import type { ActiveQuery } from "@lumeweb/libkernel/module"; import { addHandler, handleMessage } from "@lumeweb/libkernel/module"; import DiscoveryIRC from "@lumeweb/peer-discovery-irc"; import { createClient } from "@lumeweb/kernel-peer-discovery-client"; onmessage = handleMessage; const client = createClient(); async function handleRegister(aq: ActiveQuery) { try { await client.registerSelf(); } catch (e) { aq.reject((e as Error).message); return; } aq.respond(); } async function handleName(aq: ActiveQuery): Promise { aq.respond("irc"); } async function handleDiscover(aq: ActiveQuery): Promise { if (!("pubkey" in aq.callerInput)) { aq.reject("pubkey required"); return; } if (aq.callerInput.pubkey.length !== 32) { aq.reject("pubkey must be 32 bytes"); return; } if ( "options" in aq.callerInput && typeof aq.callerInput.options !== "object" ) { aq.reject(`options must be an object`); return; } const ret = await DiscoveryIRC(aq.callerInput.pubkey, { host: "",, }); aq.respond(ret); } addHandler("register", handleRegister); addHandler("name", handleName); addHandler("discover", handleDiscover);