import { createHelia } from "helia"; // @ts-ignore import Hyperswarm from "hyperswarm"; import { MultiSocketProxy } from "@lumeweb/libhyperproxy"; import { UnixFS, unixfs } from "@helia/unixfs"; import { PROTOCOL } from "./constants.js"; import { ActiveQuery, addHandler, handleMessage, } from "@lumeweb/libkernel/module"; import { createClient } from "@lumeweb/kernel-swarm-client"; import { ipns, IPNS } from "@helia/ipns"; import { dht, pubsub } from "@helia/ipns/routing"; // @ts-ignore import { gossipsub } from "@chainsafe/libp2p-gossipsub"; import { CID } from "multiformats/cid"; import { bases } from "multiformats/basics"; import { substr } from "runes2"; import { MultibaseDecoder } from "multiformats"; import { peerIdFromCID } from "@libp2p/peer-id"; import { IDBBlockstore } from "blockstore-idb"; import { IDBDatastore } from "datastore-idb"; import defer from "p-defer"; import { Helia } from "@helia/interface"; // @ts-ignore import type { Components } from "libp2p/src/components.js"; import { libp2pConfig } from "./config.js"; import { createClient as createNetworkRegistryClient } from "@lumeweb/kernel-network-registry-client"; const basesByPrefix: { [prefix: string]: MultibaseDecoder } = Object.keys( bases, ).reduce((acc, curr) => { // @ts-ignore acc[bases[curr].prefix] = bases[curr]; return acc; }, {}); const TYPES = ["content"]; onmessage = handleMessage; const moduleDefer = defer(); let activeIpfsPeersDefer = defer(); let networkPeersAvailable = defer(); const networkRegistry = createNetworkRegistryClient(); let swarm; let proxy: MultiSocketProxy; let fs: UnixFS; let IPNS: IPNS; let ipfs: Helia; // @ts-ignore BigInt.prototype.toJSON = function () { return this.toString(); }; addHandler("presentKey", handlePresentKey); addHandler("register", handleRegister); addHandler("ready", handleReady); addHandler("stat", handleStat); addHandler("ls", handleLs, { receiveUpdates: true }); addHandler("cat", handleCat, { receiveUpdates: true }); addHandler("ipnsResolve", handleIpnsResolve); addHandler("getActivePeers", handleGetActivePeers); async function handlePresentKey() { swarm = createClient(); proxy = new MultiSocketProxy({ swarm, listen: true, protocol: PROTOCOL, autostart: true, emulateWebsocket: true, server: false, }); const blockstore = new IDBBlockstore("ipfs_blocks"); const datastore = new IDBDatastore("ipfs_data"); await; await; ipfs = await createHelia({ blockstore, // @ts-ignore datastore, libp2p: libp2pConfig(proxy), start: false, }); proxy.on("peerChannelOpen", async () => { if (!ipfs.libp2p.isStarted()) { await ipfs.start(); networkPeersAvailable.resolve(); } }); swarm.join(PROTOCOL); await swarm.start(); await swarm.ready(); // @ts-ignore fs = unixfs(ipfs); IPNS = ipns(ipfs as any, [dht(ipfs), pubsub(ipfs as any)]); ipfs.libp2p.addEventListener("peer:connect", () => { if (ipfs.libp2p.getPeers().length > 0) { activeIpfsPeersDefer.resolve(); } }); ipfs.libp2p.addEventListener("peer:disconnect", () => { if (ipfs.libp2p.getPeers().length === 0) { activeIpfsPeersDefer = defer(); } }); moduleDefer.resolve(); } async function handleReady(aq: ActiveQuery) { await ready(); aq.respond(); } async function handleStat(aq: ActiveQuery) { await ready(); if (!("cid" in aq.callerInput)) { aq.reject("cid required"); return; } let aborted = false; aq.setReceiveUpdate?.(() => { aborted = true; }); try { aq.respond( JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( await fs.stat( getCID(aq.callerInput.cid), aq.callerInput.options ?? {}, ), ), ), ); } catch (e) { aq.reject((e as Error).message); } } async function handleLs(aq: ActiveQuery) { await ready(); if (!("cid" in aq.callerInput)) { aq.reject("cid required"); return; } let aborted = false; let nextChunk = defer(); aq.setReceiveUpdate?.((data: any) => { switch (data) { case "abort": aborted = true; break; case "next": nextChunk.resolve(); nextChunk = defer(); break; } }); const iterable = getCID(aq.callerInput.cid), aq.callerInput.options ?? {}, ); for await (const item of iterable) { if (aborted) { break; } aq.sendUpdate(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(item))); await nextChunk.promise; } aq.respond(); } async function handleCat(aq: ActiveQuery) { await ready(); if (!("cid" in aq.callerInput)) { aq.reject("cid required"); return; } let aborted = false; let nextChunk = defer(); aq.setReceiveUpdate?.((data: any) => { switch (data) { case "abort": aborted = true; break; case "next": nextChunk.resolve(); nextChunk = defer(); break; } }); const iterable = getCID(aq.callerInput.cid), aq.callerInput.options ?? {}, ); for await (const chunk of iterable) { if (aborted) { break; } aq.sendUpdate(chunk); await nextChunk.promise; } aq.respond(); } async function handleIpnsResolve(aq: ActiveQuery) { await ready(); await activeIpfsPeersDefer.promise; if (ipfs.libp2p.getPeers().length === 0) { activeIpfsPeersDefer = defer(); } await activeIpfsPeersDefer.promise; if (!aq.callerInput || !("cid" in aq.callerInput)) { aq.reject("cid required"); return; } try { return aq.respond( ( await IPNS.resolve( peerIdFromCID(getCID(aq.callerInput.cid)), aq.callerInput?.options, ) ).asCID.toString(), ); } catch (e: any) { aq.reject((e as Error).message); } } function getCID(cid: string): CID { try { return CID.parse(cid); } catch {} const prefix = substr(cid, 0, 1); if (!(prefix in basesByPrefix)) { throw new Error("invalid multibase found in CID"); } const base = basesByPrefix[prefix]; return CID.parse(cid, base); } async function handleGetActivePeers(aq: ActiveQuery) { await ready(); aq.respond(ipfs.libp2p.getPeers()); } async function ready() { await moduleDefer.promise; await networkPeersAvailable.promise; } async function handleRegister(aq: ActiveQuery) { await networkRegistry.registerNetwork(TYPES); aq.respond(); }