import { ErrTuple } from "#types.js"; import { decodeCid as decodeCidPortal, encodeCid as encodeCidPortal, } from "@lumeweb/libportal"; import { addContextToErr } from "#err.js"; export function encodeCid(hash: Uint8Array, size: bigint): any; export function encodeCid(hash: string, size: bigint): any; export function encodeCid(hash: any, size: bigint): ErrTuple { try { return [encodeCidPortal(hash, size), null]; } catch (e) { return [null, addContextToErr(e as Error, "failed to encode cid")]; } } export function decodeCid(cid: string): ErrTuple { try { return [decodeCidPortal(cid), null]; } catch (e) { return [null, addContextToErr(e as Error, "failed to decode cid")]; } } export function verifyCid(cid: string): boolean { try { decodeCidPortal(cid); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } export { CID } from "@lumeweb/libportal";