTimeout(delayedPromise(), {
milliseconds: 300
fallback?: () => ReturnType | Promise<ReturnType>;
Specify a custom error message or error.
If you do a custom error, it's recommended to sub-class `pTimeout.TimeoutError`.
message?: string | Error;
Custom implementations for the `setTimeout` and `clearTimeout` functions.
Useful for testing purposes, in particular to work around [`sinon.useFakeTimers()`](https://sinonjs.org/releases/latest/fake-timers/).
import pTimeout from 'p-timeout';
import sinon from 'sinon';
const originalSetTimeout = setTimeout;
const originalClearTimeout = clearTimeout;
// Use `pTimeout` without being affected by `sinon.useFakeTimers()`:
await pTimeout(doSomething(), {
milliseconds: 2000,
customTimers: {
setTimeout: originalSetTimeout,
clearTimeout: originalClearTimeout
readonly customTimers?: {
setTimeout: typeof globalThis.setTimeout;
clearTimeout: typeof globalThis.clearTimeout;
You can abort the promise using [`AbortController`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/AbortController).
_Requires Node.js 16 or later._
import pTimeout from 'p-timeout';
import delay from 'delay';
const delayedPromise = delay(3000);
const abortController = new AbortController();
setTimeout(() => {
}, 100);
await pTimeout(delayedPromise, {
milliseconds: 2000,
signal: abortController.signal
signal?: globalThis.AbortSignal;
Timeout a promise after a specified amount of time.
If you pass in a cancelable promise, specifically a promise with a `.cancel()` method, that method will be called when the `pTimeout` promise times out.
@param input - Promise to decorate.
@returns A decorated `input` that times out after `milliseconds` time. It has a `.clear()` method that clears the timeout.
import {setTimeout} from 'node:timers/promises';
import pTimeout from 'p-timeout';
const delayedPromise = () => setTimeout(200);
await pTimeout(delayedPromise(), {
milliseconds: 50,
fallback: () => {
return pTimeout(delayedPromise(), 300);
export class TimeoutError extends Error {
readonly name: "TimeoutError";
constructor(message?: string) {
this.name = "TimeoutError";
An error to be thrown when the request is aborted by AbortController.
DOMException is thrown instead of this Error when DOMException is available.
export class AbortError extends Error {
readonly name: "AbortError";
constructor(message?: string) {
this.name = "AbortError";
this.message = message as string;
TODO: Remove AbortError and just throw DOMException when targeting Node 18.
const getDOMException = (errorMessage: string | undefined) =>
globalThis.DOMException === undefined
? new AbortError(errorMessage)
: new DOMException(errorMessage);
TODO: Remove below function and just 'reject(signal.reason)' when targeting Node 18.
const getAbortedReason = (signal: AbortSignal) => {
const reason =
signal.reason === undefined
? getDOMException("This operation was aborted.")
: signal.reason;
return reason instanceof Error ? reason : getDOMException(reason);
export default function pTimeout<ValueType, ReturnType = ValueType>(
promise: PromiseLike<ValueType> | PCancelable<ValueType>,
options: Options<ReturnType>
): ClearablePromise<ValueType | ReturnType> {
const {
customTimers = { setTimeout, clearTimeout },
} = options;
let timer: undefined | number;
const cancelablePromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (typeof milliseconds !== "number" || Math.sign(milliseconds) !== 1) {
throw new TypeError(
`Expected \`milliseconds\` to be a positive number, got \`${milliseconds}\``
if (milliseconds === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
if (options.signal) {
const { signal } = options;
if (signal.aborted) {
signal.addEventListener("abort", () => {
timer = customTimers.setTimeout.call(
() => {
if (fallback) {
try {
} catch (error) {
const errorMessage =
typeof message === "string"
? message
: `Promise timed out after ${milliseconds} milliseconds`;
const timeoutError =
message instanceof Error ? message : new TimeoutError(errorMessage);
if (typeof (promise as PCancelable<any>)?.cancel === "function") {
(promise as PCancelable<any>)?.cancel();
(async () => {
try {
resolve(await promise);
} catch (error) {
} finally {
customTimers.clearTimeout.call(undefined, timer);
(cancelablePromise as ClearablePromise<ValueType | ReturnType>).clear =
() => {
customTimers.clearTimeout.call(undefined, timer);
timer = undefined;
return cancelablePromise as ClearablePromise<ValueType | ReturnType>;