
142 lines
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export const cidTypeRaw = 0x26;
export const cidTypeMetadataMedia = 0xc5;
// const cidTypeMetadataFile = 0xc6;
export const cidTypeMetadataWebApp = 0x59;
export const cidTypeResolver = 0x25;
export const cidTypeUserIdentity = 0x77;
export const cidTypeBridge = 0x3a;
// format for dynamic encrypted CID
// type algo key resolver_type mkey_ed255 pubkey
// in entry: encrypt(RAW CID or MEDIA or SOMETHING)
/// Used for immutable encrypted files and metadata formats, key can never be re-used
/// Used for file versions in Vup
export const cidTypeEncryptedStatic = 0xae;
/// Used for encrypted files with update support
/// can point to resolver CID, Stream CID, Directory Metadata or Media Metadata object
export const cidTypeEncryptedDynamic = 0xad;
export const registryS5CIDByte = 0x5a;
export const registryS5EncryptedByte = 0x5e;
// ! some multicodec bytes
// BLAKE3 with default output size of 256 bits
export const mhashBlake3Default = 0x1f;
export const mkeyEd25519 = 0xed;
export const encryptionAlgorithmXChaCha20Poly1305 = 0xa6;
export const encryptionAlgorithmXChaCha20Poly1305NonceSize = 24;
export const contentPackFileHeader = Uint8Array.from([0x5f, 0x26, 0x73, 0x35]);
// ! metadata files
// used as the first byte of metadata files
export const metadataMagicByte = 0x5f;
// types for metadata files
export const metadataTypeMedia = 0x02;
export const metadataTypeWebApp = 0x03;
export const metadataTypeDirectory = 0x04;
export const metadataTypeProofs = 0x05;
export const metadataTypeUserIdentity = 0x07;
export const parentLinkTypeUserIdentity = 1;
export const parentLinkTypeBoard = 5;
export const parentLinkTypeBridgeUser = 10;
export const registryMaxDataSize = 64;
// ! user identity
export const authPayloadVersion1 = 0x01;
export const userIdentityLinkProfile = 0x00;
export const userIdentityLinkPublicFileSystem = 0x01;
// ! p2p protocol message types
export const protocolMethodHandshakeOpen = 1;
export const protocolMethodHandshakeDone = 2;
export const protocolMethodSignedMessage = 10;
export const protocolMethodHashQuery = 4;
export const protocolMethodAnnouncePeers = 8;
export const protocolMethodRegistryQuery = 13;
export const recordTypeStorageLocation = 0x05; // cache
export const recordTypeRegistryEntry = 0x07; // permanent
export const recordTypeStreamEvent = 0x09; // temporary, delete after time X (like storage locations)
// ! Some optional metadata extensions (same for files, media files and directories)
// List<String>, license identifier from
export const metadataExtensionLicenses = 11;
// List<Uint8List>, multicoded pubkey that references a registry entry that contains donation links and addresses
export const metadataExtensionDonationKeys = 12;
// map string->map, external ids of this object by their wikidata property id.
export const metadataExtensionWikidataClaims = 13;
// List<String>, for example [en, de, de-DE]
export const metadataExtensionLanguages = 14;
// List<String>,
export const metadataExtensionSourceUris = 15;
// Resolver CID, can be used to update this post. can also be used to "delete" a post.
export const metadataExtensionUpdateCID = 16;
// List<CID>, lists previous versions of this post
export const metadataExtensionPreviousVersions = 17;
// unix timestamp in milliseconds
export const metadataExtensionTimestamp = 18;
export const metadataExtensionTags = 19;
export const metadataExtensionCategories = 20;
// video, podcast, book, audio, music, ...
export const metadataExtensionViewTypes = 21;
export const metadataExtensionBasicMediaMetadata = 22;
export const metadataExtensionBridge = 23;
export const metadataExtensionOriginalTimestamp = 24;
// List<Uint8List>
export const metadataExtensionRoutingHints = 25;
// TODO comment to / reply to (use parents)
// TODO mentions (use new extension field)
// TODO Reposts (just link the original item)
// ! media details
export const metadataMediaDetailsDuration = 10;
export const metadataMediaDetailsIsLive = 11;
// ! metadata proofs
export const metadataProofTypeSignature = 1;
export const metadataProofTypeTimestamp = 2;
// ! storage locations
export const storageLocationTypeArchive = 0;
export const storageLocationTypeFile = 3;
export const storageLocationTypeFull = 5;
export const storageLocationTypeBridge = 7;
export const supportedFeatures = 3;
export const BOOTSTRAP_NODES: string[] = [