import { addHandler, handleMessage } from "libkmodule"; import type { ActiveQuery } from "libkmodule"; import PQueue from "p-queue"; import { ipfsPath, ipnsPath } from "is-ipfs"; import { DataFn } from "libskynet"; import { RpcNetwork } from "@lumeweb/kernel-rpc-client"; import { RPCResponse } from "@lumeweb/relay-types"; interface StatFileResponse { exists: boolean; contentType: string | null; error: any; directory: boolean; files: string[]; } interface PingRPCResponse extends RPCResponse { data?: "pong"; } interface MethodsRPCResponse extends RPCResponse { data?: string[]; } onmessage = handleMessage; let blockingGatewayUpdate = Promise.resolve(); let activeRelays: string | any[] = []; let relays = [ "25c2a0a833782d64213c08879b95dd5a60af244b44a058f3a7a70d6722f4bda7", ]; let network: RpcNetwork; addHandler("presentSeed", handlePresentSeed); addHandler("refreshGatewayList", handleRefreshGatewayList); addHandler("statIpfs", handleStatIpfs); addHandler("fetchIpfs", handleFetchIpfs); addHandler("statIpns", handleStatIpns); addHandler("fetchIpns", handleFetchIpns); let readyPromiseResolve: any; let readyPromise = new Promise((resolve) => { readyPromiseResolve = resolve; }); async function handlePresentSeed() { network = new RpcNetwork(false); for (const relay of relays) { await network.addRelay(relay); } refreshGatewayList(); readyPromiseResolve(); } async function handleRefreshGatewayList(aq: ActiveQuery) { await readyPromise; await blockingGatewayUpdate; await refreshGatewayList(); aq.respond(); } async function handleStatIpfs(aq: ActiveQuery) { return handleStat(aq, "stat_ipfs", "ipfs"); } async function handleFetchIpfs(aq: ActiveQuery) { return handleFetch(aq, "fetch_ipfs", "ipfs"); } async function handleStatIpns(aq: ActiveQuery) { return handleStat(aq, "stat_ipns", "ipns"); } async function handleFetchIpns(aq: ActiveQuery) { return handleFetch(aq, "fetch_ipns", "ipns"); } async function validateInputs(aq: ActiveQuery, type: "ipns" | "ipfs") { const { hash = null } = aq.callerInput; const { path = "" } = aq.callerInput; if (!hash) { aq.reject("hash missing"); return; } if (type === "ipfs" && !ipfsPath(`/ipfs/${hash}`)) { aq.reject("ipfs hash is invalid"); return; } if (type === "ipns" && !ipnsPath(`/ipns/${hash}`)) { aq.reject("ipns hash is invalid"); return; } await readyPromise; await blockingGatewayUpdate; return { hash, path }; } async function handleStat( aq: ActiveQuery, method: string, type: "ipns" | "ipfs" ): Promise { const valid = await validateInputs(aq, type); if (!valid) { return; } const { hash, path } = valid; try { let resp = (await fetchFromRelays(hash, path, method)) as StatFileResponse; aq.respond(resp); } catch (e: any) { aq.reject(e); } } async function handleFetch( aq: ActiveQuery, method: string, type: "ipns" | "ipfs" ): Promise { const valid = await validateInputs(aq, type); if (!valid) { return; } const { hash, path } = valid; try { await fetchFromRelays(hash, path, method, aq.sendUpdate); aq.respond(); } catch (e: any) { aq.reject(e); } } async function fetchFromRelays( hash: string, path: string, method: string, stream: DataFn | undefined = undefined ) { let error = new Error("NOT_FOUND"); if (0 == activeRelays.length) { await refreshGatewayList(); } for (const relay of activeRelays) { let query; if (stream) { query = network.streamingQuery( relay, method, "ipfs", stream, { hash, path, }, { queryTimeout: 30, relayTimeout: 30 } ); } else { query = network.simpleQuery( relay, method, "ipfs", { hash, path, }, { queryTimeout: 30, relayTimeout: 30 } ); } let resp = await query.result; if (resp.error) { throw new Error(resp.error); } if (!stream) { return; } } throw error; } async function relayHasMethods( methodList: string[], relay: string ): Promise { let methods: string[] = []; let query = network.simpleQuery(relay, "get_methods", "core"); let resp = (await query.result) as MethodsRPCResponse; if ( { methods =; } let has = true; methodList.forEach((item) => { if (!methods.includes(item)) { has = false; } }); return has; } async function refreshGatewayList() { let processResolve: any; blockingGatewayUpdate = new Promise((resolve) => { processResolve = resolve; }); const queue = new PQueue({ concurrency: 10 }); let latencies: any[] = []; relays.forEach((item) => { queue.add(checkRelayLatency(item, latencies)); }); await queue.onIdle(); activeRelays = latencies .sort((a: any[], b: any[]) => { return a[0] - b[0]; }) .map((item: any[]) => item[1]); processResolve(); } function checkRelayLatency(relay: string, list: any[]) { return async () => { const start =; let query = network.simpleQuery(relay, "ping", "core"); let resp = (await query.result) as PingRPCResponse; if (resp?.data !== "pong") { return; } const end = - start; if ( !(await relayHasMethods( [ "ipfs.stat_ipfs", "ipfs.stat_ipns", "ipfs.fetch_ipfs", "ipfs.fetch_ipns", ], relay )) ) { return; } list.push([end, relay]); }; }