
1733 lines
46 KiB

define(function(require) {
var _ = require('nodash');
// TextEncoder and TextDecoder will either already be present, or use this shim.
// Because of the way the spec is defined, we need to get them off the global.
var normalize = require('src/path').normalize;
var dirname = require('src/path').dirname;
var basename = require('src/path').basename;
var guid = require('src/shared').guid;
var hash = require('src/shared').hash;
var nop = require('src/shared').nop;
var EExists = require('src/error').EExists;
var EIsDirectory = require('src/error').EIsDirectory;
var ENoEntry = require('src/error').ENoEntry;
var EBusy = require('src/error').EBusy;
var ENotEmpty = require('src/error').ENotEmpty;
var ENotDirectory = require('src/error').ENotDirectory;
var EBadFileDescriptor = require('src/error').EBadFileDescriptor;
var ENotImplemented = require('src/error').ENotImplemented;
var ENotMounted = require('src/error').ENotMounted;
var EInvalid = require('src/error').EInvalid;
var EIO = require('src/error').EIO;
var ELoop = require('src/error').ELoop;
var EFileSystemError = require('src/error').EFileSystemError;
var FILE_SYSTEM_NAME = require('src/constants').FILE_SYSTEM_NAME;
var FS_FORMAT = require('src/constants').FS_FORMAT;
var MODE_FILE = require('src/constants').MODE_FILE;
var MODE_DIRECTORY = require('src/constants').MODE_DIRECTORY;
var MODE_SYMBOLIC_LINK = require('src/constants').MODE_SYMBOLIC_LINK;
var ROOT_DIRECTORY_NAME = require('src/constants').ROOT_DIRECTORY_NAME;
var ROOT_NODE_ID = require('src/constants').ROOT_NODE_ID;
var SYMLOOP_MAX = require('src/constants').SYMLOOP_MAX;
var FS_READY = require('src/constants').FS_READY;
var FS_PENDING = require('src/constants').FS_PENDING;
var FS_ERROR = require('src/constants').FS_ERROR;
var O_READ = require('src/constants').O_READ;
var O_WRITE = require('src/constants').O_WRITE;
var O_CREATE = require('src/constants').O_CREATE;
var O_EXCLUSIVE = require('src/constants').O_EXCLUSIVE;
var O_TRUNCATE = require('src/constants').O_TRUNCATE;
var O_APPEND = require('src/constants').O_APPEND;
var O_FLAGS = require('src/constants').O_FLAGS;
var providers = require('src/providers/providers');
var adapters = require('src/adapters/adapters');
* DirectoryEntry
function DirectoryEntry(id, type) { = id;
this.type = type || MODE_FILE;
* OpenFileDescription
function OpenFileDescription(id, flags, position) { = id;
this.flags = flags;
this.position = position;
* Node
function Node(id, mode, size, atime, ctime, mtime, flags, xattrs, nlinks, version) {
var now =; = id || hash(guid());
this.mode = mode || MODE_FILE; // node type (file, directory, etc)
this.size = size || 0; // size (bytes for files, entries for directories)
this.atime = atime || now; // access time
this.ctime = ctime || now; // creation time
this.mtime = mtime || now; // modified time
this.flags = flags || []; // file flags
this.xattrs = xattrs || {}; // extended attributes
this.nlinks = nlinks || 0; // links count
this.version = version || 0; // node version
this.blksize = undefined; // block size
this.nblocks = 1; // blocks count = hash(guid()); // id for data object
* Stats
function Stats(fileNode, devName) {
this.node =; = devName;
this.size = fileNode.size;
this.nlinks = fileNode.nlinks;
this.atime = fileNode.atime;
this.mtime = fileNode.mtime;
this.ctime = fileNode.ctime;
this.type = fileNode.mode;
* find_node
// in: file or directory path
// out: node structure, or error
function find_node(context, path, callback) {
path = normalize(path);
if(!path) {
return callback(new ENoEntry('path is an empty string'));
var name = basename(path);
var parentPath = dirname(path);
var followedCount = 0;
function check_root_directory_node(error, rootDirectoryNode) {
if(error) {
} else if(!rootDirectoryNode) {
callback(new ENoEntry('path does not exist'));
} else {
callback(null, rootDirectoryNode);
// in: parent directory node
// out: parent directory data
function read_parent_directory_data(error, parentDirectoryNode) {
if(error) {
} else if(parentDirectoryNode.mode !== MODE_DIRECTORY || ! {
callback(new ENotDirectory('a component of the path prefix is not a directory'));
} else {
context.get(, get_node_from_parent_directory_data);
// in: parent directory data
// out: searched node
function get_node_from_parent_directory_data(error, parentDirectoryData) {
if(error) {
} else {
if(!_(parentDirectoryData).has(name)) {
callback(new ENoEntry('path does not exist'));
} else {
var nodeId = parentDirectoryData[name].id;
context.get(nodeId, is_symbolic_link);
function is_symbolic_link(error, node) {
if(error) {
} else {
if(node.mode == MODE_SYMBOLIC_LINK) {
if(followedCount > SYMLOOP_MAX){
callback(new ELoop('too many symbolic links were encountered'));
} else {
} else {
callback(null, node);
function follow_symbolic_link(data) {
data = normalize(data);
parentPath = dirname(data);
name = basename(data);
