import init, { Client } from "./pkg/index"; export async function createHeliosProvider(config: Config): Promise { const wasmData = require("./pkg/index_bg.wasm"); await init(wasmData); return new HeliosProvider(config); } /// An EIP-1193 compliant Ethereum provider. Treat this the same as you /// would window.ethereum when constructing an ethers or web3 provider. export class HeliosProvider { #client; #chainId; /// Do not use this constructor. Instead use the createHeliosProvider function. constructor(config: Config) { const executionRpc = config.executionRpc; const consensusRpc = config.consensusRpc; const checkpoint = config.checkpoint; const network = ?? Network.MAINNET; this.#client = new Client(executionRpc, consensusRpc, network, checkpoint); this.#chainId = this.#client.chain_id(); } async sync() { await this.#client.sync(); } async request(req: Request): Promise { switch(req.method) { case "eth_getBalance": { return this.#client.get_balance(req.params[0], req.params[1]); }; case "eth_chainId": { return this.#chainId; }; case "eth_blockNumber": { return this.#client.get_block_number(); }; case "eth_getTransactionByHash": { let tx = await this.#client.get_transaction_by_hash(req.params[0]); return mapToObj(tx); }; case "eth_getTransactionCount": { return this.#client.get_transaction_count(req.params[0], req.params[1]); }; case "eth_getBlockTransactionCountByHash": { return this.#client.get_block_transaction_count_by_hash(req.params[0]); }; case "eth_getBlockTransactionCountByNumber": { return this.#client.get_block_transaction_count_by_number(req.params[0]); }; case "eth_getCode": { return this.#client.get_code(req.params[0], req.params[1]); }; case "eth_call": { return[0], req.params[1]); }; case "eth_estimateGas": { return this.#client.estimate_gas(req.params[0]); }; case "eth_gasPrice": { return this.#client.gas_price(); }; case "eth_maxPriorityFeePerGas": { return this.#client.max_priority_fee_per_gas(); }; case "eth_sendRawTransaction": { return this.#client.send_raw_transaction(req.params[0]); }; case "eth_getTransactionReceipt": { return this.#client.get_transaction_receipt(req.params[0]); }; case "eth_getLogs": { return this.#client.get_logs(req.params[0]); }; case "net_version": { return this.#chainId; }; } } } export type Config = { executionRpc: string, consensusRpc?: string, checkpoint?: string, network?: Network, } export enum Network { MAINNET = "mainnet", GOERLI = "goerli", } type Request = { method: string, params: any[], } function mapToObj(map: Map | undefined): Object | undefined { if(!map) return undefined; return Array.from(map).reduce((obj: any, [key, value]) => { obj[key] = value; return obj; }, {}); }