const b4a = require("b4a"); const c = require("compact-encoding"); const queueTick = require("queue-tick"); const safetyCatch = require("safety-catch"); const MAX_BUFFERED = 32768; const MAX_BACKLOG = Infinity; // TODO: impl "open" backpressure const MAX_BATCH = 8 * 1024 * 1024; class Channel { constructor( mux, info, userData, protocol, aliases, id, handshake, messages, onopen, onclose, ondestroy ) { this.userData = userData; this.protocol = protocol; this.aliases = aliases; = id; this.handshake = null; this.messages = []; this.opened = false; this.closed = false; this.destroyed = false; this.onopen = onopen; this.onclose = onclose; this.ondestroy = ondestroy; this._handshake = handshake; this._mux = mux; this._info = info; this._localId = 0; this._remoteId = 0; this._active = 0; this._extensions = null; this._decBound = this._dec.bind(this); this._decAndDestroyBound = this._decAndDestroy.bind(this); for (const m of messages) this.addMessage(m); } open(handshake) { const id = this._mux._free.length > 0 ? this._mux._free.pop() : this._mux._local.push(null) - 1; this._info.opened++; this._localId = id + 1; this._mux._local[id] = this; if (this._remoteId === 0) { this._info.outgoing.push(this._localId); } const state = { buffer: null, start: 2, end: 2 }; c.uint.preencode(state, this._localId); c.string.preencode(state, this.protocol); c.buffer.preencode(state,; if (this._handshake) this._handshake.preencode(state, handshake); state.buffer = this._mux._alloc(state.end); state.buffer[0] = 0; state.buffer[1] = 1; c.uint.encode(state, this._localId); c.string.encode(state, this.protocol); c.buffer.encode(state,; if (this._handshake) this._handshake.encode(state, handshake); this._mux._write0(state.buffer); } _dec() { if (--this._active === 0 && this.closed === true) this._destroy(); } _decAndDestroy(err) { this._dec(); this._mux._safeDestroy(err); } _fullyOpenSoon() { this._mux._remote[this._remoteId - 1].session = this; queueTick(this._fullyOpen.bind(this)); } _fullyOpen() { if (this.opened === true || this.closed === true) return; const remote = this._mux._remote[this._remoteId - 1]; this.opened = true; this.handshake = this._handshake ? this._handshake.decode(remote.state) : null; this._track(this.onopen(this.handshake, this)); remote.session = this; remote.state = null; if (remote.pending !== null) this._drain(remote); } _drain(remote) { for (let i = 0; i < remote.pending.length; i++) { const p = remote.pending[i]; this._mux._buffered -= byteSize(p.state); this._recv(p.type, p.state); } remote.pending = null; this._mux._resumeMaybe(); } _track(p) { if (isPromise(p) === true) { this._active++; p.then(this._decBound, this._decAndDestroyBound); } } _close(isRemote) { if (this.closed === true) return; this.closed = true; this._info.opened--; if (this._remoteId > 0) { this._mux._remote[this._remoteId - 1] = null; this._remoteId = 0; // If remote has acked, we can reuse the local id now // otherwise, we need to wait for the "ack" to arrive this._mux._free.push(this._localId - 1); } this._mux._local[this._localId - 1] = null; this._localId = 0; this._mux._gc(this._info); this._track(this.onclose(isRemote, this)); if (this._active === 0) this._destroy(); } _destroy() { if (this.destroyed === true) return; this.destroyed = true; this._track(this.ondestroy(this)); } _recv(type, state) { if (type < this.messages.length) { this.messages[type].recv(state, this); } } cork() { this._mux.cork(); } uncork() { this._mux.uncork(); } close() { if (this.closed === true) return; const state = { buffer: null, start: 2, end: 2 }; c.uint.preencode(state, this._localId); state.buffer = this._mux._alloc(state.end); state.buffer[0] = 0; state.buffer[1] = 3; c.uint.encode(state, this._localId); this._close(false); this._mux._write0(state.buffer); } addMessage(opts) { if (!opts) return this._skipMessage(); const type = this.messages.length; const encoding = opts.encoding || c.raw; const onmessage = opts.onmessage || noop; const s = this; const typeLen = encodingLength(c.uint, type); const m = { type, encoding, onmessage, async recv(state, session) { session._track(m.onmessage(await encoding.decode(state), session)); }, async send(m, session = s) { if (session.closed === true) return false; const mux = session._mux; const state = { buffer: null, start: 0, end: typeLen }; if (mux._batch !