context.get(ROOT_NODE_ID, check_root_directory_node);
} else {
find_node(context, parentPath, read_parent_directory_data);
context.get(ROOT_NODE_ID, check_root_directory_node);
} else {
find_node(context, parentPath, read_parent_directory_data);
* make_root_directory
// Note: this should only be invoked when formatting a new file system
function make_root_directory(context, callback) {
var directoryNode;
var directoryData;
function write_directory_node(error, existingNode) {
if(!error && existingNode) {
callback(new EExists());
} else if(error && !error instanceof ENoEntry) {
} else {
directoryNode = new Node(ROOT_NODE_ID, MODE_DIRECTORY);
directoryNode.nlinks += 1;
context.put(, directoryNode, write_directory_data);
function write_directory_data(error) {
if(error) {
} else {
directoryData = {};
context.put(, directoryData, callback);
find_node(context, ROOT_DIRECTORY_NAME, write_directory_node);
* make_directory
function make_directory(context, path, callback) {
path = normalize(path);
var name = basename(path);
var parentPath = dirname(path);
var directoryNode;
var directoryData;
var parentDirectoryNode;
var parentDirectoryData;
function check_if_directory_exists(error, result) {
if(!error && result) {
callback(new EExists());
} else if(error && !error instanceof ENoEntry) {
} else {
find_node(context, parentPath, read_parent_directory_data);
function read_parent_directory_data(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
parentDirectoryNode = result;
context.get(, write_directory_node);
function write_directory_node(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
parentDirectoryData = result;
directoryNode = new Node(undefined, MODE_DIRECTORY);
directoryNode.nlinks += 1;
context.put(, directoryNode, write_directory_data);
function write_directory_data(error) {
if(error) {
} else {
directoryData = {};
context.put(, directoryData, update_parent_directory_data);
function update_parent_directory_data(error) {
if(error) {
} else {
parentDirectoryData[name] = new DirectoryEntry(, MODE_DIRECTORY);
context.put(, parentDirectoryData, callback);
find_node(context, path, check_if_directory_exists);
* remove_directory
function remove_directory(context, path, callback) {
path = normalize(path);
var name = basename(path);
var parentPath = dirname(path);
var directoryNode;
var directoryData;
var parentDirectoryNode;
var parentDirectoryData;
function read_parent_directory_data(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
parentDirectoryNode = result;
context.get(, check_if_node_exists);
function check_if_node_exists(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else if(ROOT_DIRECTORY_NAME == name) {
callback(new EBusy());
} else if(!_(result).has(name)) {
callback(new ENoEntry());
} else {
parentDirectoryData = result;
directoryNode = parentDirectoryData[name].id;
context.get(directoryNode, check_if_node_is_directory);
function check_if_node_is_directory(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else if(result.mode != MODE_DIRECTORY) {
callback(new ENotDirectory());
} else {
directoryNode = result;
context.get(, check_if_directory_is_empty);
function check_if_directory_is_empty(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
directoryData = result;
if(_(directoryData).size() > 0) {
callback(new ENotEmpty());
} else {
function remove_directory_entry_from_parent_directory_node() {
delete parentDirectoryData[name];
context.put(, parentDirectoryData, remove_directory_node);
function remove_directory_node(error) {
if(error) {
} else {
context.delete(, remove_directory_data);
function remove_directory_data(error) {
if(error) {
} else {
context.delete(, callback);
find_node(context, parentPath, read_parent_directory_data);
function open_file(context, path, flags, callback) {
path = normalize(path);
var name = basename(path);
var parentPath = dirname(path);
var directoryNode;
var directoryData;
var directoryEntry;
var fileNode;
var fileData;
var followedCount = 0;
if(_(flags).contains(O_WRITE)) {
callback(new EIsDirectory('the named file is a directory and O_WRITE is set'));
} else {
find_node(context, path, set_file_node);
} else {
find_node(context, parentPath, read_directory_data);
function read_directory_data(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
directoryNode = result;
context.get(, check_if_file_exists);
function check_if_file_exists(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
directoryData = result;
if(_(directoryData).has(name)) {
if(_(flags).contains(O_EXCLUSIVE)) {
callback(new ENoEntry('O_CREATE and O_EXCLUSIVE are set, and the named file exists'));
} else {
directoryEntry = directoryData[name];
if(directoryEntry.type == MODE_DIRECTORY && _(flags).contains(O_WRITE)) {
callback(new EIsDirectory('the named file is a directory and O_WRITE is set'));
} else {
context.get(, check_if_symbolic_link);
} else {
if(!_(flags).contains(O_CREATE)) {
