Noah Citron 5a32f30686
feat: fee history (#211)
* client get_fee_history

* node get_fee_history

* errors: InvalidBaseGaseFee

* execution get_fee_history

* http rpc get_fee_history

* moc rpc get_fee_history and json file

* module add get_fee_history

* update exec

* test feehistory

* update execution with logging + better logic

* fee history config loader

* rust fmt client

* rustfmt node

* rustfmt error

* rustfmt execution

* rustfmt http and moc rpc

* rustfmt mod.rs

* fee history formating

* correct typos

* use env var

* InvalidGasUsedRatio error

* check gas used ratio

* remove logging

* Update execution/src/errors.rs

Co-authored-by: refcell.eth <abigger87@gmail.com>

* Update execution/src/execution.rs

Co-authored-by: refcell.eth <abigger87@gmail.com>

* adding block and payload errors

* using error

* handle error in test

* fix: evm panic on slot not found (#208)

* fixes, but test fails

* fix: cleanup and example (#210)

* clean up fee history

* bump time dep in chrono, thx dependabot

* add benches to pr

* sleep

* fmt 

* place benching behind a man flag


Co-authored-by: SFYLL <santiagoflood@hotmail.fr>
Co-authored-by: SFYLL <39958632+SFYLL@users.noreply.github.com>
Co-authored-by: refcell.eth <abigger87@gmail.com>
2023-03-11 01:59:29 -05:00
feehistory.rs feat: fee history (#211) 2023-03-11 01:59:29 -05:00