use eyre::Result; // From helios::config use config::{checkpoints, networks}; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<()> { // Construct the checkpoint fallback services. // The `build` method will fetch a list of [CheckpointFallbackService]s from a community-mainained list by ethPandaOps. // This list is NOT guaranteed to be secure, but is provided in good faith. // The raw list can be found here: let cf = checkpoints::CheckpointFallback::new() .build() .await .unwrap(); // Fetch the latest goerli checkpoint let goerli_checkpoint = cf .fetch_latest_checkpoint(&networks::Network::GOERLI) .await .unwrap(); println!("Fetched latest goerli checkpoint: {}", goerli_checkpoint); // Fetch the latest mainnet checkpoint let mainnet_checkpoint = cf .fetch_latest_checkpoint(&networks::Network::MAINNET) .await .unwrap(); println!("Fetched latest mainnet checkpoint: {}", mainnet_checkpoint); // Let's get a list of all the fallback service endpoints for mainnet let endpoints = cf.get_all_fallback_endpoints(&networks::Network::MAINNET); println!("Fetched all mainnet fallback endpoints: {:?}", endpoints); // Since we built the checkpoint fallback services, we can also just get the raw checkpoint fallback services. // The `get_fallback_services` method returns a reference to the internal list of CheckpointFallbackService objects // for the given network. let services = cf.get_fallback_services(&networks::Network::MAINNET); println!("Fetched all mainnet fallback services: {:?}", services); Ok(()) }