callback(new ENoEntry('O_CREATE is not set and the named file does not exist'));
} else {
function check_if_symbolic_link(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
var node = result;
if(node.mode == MODE_SYMBOLIC_LINK) {
if(followedCount > SYMLOOP_MAX){
callback(new ELoop('too many symbolic links were encountered'));
} else {
} else {
set_file_node(undefined, node);
function follow_symbolic_link(data) {
data = normalize(data);
parentPath = dirname(data);
name = basename(data);
if(_(flags).contains(O_WRITE)) {
callback(new EIsDirectory('the named file is a directory and O_WRITE is set'));
} else {
find_node(context, path, set_file_node);
find_node(context, parentPath, read_directory_data);
function set_file_node(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
fileNode = result;
callback(null, fileNode);
function write_file_node() {
fileNode = new Node(undefined, MODE_FILE);
fileNode.nlinks += 1;
context.put(, fileNode, write_file_data);
function write_file_data(error) {
if(error) {
} else {
fileData = new Uint8Array(0);
context.put(, fileData, update_directory_data);
function update_directory_data(error) {
if(error) {
} else {
directoryData[name] = new DirectoryEntry(, MODE_FILE);
context.put(, directoryData, handle_update_result);
function handle_update_result(error) {
if(error) {
} else {
callback(null, fileNode);
function write_data(context, ofd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback) {
var fileNode;
var fileData;
function return_nbytes(error) {
if(error) {
} else {
callback(null, length);
function update_file_node(error) {
if(error) {
} else {
context.put(, fileNode, return_nbytes);
function update_file_data(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
fileData = result;
var _position = (!(undefined === position || null === position)) ? position : ofd.position;
var newSize = Math.max(fileData.length, _position + length);
var newData = new Uint8Array(newSize);
if(fileData) {
newData.set(buffer, _position);
if(undefined === position) {
ofd.position += length;
fileNode.size = newSize;
fileNode.mtime =;
fileNode.version += 1;
context.put(, newData, update_file_node);
function read_file_data(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
fileNode = result;
context.get(, update_file_data);
context.get(, read_file_data);
function read_data(context, ofd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback) {
var fileNode;
var fileData;
function handle_file_data(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
fileData = result;
var _position = (!(undefined === position || null === position)) ? position : ofd.position;
length = (_position + length > buffer.length) ? length - _position : length;
var dataView = fileData.subarray(_position, _position + length);
buffer.set(dataView, offset);
if(undefined === position) {
ofd.position += length;
callback(null, length);
function read_file_data(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
fileNode = result;
context.get(, handle_file_data);
context.get(, read_file_data);
function stat_file(context, path, callback) {
path = normalize(path);
var name = basename(path);
function check_file(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
callback(null, result);
find_node(context, path, check_file);
function fstat_file(context, ofd, callback) {
function check_file(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
callback(null, result);
context.get(, check_file);
function lstat_file(context, path, callback) {
path = normalize(path);
var name = basename(path);
var parentPath = dirname(path);
var directoryNode;
var directoryData;
context.get(ROOT_NODE_ID, check_file);
} else {
find_node(context, parentPath, read_directory_data);
function read_directory_data(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
directoryNode = result;
context.get(, check_if_file_exists);
function check_if_file_exists(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
directoryData = result;
if(!_(directoryData).has(name)) {
callback(new ENoEntry('a component of the path does not name an existing file'));
} else {
context.get(directoryData[name].id, check_file);
function check_file(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
callback(null, result);
function link_node(context, oldpath, newpath, callback) {
oldpath = normalize(oldpath);
var oldname = basename(oldpath);
var oldParentPath = dirname(oldpath);
newpath = normalize(newpath);
var newname = basename(newpath);
var newParentPath = dirname(newpath);
var oldDirectoryNode;
var oldDirectoryData;
var newDirectoryNode;
var newDirectoryData;
var fileNode;
function update_file_node(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
fileNode = result;
fileNode.nlinks += 1;
context.put(, fileNode, callback);
function read_directory_entry(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
context.get(newDirectoryData[newname].id, update_file_node);
