30 lines
841 B

import react from "@astrojs/react";
import Typewriter from "typewriter-effect";
var headerStrings = [
`Access to the web for the masses`,
`An open web for business`,
`Web3 for the masses`,
`Web3 for you`,
randomString =
headerStrings[Math.floor(Math.random() * headerStrings.length)];
function lastWord(words) {
var n = words.split(" ");
return n[n.length - 1];
var lastIndex = randomString.lastIndexOf(" ");
<header class="mb-16 group">
class="mb-1 text-4xl whitespace-nowrap text-gray-100 md:text-6xl inline-flex overflow-x-hidden animate-type"
class="box-border inline-block w-1 h-10 ml-2 -mb-2 bg-white md:-mb-4 md:h-16 animate-cursor will-change-transform"