== null) { await encoding.preencode(state, m); state.buffer = mux._alloc(state.end); c.uint.encode(state, type); await encoding.encode(state, m); mux._pushBatch(session._localId, state.buffer); return true; } c.uint.preencode(state, session._localId); await encoding.preencode(state, m); state.buffer = mux._alloc(state.end); c.uint.encode(state, session._localId); c.uint.encode(state, type); await encoding.encode(state, m); return; }, }; this.messages.push(m); return m; } _skipMessage() { const type = this.messages.length; const m = { type, encoding: c.raw, onmessage: noop, recv(state, session) {}, send(m, session) {}, }; this.messages.push(m); return m; } } module.exports = class Protomux { constructor(stream, { alloc } = {}) { if (stream.userData === null) stream.userData = this; this.isProtomux = true; = stream; this.corked = 0; this._alloc = alloc || (typeof stream.alloc === "function" ? stream.alloc.bind(stream) : b4a.allocUnsafe); this._safeDestroyBound = this._safeDestroy.bind(this); this._remoteBacklog = 0; this._buffered = 0; this._paused = false; this._remote = []; this._local = []; this._free = []; this._batch = null; this._batchState = null; this._infos = new Map(); this._notify = new Map();"data", this._ondata.bind(this));"end", this._onend.bind(this));"error", noop); // we handle this in "close""close", this._shutdown.bind(this)); } static from(stream, opts) { if (stream.userData && stream.userData.isProtomux) return stream.userData; if (stream.isProtomux) return stream; return new this(stream, opts); } static isProtomux(mux) { return typeof mux === "object" && mux.isProtomux === true; } *[Symbol.iterator]() { for (const session of this._local) { if (session !== null) yield session; } } cork() { if (++this.corked === 1) { this._batch = []; this._batchState = { buffer: null, start: 0, end: 1 }; } } uncork() { if (--this.corked === 0) { this._sendBatch(this._batch, this._batchState); this._batch = null; this._batchState = null; } } pair({ protocol, id = null }, notify) { this._notify.set(toKey(protocol, id), notify); } unpair({ protocol, id = null }) { this._notify.delete(toKey(protocol, id)); } opened({ protocol, id = null }) { const key = toKey(protocol, id); const info = this._infos.get(key); return info ? info.opened > 0 : false; } createChannel({ userData = null, protocol, aliases = [], id = null, unique = true, handshake = null, messages = [], onopen = noop, onclose = noop, ondestroy = noop, }) { if ( return null; const info = this._get(protocol, id, aliases); if (unique && info.opened > 0) return null; if (info.incoming.length === 0) { return new Channel( this, info, userData, protocol, aliases, id, handshake, messages, onopen, onclose, ondestroy ); } this._remoteBacklog--; const remoteId = info.incoming.shift(); const r = this._remote[remoteId - 1]; if (r === null) return null; const session = new Channel( this, info, userData, protocol, aliases, id, handshake, messages, onopen, onclose, ondestroy ); session._remoteId = remoteId; session._fullyOpenSoon(); return session; } _pushBatch(localId, buffer) { if (this._batchState.end >= MAX_BATCH) { this._sendBatch(this._batch, this._batchState); this._batch = []; this._batchState = { buffer: null, start: 0, end: 1 }; } if ( this._batch.length === 0 || this._batch[this._batch.length - 1].localId !== localId ) { this._batchState.end++; c.uint.preencode(this._batchState, localId); } c.buffer.preencode(this._batchState, buffer); this._batch.push({ localId, buffer }); } _sendBatch(batch, state) { if (batch.length === 0) return; let prev = batch[0].localId; state.buffer = this._alloc(state.end); state.buffer[state.start++] = 0; state.buffer[state.start++] = 0; c.uint.encode(state, prev); for (let i = 0; i < batch.length; i++) { const b = batch[i]; if (prev !== b.localId) { state.buffer[state.start++] = 0; c.uint.encode(state, (prev = b.localId)); } c.buffer.encode(state, b.buffer); }; } _get(protocol, id, aliases = []) { const key = toKey(protocol, id); let info = this._infos.get(key); if (info) return info; info = { key, protocol, aliases: [], id, pairing: 0, opened: 0, incoming: [], outgoing: [], }; this._infos.set(key, info); for (const alias of aliases) { const key = toKey(alias, id); info.aliases.push(key); this._infos.set(key, info); } return info; } _gc(info) { if ( info.opened === 0 && info.outgoing.length === 0 && info.incoming.length === 0 ) { this._infos.delete(info.key); for (const alias of info.aliases) this._infos.delete(alias); } } _ondata(buffer) { try { const state = { buffer, start: 0, end: buffer.byteLength }; this._decode(c.uint.decode(state), state); } catch (err) { this._safeDestroy(err); } } _onend() { // TODO: support half open mode for the users who wants that here; } _decode(remoteId, state) { const type = c.uint.decode(state); if (remoteId === 0) { this._oncontrolsession(type, state); return; } const r = remoteId <= this._remote.length ? this._remote[remoteId - 1] : null; // if the channel is closed ignore - could just be a pipeline message... if (r === null) return; if (r.pending !