function check_if_new_file_exists(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
newDirectoryData = result;
if(_(newDirectoryData).has(newname)) {
callback(new EExists('newpath resolves to an existing file'));
} else {
newDirectoryData[newname] = oldDirectoryData[oldname];
context.put(, newDirectoryData, read_directory_entry);
function read_new_directory_data(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
newDirectoryNode = result;
context.get(, check_if_new_file_exists);
function check_if_old_file_exists(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
oldDirectoryData = result;
if(!_(oldDirectoryData).has(oldname)) {
callback(new ENoEntry('a component of either path prefix does not exist'));
} else {
find_node(context, newParentPath, read_new_directory_data);
function read_old_directory_data(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
oldDirectoryNode = result;
context.get(, check_if_old_file_exists);
find_node(context, oldParentPath, read_old_directory_data);
function unlink_node(context, path, callback) {
path = normalize(path);
var name = basename(path);
var parentPath = dirname(path);
var directoryNode;
var directoryData;
var fileNode;
function update_directory_data(error) {
if(error) {
} else {
delete directoryData[name];
context.put(, directoryData, callback);
function delete_file_data(error) {
if(error) {
} else {
context.delete(, update_directory_data);
function update_file_node(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
fileNode = result;
fileNode.nlinks -= 1;
if(fileNode.nlinks < 1) {
context.delete(, delete_file_data);
} else {
context.put(, fileNode, update_directory_data);
function check_if_file_exists(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
directoryData = result;
if(!_(directoryData).has(name)) {
callback(new ENoEntry('a component of the path does not name an existing file'));
} else {
context.get(directoryData[name].id, update_file_node);
function read_directory_data(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
directoryNode = result;
context.get(, check_if_file_exists);
find_node(context, parentPath, read_directory_data);
function read_directory(context, path, callback) {
path = normalize(path);
var name = basename(path);
var directoryNode;
var directoryData;
function handle_directory_data(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
directoryData = result;
var files = Object.keys(directoryData);
callback(null, files);
function read_directory_data(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
directoryNode = result;
context.get(, handle_directory_data);
find_node(context, path, read_directory_data);
function make_symbolic_link(context, srcpath, dstpath, callback) {
dstpath = normalize(dstpath);
var name = basename(dstpath);
var parentPath = dirname(dstpath);
var directoryNode;
var directoryData;
var fileNode;
callback(new EExists('the destination path already exists'));
} else {
find_node(context, parentPath, read_directory_data);
function read_directory_data(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
directoryNode = result;
context.get(, check_if_file_exists);
function check_if_file_exists(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
directoryData = result;
if(_(directoryData).has(name)) {
callback(new EExists('the destination path already exists'));
} else {
function write_file_node() {
fileNode = new Node(undefined, MODE_SYMBOLIC_LINK);
fileNode.nlinks += 1;
fileNode.size = srcpath.length; = srcpath;
context.put(, fileNode, update_directory_data);
function update_directory_data(error) {
if(error) {
} else {
directoryData[name] = new DirectoryEntry(, MODE_SYMBOLIC_LINK);
context.put(, directoryData, callback);
function read_link(context, path, callback) {
path = normalize(path);
var name = basename(path);
var parentPath = dirname(path);
var directoryNode;
var directoryData;
find_node(context, parentPath, read_directory_data);
function read_directory_data(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
directoryNode = result;
context.get(, check_if_file_exists);
function check_if_file_exists(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
directoryData = result;
if(!_(directoryData).has(name)) {
callback(new ENoEntry('a component of the path does not name an existing file'));
} else {
context.get(directoryData[name].id, check_if_symbolic);
function check_if_symbolic(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
if(result.mode != MODE_SYMBOLIC_LINK) {
callback(new EInvalid("path not a symbolic link"));
} else {
function validate_flags(flags) {
if(!_(O_FLAGS).has(flags)) {
return null;
return O_FLAGS[flags];
// nullCheck from
function nullCheck(path, callback) {
if (('' + path).indexOf('\u0000') !== -1) {
var er = new Error('Path must be a string without null bytes.');
return false;
return true;
// node.js supports a calling pattern that leaves off a callback.
