import { Client, factory } from "@lumeweb/libkernel-universal"; import { hexToBuf } from "@siaweb/libweb"; import { blake2b } from "@noble/hashes/blake2b"; // @ts-ignore import Backoff from "backoff.js"; export class SwarmClient extends Client { useDefaultSwarm; id = 0; _autoReconnect; _connectBackoff; _ready; _topics = new Set(); constructor(useDefaultDht = true, autoReconnect = false) { super(); this.useDefaultSwarm = useDefaultDht; this._autoReconnect = autoReconnect; this._connectBackoff = new Backoff({ strategy: "fibo", maxAttempts: Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, }); } get swarm() { return this.useDefaultSwarm ? undefined :; } async connect(pubkey) { if (typeof pubkey === "string") { const buf = hexToBuf(pubkey); pubkey = this.handleErrorOrReturn(buf); } const resp = this.callModuleReturn("connect", { pubkey, swarm: this.swarm, }); return createSocket(; } async init() { return await this.callModuleReturn("init", { swarm: this.swarm }); } async ready() { if (this._ready) { return this._ready; } this._listen(); this._ready = this.callModuleReturn("ready", { swarm: this.swarm }); await this._ready; this._ready = undefined; for (const topic of this._topics) { await this.join(topic); } } async start() { await => this.init()); this._connectBackoff.on("retry", (error) => { this.logErr(error); }); await this.ready(); } async _listen() { const connect = this.connectModule("listenConnections", { swarm: this.swarm }, async (socketId) => { this.emit("connection", await createSocket(socketId)); }); await connect[1]; this.start(); } async addRelay(pubkey) { return this.callModuleReturn("addRelay", { pubkey, swarm: this.swarm }); } async removeRelay(pubkey) { return this.callModuleReturn("removeRelay", { pubkey, swarm: this.swarm }); } async clearRelays() { return this.callModuleReturn("clearRelays", { swarm: this.swarm }); } async getRelays() { return this.callModuleReturn("getRelays", { swarm: this.swarm }); } async join(topic) { if (typeof topic === "string") { topic = blake2b(topic, { dkLen: 32 }); } this._topics.add(topic); this.callModule("join", { id:, topic }); } } export class Socket extends Client { id; eventUpdates = {}; constructor(id) { super(); = id; } _remotePublicKey; get remotePublicKey() { return this._remotePublicKey; } _rawStream; get rawStream() { return this._rawStream; } async setup() { let info = await this.callModuleReturn("socketGetInfo", { id: }); this._remotePublicKey = info.remotePublicKey; this._rawStream = info.rawStream; } on(event, fn, context) { const [update, promise] = this.connectModule("socketListenEvent", { id:, event: event }, (data) => { this.emit(event, data); }); this.trackEvent(event, update); promise.then(() => {, fn); }); return super.on(event, fn, context); } onSelf(event, fn, context) { return super.on(event, fn, context); } off(event, fn, context, once) { const updates = [...this.eventUpdates[event]]; this.eventUpdates[event] = []; for (const func of updates) { func(); } return, fn, context, once); } offSelf(event, fn, context, once) { return, fn, context, once); } write(message) { this.callModule("socketWrite", { id:, message }); } end() { this.callModule("socketExists", { id: }).then(([exists]) => { if (exists) { this.callModule("socketClose", { id: }); } }); } ensureEvent(event) { if (!(event in this.eventUpdates)) { this.eventUpdates[event] = []; } } trackEvent(event, update) { this.ensureEvent(event); this.eventUpdates[event].push(update); } } const MODULE = "_A7ClA0mSa1-Pg5c4V3C0H_fnhAFjgccITYT83Euc7t_9A"; export const createClient = factory(SwarmClient, MODULE); const socketFactory = factory(Socket, MODULE); const createSocket = async (...args) => { const socket = socketFactory(...args); await socket.setup(); return socket; };