== null) { this._bufferMessage(r, type, state); return; } r.session._recv(type, state); } _oncontrolsession(type, state) { switch (type) { case 0: this._onbatch(state); break; case 1: this._onopensession(state); break; case 2: this._onrejectsession(state); break; case 3: this._onclosesession(state); break; } } _bufferMessage(r, type, { buffer, start, end }) { const state = { buffer, start, end }; // copy r.pending.push({ type, state }); this._buffered += byteSize(state); this._pauseMaybe(); } _pauseMaybe() { if (this._paused === true || this._buffered <= MAX_BUFFERED) return; this._paused = true;; } _resumeMaybe() { if (this._paused === false || this._buffered > MAX_BUFFERED) return; this._paused = false;; } _onbatch(state) { const end = state.end; let remoteId = c.uint.decode(state); while (state.end > state.start) { const len = c.uint.decode(state); if (len === 0) { remoteId = c.uint.decode(state); continue; } state.end = state.start + len; this._decode(remoteId, state); state.start = state.end; state.end = end; } } _onopensession(state) { const remoteId = c.uint.decode(state); const protocol = c.string.decode(state); const id = c.buffer.decode(state); // remote tried to open the control session - auto reject for now // as we can use as an explicit control protocol declaration if we need to if (remoteId === 0) { this._rejectSession(0); return; } const rid = remoteId - 1; const info = this._get(protocol, id); // allow the remote to grow the ids by one if (this._remote.length === rid) { this._remote.push(null); } if (rid >= this._remote.length || this._remote[rid] !== null) { throw new Error("Invalid open message"); } if (info.outgoing.length > 0) { const localId = info.outgoing.shift(); const session = this._local[localId - 1]; if (session === null) { // we already closed the channel - ignore this._free.push(localId - 1); return; } this._remote[rid] = { state, pending: null, session: null }; session._remoteId = remoteId; session._fullyOpen(); return; } const copyState = { buffer: state.buffer, start: state.start, end: state.end, }; this._remote[rid] = { state: copyState, pending: [], session: null }; if (++this._remoteBacklog > MAX_BACKLOG) { throw new Error("Remote exceeded backlog"); } info.pairing++; info.incoming.push(remoteId); this._requestSession(protocol, id, info).catch(this._safeDestroyBound); } _onrejectsession(state) { const localId = c.uint.decode(state); // TODO: can be done smarter... for (const info of this._infos.values()) { const i = info.outgoing.indexOf(localId); if (i === -1) continue; info.outgoing.splice(i, 1); const session = this._local[localId - 1]; this._free.push(localId - 1); if (session !== null) session._close(true); this._gc(info); return; } throw new Error("Invalid reject message"); } _onclosesession(state) { const remoteId = c.uint.decode(state); if (remoteId === 0) return; // ignore const rid = remoteId - 1; const r = rid < this._remote.length ? this._remote[rid] : null; if (r === null) return; if (r.session !== null) r.session._close(true); } async _requestSession(protocol, id, info) { const notify = this._notify.get(toKey(protocol, id)) || this._notify.get(toKey(protocol, null)); if (notify) await notify(id); if (--info.pairing > 0) return; while (info.incoming.length > 0) { this._rejectSession(info, info.incoming.shift()); } this._gc(info); } _rejectSession(info, remoteId) { if (remoteId > 0) { const r = this._remote[remoteId - 1]; if (r.pending !== null) { for (let i = 0; i < r.pending.length; i++) { this._buffered -= byteSize(r.pending[i].state); } } this._remote[remoteId - 1] = null; this._resumeMaybe(); } const state = { buffer: null, start: 2, end: 2 }; c.uint.preencode(state, remoteId); state.buffer = this._alloc(state.end); state.buffer[0] = 0; state.buffer[1] = 2; c.uint.encode(state, remoteId); this._write0(state.buffer); } _write0(buffer) { if (this._batch !== null) { this._pushBatch(0, buffer.subarray(1)); return; }; } destroy(err) {; } _safeDestroy(err) { safetyCatch(err);; } _shutdown() { for (const s of this._local) { if (s !== null) s._close(true); } } }; function noop() {} function toKey(protocol, id) { return protocol + "##" + (id ? b4a.toString(id, "hex") : ""); } function byteSize(state) { return 512 + (state.end - state.start); } function isPromise(p) { return !!(p && typeof p.then === "function"); } function encodingLength(enc, val) { const state = { buffer: null, start: 0, end: 0 }; enc.preencode(state, val); return state.end; }