function maybeCallback(callback) {
if(typeof callback === "function") {
return callback;
return function(err) {
if(err) {
throw err;
* FileSystem
* A FileSystem takes an `options` object, which can specify a number of,
* options. All options are optional, and include:
* name: the name of the file system, defaults to "local"
* flags: one or more flags to use when creating/opening the file system.
* For example: "FORMAT" will cause the file system to be formatted.
* No explicit flags are set by default.
* provider: an explicit storage provider to use for the file
* system's database context provider. A number of context
* providers are included (see /src/providers), and users
* can write one of their own and pass it in to be used.
* By default an IndexedDB provider is used.
* callback: a callback function to be executed when the file system becomes
* ready for use. Depending on the context provider used, this might
* be right away, or could take some time. The callback should expect
* an `error` argument, which will be null if everything worked. Also
* users should check the file system's `readyState` and `error`
* properties to make sure it is usable.
function FileSystem(options, callback) {
options = options || {};
callback = callback || nop;
var name = || FILE_SYSTEM_NAME;
var flags = options.flags;
var provider = options.provider || new providers.Default(name);
var forceFormatting = _(flags).contains(FS_FORMAT);
var fs = this;
fs.readyState = FS_PENDING; = name;
fs.error = null;
// Safely expose the list of open files and file
// descriptor management functions
var openFiles = {};
var nextDescriptor = 1;
Object.defineProperty(this, "openFiles", {
get: function() { return openFiles; }
this.allocDescriptor = function(openFileDescription) {
var fd = nextDescriptor ++;
openFiles[fd] = openFileDescription;
return fd;
this.releaseDescriptor = function(fd) {
delete openFiles[fd];
// Safely expose the operation queue
var queue = [];
this.queueOrRun = function(operation) {
var error;
if(FS_READY == fs.readyState) {;
} else if(FS_ERROR == fs.readyState) {
error = new EFileSystemError('unknown error');
} else {
return error;
function runQueued() {
queue.forEach(function(operation) {;
queue = null;
// Open file system storage provider, needsFormatting) {
function complete(error) {
fs.provider = provider;
if(error) {
fs.readyState = FS_ERROR;
} else {
fs.readyState = FS_READY;
if(err) {
return complete(err);
// If we don't need or want formatting, we're done
if(!(forceFormatting || needsFormatting)) {
return complete(null);
// otherwise format the fs first
var context = provider.getReadWriteContext();
context.clear(function(err) {
if(err) {
make_root_directory(context, complete);
// Expose storage providers on FileSystem constructor
FileSystem.providers = providers;
// Expose adatpers on FileSystem constructor
FileSystem.adapters = adapters;
function _open(fs, context, path, flags, callback) {
if(!nullCheck(path, callback)) return;
function check_result(error, fileNode) {
if(error) {
} else {
var position;
if(_(flags).contains(O_APPEND)) {
position = fileNode.size;
} else {
position = 0;
var openFileDescription = new OpenFileDescription(, flags, position);
var fd = fs.allocDescriptor(openFileDescription);
callback(null, fd);
flags = validate_flags(flags);
if(!flags) {
callback(new EInvalid('flags is not valid'));
open_file(context, path, flags, check_result);
function _close(fs, fd, callback) {
if(!_(fs.openFiles).has(fd)) {
callback(new EBadFileDescriptor('invalid file descriptor'));
} else {
function _mkdir(context, path, callback) {
if(!nullCheck(path, callback)) return;
function check_result(error) {
if(error) {
} else {
make_directory(context, path, check_result);
function _rmdir(context, path, callback) {
if(!nullCheck(path, callback)) return;
function check_result(error) {
