Commit Graph

7 Commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Noah Citron 3c471c2bef
fix: cleanup call example (#212)
* fix: evm panic on slot not found (#208)

* cleanup and example


Co-authored-by: refcell.eth <>
2023-03-11 01:58:42 -05:00
Noah Citron 1fa2dede25
fix: add data dir to basic example (#186) 2023-02-01 13:40:11 -05:00
Noah Citron 72267b4563
feat: wasm support (#182)
* basic consensus setup

* basic execution setup

* patch for wasm

* basic wasm client

* proxy cors for testing

* migrate to webpack

* use typescript

* track chain head

* rename to helios-ts

* better build instructions

* add getCode

* builds everywhere

* add wasm-pack to dependencies

* compile for both wasm and non-wasm

* fix deps

* fix deps

* remove ds store

* add blocktags

* add getNonce

* use BTreeMap to store payloads

* add getTransaction

* switch to proper ethers provider

* post merge fixes

* compile client to wasm

* fix tests

* fmt

* use milagro for bls

* handle node advance in rust

* faster bls deserialization

* clippy

* add ConfigDB

* remove ts bindings

* fix gitignore

* remove ts workspace member

* remove unused mut

* uncomment old deletions

* bump to 0.2.0
2023-01-30 21:38:46 -05:00
Noah Citron 4d1ca1d6ed
chore: rename examples (#171) 2023-01-18 21:23:47 -05:00
Giovanni Vignone c26e393b7d
feat: add tx length rpc methods (#142)
* adding documentation for

* adding rpc methods in table for

* adjusting readme to link to

* fixing grammar

* grammar

* adding RPC Methods according to documentation and listing column as Client Function

* adding more description space

* undoing description spacing

* adding get block transaction count by hash to and

* functioning getblocktransactioncountbyhash function

* removing documentation

* adding second rpc method and simplifying logic

* adjusting example and

* formatting

* fixing clippy errors

* adding to client and to

* formatting

* integrating into client

* u64 return types, updated to get_nonce, get_transaction_count -> get_nonce revert

* cargo fmt
2022-12-13 19:19:36 -05:00
refcell.eth b449c1f674
fix(readme): Resolve Dependency Type Conflicts (#129)
* 🐛 resolve dependency type conflicts

* 🔨 fix inline payload construction in tests
2022-12-04 15:28:44 -05:00
refcell.eth 7e3fe40613
feat(examples): Introduces working examples (#126)
* ⚙️ examples and more cleanup

* ⚙️ examples
2022-12-02 18:41:50 -05:00