
386 lines
7.1 KiB

import FDMap from "./fdmap";
import VFSMount from "./vfsmount";
import RootFS from "../fs/providers/root-fs";
import { check as pathCheck, normalize, basename, dirname } from "../common/path";
import { ROOT_DIRECTORY_NAME } from "../common/constants";
import Providers from "../fs/providers/index";
import E from "../common/errors";
import { SUPER_NODE_ID } from "../common/constants";
import { MNT_READ_ONLY } from "../common/constants";
import { SYMLOOP_MAX } from "../common/constants";
import { MODE_FILE, MODE_DIRECTORY, MODE_SYMBOLIC_LINK } from "../common/constants";
import UUID from "../common/uuid";
import DirectoryEntry from "./directory-entry";
import Node from "../fs/node";
import SuperNode from "../fs/super-node";
import URL from "../common/url";
const __ = new WeakMap();
class InternalVFS
const rootFS = new RootFS();
const rootFSVFSMount = new VFSMount({ fs: rootFS, flags: [ MNT_READ_ONLY ] })
const fsVFSMounts = new WeakMap();
fsVFSMounts.set(rootFS, rootFSVFSMount);
__.set(this, {
fdMap: new FDMap(),
vfsMountsRoot: rootFSVFSMount,
fsVFSMounts: fsVFSMounts,
vfsMounts: new Map(),
async findNode({path, followSymlinks = true} = {}, context)
const self = __.get(this);
if(!context) {
context = { symlinksFollowed: 0 };
path = normalize(path);
if(!path) {
throw new E.ENOENT("path is an empty string");
let name = basename(path);
let parentPath = dirname(path);
let fs;
let nodeId;
fs = self.vfsMountsRoot.fs;
let superNode = await;
nodeId = superNode.rnode;
} else {
let parentDirectoryNode = await this.findNode({ path: parentPath }, context);
fs = parentDirectoryNode.fs;
if(parentDirectoryNode.mode !== MODE_DIRECTORY) {
throw new E.ENOTDIR("a component of the path prefix is not a directory", path);
let parentDirectoryData;
try {
parentDirectoryData = await parentDirectoryNode.readData();
} catch(error) {
parentDirectoryData = new Object();
if(!parentDirectoryData.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
throw new E.ENOENT(null, path);
let directoryEntry = new DirectoryEntry(parentDirectoryData[name]);
nodeId =;
// Follow all vfsMounts on this node.
let nodeHash = Node.hash(fs, nodeId);
while(self.vfsMounts.has(nodeHash)) {
let vfsMount = (self.vfsMounts.get(nodeHash))[0];
fs = vfsMount.fs;
if(vfsMount.rnode) {
nodeId = vfsMount.rnode;
} else {
let superNode = await;
nodeId = superNode.rnode;
nodeHash = Node.hash(fs, nodeId);
let node = await, nodeId);
if(node.mode == MODE_SYMBOLIC_LINK) {
context.symlinksFollowed += 1;
if(context.symlinksFollowed > SYMLOOP_MAX) {
throw new E.ELOOP(null, path);
let symlinkPath = await node.readData();
node = await this.findNode({ path: symlinkPath }, context);
return node;
async mount(fsURL, mountPath, flags, options)
const self = __.get(this);
let mountPoint = await this.findNode({ path: mountPath });
if(!mountPoint) {
throw new E.ENOENT("mount target does not exist");
let url = new URL(fsURL);
if("filer" !== url.protocol) {
throw new E.UNKNOWN("expecting filer protocol");
let dev = url.path.slice(1);
let type = url.subprotocol;
if(!(type in Providers)) {
throw new E.UNKNOWN("unknown file system type");
let fs = await Providers[type].mount(dev, flags, options);
let superNode = await fs.readNode(SUPER_NODE_ID);
let rootNode = await fs.readNode(superNode.rnode);
let vfsMount = new VFSMount({ parent: self.fsVFSMounts.get(mountPoint.fs), flags: flags, fs: fs });
self.fsVFSMounts.set(fs, vfsMount);
if(!self.vfsMounts.has(mountPoint.hash())) {
self.vfsMounts.set(mountPoint.hash(), new Array());
async umount(path)
const self = __.get(this);
let mountNode = await this.findNode({ path: path });
let fs = mountNode.fs;
open(path, flags, mode, callback)
close(fd, callback)
mknod(path, mode, callback)
async mkdir(path, mode)
path = normalize(path);
let name = basename(path);
let parentPath = dirname(path);
let directoryNode;
try {
directoryNode = await this.findNode({ path: path });
} catch(error) {
directoryNode = null;
if(directoryNode) {
throw new E.EEXIST(null, path);
let parentDirectoryNode = await this.findNode({ path: parentPath });
let fs = parentDirectoryNode.fs;
let parentDirectoryData
try {
parentDirectoryData = await parentDirectoryNode.readData();
} catch(error) {
parentDirectoryData = new Object();
directoryNode = new Node({ fs: fs, data: { mode: MODE_DIRECTORY, nlinks: 1, data: UUID.short() } });
let directoryData = new Object();
await directoryNode.writeData(0, directoryData);
// ! update node a/c/m times
parentDirectoryData[name] = new DirectoryEntry({ id:, type: MODE_DIRECTORY });
await parentDirectoryNode.writeData(0, parentDirectoryData);
parentDirectoryNode.size = Object.keys(parentDirectoryData).length;
await parentDirectoryNode.write();
async readdir(path)
let directoryNode = await this.findNode({ path: path });
let directoryData;
try {
directoryData = await directoryNode.readData();
} catch(error) {
if(error instanceof E.EIO)
directoryData = new Object();
let files = Object.keys(directoryData);
return files;
rmdir(path, callback)
stat(path, callback)
fstat(fd, callback)
link(oldpath, newpath, callback)
unlink(path, callback)
read(fd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback)
readFile(path, options, callback)
write(fd, buffer, offset, length, position, callback)
writeFile(path, data, options, callback)
appendFile(path, data, options, callback)
exists(path, callback)
getxattr(path, name, callback)
fgetxattr(fd, name, callback)
setxattr(path, name, value, flag, callback)
fsetxattr(fd, name, value, flag, callback)
removexattr(path, name, callback)
fremovexattr(fd, name, callback)
lseek(fd, offset, whence, callback)
utimes(path, atime, mtime, callback)
futimes(fd, atime, mtime, callback)
rename(oldpath, newpath, callback)
symlink(srcpath, dstpath, type, callback)
readlink(path, callback)
lstat(path, callback)
truncate(path, length, callback)
ftruncate(fd, length, callback)
class VFS
__.set(this, {
vfs: new InternalVFS(),
async mount(...args) { return await __.get(this).vfs.mount(...args); }
async umount(...args) { return await __.get(this).vfs.umount(...args); }
async mkdir(...args) { return await __.get(this).vfs.mkdir(...args); }
async readdir(...args) { return await __.get(this).vfs.readdir(...args); }
export default VFS;