if(error) {
} else {
remove_directory(context, path, check_result);
function _stat(context, name, path, callback) {
if(!nullCheck(path, callback)) return;
function check_result(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
var stats = new Stats(result, name);
callback(null, stats);
stat_file(context, path, check_result);
function _fstat(fs, context, fd, callback) {
function check_result(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
var stats = new Stats(result,;
callback(null, stats);
var ofd = fs.openFiles[fd];
if(!ofd) {
callback(new EBadFileDescriptor('invalid file descriptor'));
} else {
fstat_file(context, ofd, check_result);
function _link(context, oldpath, newpath, callback) {
if(!nullCheck(oldpath, callback)) return;
if(!nullCheck(newpath, callback)) return;
function check_result(error) {
if(error) {
} else {
link_node(context, oldpath, newpath, check_result);
function _unlink(context, path, callback) {
if(!nullCheck(path, callback)) return;
function check_result(error) {
if(error) {
} else {
unlink_node(context, path, check_result);
function _read(fs, context, fd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback) {
offset = (undefined === offset) ? 0 : offset;
length = (undefined === length) ? buffer.length - offset : length;
function check_result(error, nbytes) {
if(error) {
} else {
callback(null, nbytes);
var ofd = fs.openFiles[fd];
if(!ofd) {
callback(new EBadFileDescriptor('invalid file descriptor'));
} else if(!_(ofd.flags).contains(O_READ)) {
callback(new EBadFileDescriptor('descriptor does not permit reading'));
} else {
read_data(context, ofd, buffer, offset, length, position, check_result);
function _readFile(fs, context, path, options, callback) {
if(!options) {
options = { encoding: null, flag: 'r' };
} else if(typeof options === "function") {
options = { encoding: null, flag: 'r' };
} else if(typeof options === "string") {
options = { encoding: options, flag: 'r' };
if(!nullCheck(path, callback)) return;
var flags = validate_flags(options.flag || 'r');
if(!flags) {
callback(new EInvalid('flags is not valid'));
open_file(context, path, flags, function(err, fileNode) {
if(err) {
return callback(err);
var ofd = new OpenFileDescription(, flags, 0);
var fd = fs.allocDescriptor(ofd);
fstat_file(context, ofd, function(err2, fstatResult) {
if(err2) {
return callback(err2);
var stats = new Stats(fstatResult,;
var size = stats.size;
var buffer = new Uint8Array(size);
read_data(context, ofd, buffer, 0, size, 0, function(err3, nbytes) {
if(err3) {
return callback(err3);
var data;
if(options.encoding === 'utf8') {
data = new TextDecoder('utf-8').decode(buffer);
} else {
data = buffer;
callback(null, data);
function _write(fs, context, fd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback) {
offset = (undefined === offset) ? 0 : offset;
length = (undefined === length) ? buffer.length - offset : length;
function check_result(error, nbytes) {
if(error) {
} else {
callback(null, nbytes);
var ofd = fs.openFiles[fd];
if(!ofd) {
callback(new EBadFileDescriptor('invalid file descriptor'));
} else if(!_(ofd.flags).contains(O_WRITE)) {
callback(new EBadFileDescriptor('descriptor does not permit writing'));
} else if(buffer.length - offset < length) {
callback(new EIO('intput buffer is too small'));
} else {
write_data(context, ofd, buffer, offset, length, position, check_result);
function _writeFile(fs, context, path, data, options, callback) {
if(!options) {
options = { encoding: 'utf8', flag: 'w' };
} else if(typeof options === "function") {
options = { encoding: 'utf8', flag: 'w' };
} else if(typeof options === "string") {
options = { encoding: options, flag: 'w' };
if(!nullCheck(path, callback)) return;
var flags = validate_flags(options.flag || 'w');
if(!flags) {
callback(new EInvalid('flags is not valid'));
