chore(release): 0.1.0-develop.1 [skip ci]
# [0.1.0-develop.1]( (2023-08-13)
### Bug Fixes
* bg image invalid, and update name ([a8bbcc1 ](a8bbcc19ec ))
* grammer error ([432be86 ](432be86cc5 ))
* responsive is now all over the page :) ([7c48975 ](7c48975f79 ))
* small improvement on 4k screens ([0bba290 ](0bba290f28 ))
* switch to experimental image support and import missing images ([cd278e3 ](cd278e3a46 ))
* typo ([26b3f5f ](26b3f5f878 ))
### Features
* copy to clipboard, qr code generation, further donation methods ([20a99a6 ](20a99a65d8 ))
* create two remaining components, optimize layout and existing components (wip) ([b6f8d56 ](b6f8d567ba ))
* finish all new design implementations ([486bc6a ](486bc6ae72 ))
* local fonts ([b52911c ](b52911cb51 ))
* meme grid is now responsive ([3552e8b ](3552e8bb84 ))
* mobile menu, css cleanup, component details ([0c6391e ](0c6391e3a1 ))
* pure css tilted background ([05eb109 ](05eb109938 ))
* rework several sections on home page, some refactoring ([4935177 ](4935177908 ))
* sass support, mixins for fluid design, refactoring, work on components ([9701291 ](97012911aa ))
* svg icons, donation methods ([63e0c57 ](63e0c57b03 ))
2023-08-13 04:41:10 +00:00 |