import { createLibp2p } from "libp2p"; import { MemoryDatastore } from "datastore-core"; import { MemoryBlockstore } from "blockstore-core"; import { createHelia } from "helia"; import { yamux } from "@chainsafe/libp2p-yamux"; // @ts-ignore import Hyperswarm from "hyperswarm"; import { Peer, Proxy } from "@lumeweb/libhyperproxy"; // @ts-ignore import sodium from "sodium-universal"; // @ts-ignore import { CustomEvent } from "@libp2p/interfaces/events"; // @ts-ignore import { fixed32, raw } from "compact-encoding"; import { mplex } from "@libp2p/mplex"; import PeerManager from "./peerManager.js"; import { hypercoreTransport } from "./libp2p/transport.js"; import { UnixFS, unixfs } from "@helia/unixfs"; // @ts-ignore import { delegatedPeerRouting } from "@libp2p/delegated-peer-routing"; import { noise } from "@chainsafe/libp2p-noise"; import { create as createIpfsHttpClient } from "ipfs-http-client"; import { delegatedContentRouting } from "@libp2p/delegated-content-routing"; // @ts-ignore import type { Options } from "ipfs-core"; import { multiaddr } from "@multiformats/multiaddr"; import { DELEGATE_LIST, PROTOCOL } from "./constants.js"; import { ActiveQuery, addHandler, handleMessage } from "libkmodule"; import { createClient } from "@lumeweb/kernel-swarm-client"; import { ipns, ipnsValidator, ipnsSelector, IPNS } from "@helia/ipns"; import { dht, pubsub } from "@helia/ipns/routing"; import { kadDHT } from "@libp2p/kad-dht"; // @ts-ignore import { gossipsub } from "@chainsafe/libp2p-gossipsub"; import { CID } from "multiformats/cid"; import { bases } from "multiformats/basics"; import { substr } from "runes2"; import { MultibaseDecoder } from "multiformats"; import { peerIdFromCID } from "@libp2p/peer-id"; import { bootstrap } from "@libp2p/bootstrap"; const basesByPrefix: { [prefix: string]: MultibaseDecoder } = Object.keys( bases ).reduce((acc, curr) => { // @ts-ignore acc[bases[curr].prefix] = bases[curr]; return acc; }, {}); onmessage = handleMessage; let moduleLoadedResolve: Function; let moduleLoaded: Promise = new Promise((resolve) => { moduleLoadedResolve = resolve; }); let swarm; let proxy: Proxy; let fs: UnixFS; let IPNS: IPNS; // @ts-ignore BigInt.prototype.toJSON = function () { return this.toString(); }; addHandler("presentSeed", handlePresentSeed); addHandler("stat", handleStat); addHandler("ls", handleLs, { receiveUpdates: true }); addHandler("cat", handleCat, { receiveUpdates: true }); addHandler("ipnsResolve", handleIpnsResolve); async function handlePresentSeed() { swarm = createClient(); const client = createIpfsHttpClient(getDelegateConfig()); const libp2p = await createLibp2p({ peerDiscovery: [ bootstrap({ list: [ "/dnsaddr/", "/dnsaddr/", "/dnsaddr/", "/dnsaddr/", "/ip4/", ], }), ], transports: [hypercoreTransport({ peerManager: PeerManager.instance })], connectionEncryption: [noise()], connectionManager: { autoDial: true, }, streamMuxers: [yamux(), mplex()], start: false, contentRouters: [delegatedContentRouting(client)], peerRouters: [delegatedPeerRouting(client)], relay: { enabled: true, advertise: { enabled: false, }, }, dht: kadDHT({ validators: { ipns: ipnsValidator, }, selectors: { ipns: ipnsSelector, }, }), pubsub: gossipsub(), }); // @ts-ignore PeerManager.instance.ipfs = await createHelia({ blockstore: new MemoryBlockstore(), datastore: new MemoryDatastore(), libp2p, }); proxy = new Proxy({ swarm, listen: true, protocol: PROTOCOL, autostart: true, emulateWebsocket: true, createDefaultMessage: false, onchannel(peer: Peer, channel: any) { PeerManager.instance.handleNewPeerChannel(peer, channel); }, onopen() { PeerManager.instance.handleNewPeer(); }, onclose(peer: Peer) { PeerManager.instance.handleClosePeer(peer); }, }); swarm.join(PROTOCOL); await swarm.start(); await swarm.ready(); // @ts-ignore fs = unixfs(PeerManager.instance.ipfs); IPNS = ipns(PeerManager.instance.ipfs as any, [ dht(PeerManager.instance.ipfs), pubsub(PeerManager.instance.ipfs as any), ]); moduleLoadedResolve(); } async function handleStat(aq: ActiveQuery) { await ready(); if (!("cid" in aq.callerInput)) { aq.reject("cid required"); return; } let aborted = false; aq.setReceiveUpdate?.(() => { aborted = true; }); try { aq.respond( JSON.parse( JSON.stringify( await fs.stat(aq.callerInput.cid, aq.callerInput.options ?? {}) ) ) ); } catch (e) { aq.reject((e as Error).message); } } async function handleLs(aq: ActiveQuery) { await ready(); if (!("cid" in aq.callerInput)) { aq.reject("cid required"); return; } let aborted = false; aq.setReceiveUpdate?.(() => { aborted = true; }); const iterable =, aq.callerInput.options ?? {}); for await (const item of iterable) { if (aborted) { break; } aq.sendUpdate(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(item))); } aq.respond(); } async function handleCat(aq: ActiveQuery) { await ready(); if (!("cid" in aq.callerInput)) { aq.reject("cid required"); return; } let aborted = false; aq.setReceiveUpdate?.(() => { aborted = true; }); const iterable =, aq.callerInput.options ?? {}); for await (const chunk of iterable) { if (aborted) { break; } aq.sendUpdate(chunk); } aq.respond(); } async function handleIpnsResolve(aq: ActiveQuery) { await ready(); if (!aq.callerInput || !("cid" in aq.callerInput)) { aq.reject("cid required"); return; } const prefix = substr(aq.callerInput.cid, 0, 1); if (!(prefix in basesByPrefix)) { aq.reject("invalid multibase found in CID"); return; } const base = basesByPrefix[prefix]; const cid = CID.parse(aq.callerInput.cid, base); try { return aq.respond( (await IPNS.resolve(peerIdFromCID(cid), aq.callerInput?.options)).asCID ); } catch (e: any) { aq.reject((e as Error).message); } } async function ready() { await moduleLoaded; await PeerManager.instance.ipfsReady; } function getDelegateConfig(): Options { const delegateString = DELEGATE_LIST[Math.floor(Math.random() * DELEGATE_LIST.length)]; const delegateAddr = multiaddr(delegateString).toOptions(); return { // @ts-ignore host:, // @ts-ignore protocol: parseInt(delegateAddr.port) === 443 ? "https" : "http", port: delegateAddr.port, }; }