data = data || '';
if(typeof data === "number") {
data = '' + data;
if(typeof data === "string" && options.encoding === 'utf8') {
data = new TextEncoder('utf-8').encode(data);
open_file(context, path, flags, function(err, fileNode) {
if(err) {
return callback(err);
var ofd = new OpenFileDescription(, flags, 0);
var fd = fs.allocDescriptor(ofd);
write_data(context, ofd, data, 0, data.length, 0, function(err2, nbytes) {
if(err2) {
return callback(err2);
function _getxattr(path, name, callback) {
// if(!nullCheck(path, callback)) return;
function _setxattr(path, name, value, callback) {
// if(!nullCheck(path, callback)) return;
function _lseek(fs, context, fd, offset, whence, callback) {
function check_result(error, offset) {
if(error) {
} else {
function update_descriptor_position(error, stats) {
if(error) {
} else {
if(stats.size + offset < 0) {
callback(new EInvalid('resulting file offset would be negative'));
} else {
ofd.position = stats.size + offset;
callback(null, ofd.position);
var ofd = fs.openFiles[fd];
if(!ofd) {
callback(new EBadFileDescriptor('invalid file descriptor'));
if('SET' === whence) {
if(offset < 0) {
callback(new EInvalid('resulting file offset would be negative'));
} else {
ofd.position = offset;
callback(null, ofd.position);
} else if('CUR' === whence) {
if(ofd.position + offset < 0) {
callback(new EInvalid('resulting file offset would be negative'));
} else {
ofd.position += offset;
callback(null, ofd.position);
} else if('END' === whence) {
fstat_file(context, ofd, update_descriptor_position);
} else {
callback(new EInvalid('whence argument is not a proper value'));
function _readdir(context, path, callback) {
if(!nullCheck(path, callback)) return;
function check_result(error, files) {
if(error) {
} else {
callback(null, files);
read_directory(context, path, check_result);
function _utimes(path, atime, mtime, callback) {
// if(!nullCheck(path, callback)) return;
function _rename(context, oldpath, newpath, callback) {
if(!nullCheck(oldpath, callback)) return;
if(!nullCheck(newpath, callback)) return;
function check_result(error) {
if(error) {
} else {
function unlink_old_node(error) {
if(error) {
} else {
unlink_node(context, oldpath, check_result);
link_node(context, oldpath, newpath, unlink_old_node);
function _symlink(context, srcpath, dstpath, callback) {
if(!nullCheck(srcpath, callback)) return;
if(!nullCheck(dstpath, callback)) return;
function check_result(error) {
if(error) {
} else {
make_symbolic_link(context, srcpath, dstpath, check_result);
function _readlink(context, path, callback) {
if(!nullCheck(path, callback)) return;
function check_result(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
callback(null, result);
read_link(context, path, check_result);
function _realpath(fd, length, callback) {
function _lstat(fs, context, path, callback) {
if(!nullCheck(path, callback)) return;
function check_result(error, result) {
if(error) {
} else {
var stats = new Stats(result,;
callback(null, stats);
lstat_file(context, path, check_result);
function _truncate(path, length, callback) {
// if(!nullCheck(path, callback)) return;
function _ftruncate(fd, length, callback) {
// if(!nullCheck(path, callback)) return;
* Public API for FileSystem
*/ = function(path, flags, mode, callback) {
// We support the same signature as node with a `mode` arg, but
// ignore it. Find the callback.
callback = maybeCallback(arguments[arguments.length - 1]);
var fs = this;
var error = fs.queueOrRun(
function() {
var context = fs.provider.getReadWriteContext();
_open(fs, context, path, flags, callback);
if(error) callback(error);
FileSystem.prototype.close = function(fd, callback) {
_close(this, fd, maybeCallback(callback));
FileSystem.prototype.mkdir = function(path, mode, callback) {
// Support passing a mode arg, but we ignore it internally for now.
