use bytes::Bytes; use ethers::{ abi::AbiDecode, types::{Address, H256, U256}, }; use eyre::Report; use thiserror::Error; #[derive(Debug, Error)] pub enum ExecutionError { #[error("invalid account proof for address: {0}")] InvalidAccountProof(Address), #[error("invalid storage proof for address: {0}, slot: {1}")] InvalidStorageProof(Address, H256), #[error("code hash mismatch for address: {0}, found: {1}, expected: {2}")] CodeHashMismatch(Address, String, String), #[error("receipt root mismatch for tx: {0}")] ReceiptRootMismatch(String), #[error("missing transaction for tx: {0}")] MissingTransaction(String), #[error("could not prove receipt for tx: {0}")] NoReceiptForTransaction(String), #[error("missing log for transaction: {0}, index: {1}")] MissingLog(String, U256), #[error("too many logs to prove: {0}, current limit is: {1}")] TooManyLogsToProve(usize, usize), #[error("execution rpc is for the incorect network")] IncorrectRpcNetwork(), #[error("Invalid base gas fee helios {0} vs rpc endpoint {1} at block {2}")] InvalidBaseGaseFee(U256, U256, u64), #[error("Invalid gas used ratio of helios {0} vs rpc endpoint {1} at block {2}")] InvalidGasUsedRatio(f64, f64, u64), #[error("Block {0} not found")] BlockNotFoundError(u64), #[error("Helios Execution Payload is empty")] EmptyExecutionPayload(), #[error("User query for block {0} but helios oldest block is {1}")] InvalidBlockRange(u64, u64), } /// Errors that can occur during calls #[derive(Debug, Error)] pub enum EvmError { #[error("execution reverted: {0:?}")] Revert(Option), #[error("evm error: {0:?}")] Generic(String), #[error("evm execution failed: {0:?}")] Revm(revm::Return), #[error("rpc error: {0:?}")] RpcError(Report), } impl EvmError { pub fn decode_revert_reason(data: impl AsRef<[u8]>) -> Option { let data = data.as_ref(); // skip function selector if data.len() < 4 { return None; } String::decode(&data[4..]).ok() } }