// @ts-ignore import DhtNode from "@hyperswarm/dht-relay"; // @ts-ignore import Stream from "@hyperswarm/dht-relay/ws"; import { createClient } from "@lumeweb/kernel-peer-discovery-client"; import type { PeerDiscoveryClient, Peer, } from "@lumeweb/kernel-peer-discovery-client"; import { load } from "@lumeweb/libkernel-universal"; // @ts-ignore import Hyperswarm from "hyperswarm"; import randomNumber from "random-number-csprng"; import EventEmitter from "eventemitter2"; import { Mutex } from "async-mutex"; export default class HyperswarmWeb extends EventEmitter { private _options: any; private _relays: Set = new Set(); private _activeRelay: Hyperswarm; private _discovery: PeerDiscoveryClient; private _queuedEmActions: [string, any][] = []; private _connectionMutex: Mutex = new Mutex(); constructor(opts: any = {}) { super(); opts.custodial = false; this._options = opts; this._discovery = createClient(); } init(): Promise { return this.ensureConnection(); } private async ensureConnection(): Promise { const logErr = (await load()).logErr; await this._connectionMutex.waitForUnlock(); this._connectionMutex.acquire(); if (this._activeRelay) { return; } const relays = this.relays; if (relays.length > 0) { do { const index = relays.length > 1 ? await randomNumber(0, relays.length - 1) : 0; const relay = relays[index]; let ret; try { ret = await this._discovery.discover(relay); } catch (e) { logErr(e); relays.splice(index, 1); continue; } if (!ret) { relays.splice(index, 1); continue; } ret = ret as Peer; const connection = `wss://${ret.host}:${ret.port}`; if (!(await this.isServerAvailable(connection))) { relays.splice(index, 1); continue; } this._activeRelay = new Hyperswarm({ dht: new DhtNode( new Stream(true, new WebSocket(connection)), this._options ), keyPair: this._options.keyPair, }); this._activeRelay.on("close", () => { this._activeRelay = undefined; }); } while (relays.length > 0 && !this._activeRelay); } if (!this._activeRelay) { this._connectionMutex.release(); throw new Error("Failed to find an available relay"); } this._processQueuedActions(); await this._activeRelay.dht.ready(); this._connectionMutex.release(); } private async isServerAvailable(connection: string): Promise { return new Promise((resolve) => { const ws = new WebSocket(connection); ws.addEventListener("open", () => { ws.close(); resolve(true); }); ws.addEventListener("error", () => { resolve(false); }); }); } async connect(pubkey: string, options = {}): Promise { if (!this._activeRelay) { await this.ensureConnection(); } return this._activeRelay.connect(pubkey, options); } get relays(): string[] { return [...this._relays.values()]; } public async addRelay(pubkey: string): Promise { this._relays.add(pubkey); } public removeRelay(pubkey: string): boolean { if (!this._relays.has(pubkey)) { return false; } this._relays.delete(pubkey); return true; } public clearRelays(): void { this._relays.clear(); } on( eventName: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void ): Hyperswarm { return this._processOrQueueAction("on", ...arguments); } addListener( eventName: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void ): this { return this.on(eventName, listener); } off( eventName: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void ): Hyperswarm { return this._processOrQueueAction("off", ...arguments); } removeListener( eventName: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void ): this { return this.off(eventName, listener); } emit(eventName: string | symbol, ...args: any[]): boolean { return this._processOrQueueAction("emit", ...arguments); } once(eventName: string | symbol, listener: (...args: any[]) => void): this { return this._processOrQueueAction("once", ...arguments); } private _processOrQueueAction(method: string, ...args: any[]) { if (this._activeRelay) { return this._activeRelay[method](...args); } this._queuedEmActions.push([method, args]); return this; } private _processQueuedActions(): void { for (const action of this._queuedEmActions) { this._activeRelay[action[0]](...action[1]); } this._queuedEmActions = []; } }