if(typeof mode === 'function') {
callback = mode;
callback = maybeCallback(callback);
var fs = this;
var error = fs.queueOrRun(
function() {
var context = fs.provider.getReadWriteContext();
_mkdir(context, path, callback);
if(error) callback(error);
FileSystem.prototype.rmdir = function(path, callback) {
callback = maybeCallback(callback);
var fs = this;
var error = fs.queueOrRun(
function() {
var context = fs.provider.getReadWriteContext();
_rmdir(context, path, callback);
if(error) callback(error);
FileSystem.prototype.stat = function(path, callback) {
callback = maybeCallback(callback);
var fs = this;
var error = fs.queueOrRun(
function() {
var context = fs.provider.getReadWriteContext();
_stat(context,, path, callback);
if(error) callback(error);
FileSystem.prototype.fstat = function(fd, callback) {
callback = maybeCallback(callback);
var fs = this;
var error = fs.queueOrRun(
function() {
var context = fs.provider.getReadWriteContext();
_fstat(fs, context, fd, callback);
if(error) callback(error);
}; = function(oldpath, newpath, callback) {
callback = maybeCallback(callback);
var fs = this;
var error = fs.queueOrRun(
function() {
var context = fs.provider.getReadWriteContext();
_link(context, oldpath, newpath, callback);
if(error) callback(error);
FileSystem.prototype.unlink = function(path, callback) {
callback = maybeCallback(callback);
var fs = this;
var error = fs.queueOrRun(
function() {
var context = fs.provider.getReadWriteContext();
_unlink(context, path, callback);
if(error) callback(error);
}; = function(fd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback) {
// Follow how node.js does this
callback = maybeCallback(callback);
function wrapper(err, bytesRead) {
// Retain a reference to buffer so that it can't be GC'ed too soon.
callback(err, bytesRead || 0, buffer);
var fs = this;
var error = fs.queueOrRun(
function() {
var context = fs.provider.getReadWriteContext();
_read(fs, context, fd, buffer, offset, length, position, wrapper);
if(error) callback(error);
FileSystem.prototype.readFile = function(path, options, callback_) {
var callback = maybeCallback(arguments[arguments.length - 1]);
var fs = this;
var error = fs.queueOrRun(
function() {
var context = fs.provider.getReadWriteContext();
_readFile(fs, context, path, options, callback);
if(error) callback(error);
FileSystem.prototype.write = function(fd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback) {
callback = maybeCallback(callback);
var fs = this;
var error = fs.queueOrRun(
function() {
var context = fs.provider.getReadWriteContext();
_write(fs, context, fd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback);
if(error) callback(error);
FileSystem.prototype.writeFile = function(path, data, options, callback_) {
var callback = maybeCallback(arguments[arguments.length - 1]);
var fs = this;
var error = fs.queueOrRun(
function() {
var context = fs.provider.getReadWriteContext();
_writeFile(fs, context, path, data, options, callback);
if(error) callback(error);
FileSystem.prototype.lseek = function(fd, offset, whence, callback) {
callback = maybeCallback(callback);
var fs = this;
var error = fs.queueOrRun(
function() {
var context = fs.provider.getReadWriteContext();
_lseek(fs, context, fd, offset, whence, callback);
if(error) callback(error);
FileSystem.prototype.readdir = function(path, callback) {
callback = maybeCallback(callback);
var fs = this;
var error = fs.queueOrRun(
function() {
var context = fs.provider.getReadWriteContext();
_readdir(context, path, callback);
if(error) callback(error);
FileSystem.prototype.rename = function(oldpath, newpath, callback) {
callback = maybeCallback(callback);
var fs = this;
var error = fs.queueOrRun(
function() {
var context = fs.provider.getReadWriteContext();
_rename(context, oldpath, newpath, callback);
if(error) callback(error);
FileSystem.prototype.readlink = function(path, callback) {
callback = maybeCallback(callback);
var fs = this;
var error = fs.queueOrRun(
function() {
var context = fs.provider.getReadWriteContext();
_readlink(context, path, callback);
if(error) callback(error);
FileSystem.prototype.symlink = function(srcpath, dstpath, type, callback_) {
// Follow node.js in allowing the `type` arg to be passed, but we ignore it.
var callback = maybeCallback(arguments[arguments.length - 1]);
var fs = this;
var error = fs.queueOrRun(
function() {
var context = fs.provider.getReadWriteContext();
_symlink(context, srcpath, dstpath, callback);
if(error) callback(error);
FileSystem.prototype.lstat = function(path, callback) {
callback = maybeCallback(callback);
var fs = this;
var error = fs.queueOrRun(
function() {
var context = fs.provider.getReadWriteContext();
_lstat(fs, context, path, callback);
if(error) callback(error);
return {
FileSystem: FileSystem,
Path: require('src/path')