define(["Filer", "util"], function(Filer, util) { describe('node times (atime, mtime, ctime) with mount flags', function() { var dirname = "/dir"; var filename = "/dir/file"; function memoryFS(flags, callback) { var name = util.uniqueName(); var fs = new Filer.FileSystem({ name: name, flags: flags || [], provider: new Filer.FileSystem.providers.Memory(name) }, callback); } function createTree(fs, callback) { fs.mkdir(dirname, function(error) { if(error) throw error;, 'w', function(error, fd) { if(error) throw error; fs.close(fd, callback); }); }); } function stat(fs, path, callback) { fs.stat(path, function(error, stats) { if(error) throw error; callback(stats); }); } /** * We test the actual time updates in times.spec.js, whereas these just test * the overrides with the mount flags. The particular fs methods called * are unimportant, but are known to affect the particular times being suppressed. */ it('should not update ctime when calling fs.rename() with NOCTIME', function(done) { memoryFS(['NOCTIME'], function(error, fs) { var newfilename = filename + '1'; createTree(fs, function() { stat(fs, filename, function(stats1) { fs.rename(filename, newfilename, function(error) { if(error) throw error; stat(fs, newfilename, function(stats2) { expect(stats2.ctime).to.equal(stats1.ctime); expect(stats2.mtime).to.equal(stats1.mtime); expect(stats2.atime).to.equal(stats1.atime); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); it('should not update ctime, mtime, atime when calling fs.truncate() with NOCTIME, NOMTIME', function(done) { memoryFS(['NOCTIME', 'NOMTIME'], function(error, fs) { createTree(fs, function() { stat(fs, filename, function(stats1) { fs.truncate(filename, 5, function(error) { if(error) throw error; stat(fs, filename, function(stats2) { expect(stats2.ctime).to.equal(stats1.ctime); expect(stats2.mtime).to.equal(stats1.mtime); expect(stats2.atime).to.equal(stats1.atime); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); it('should not update mtime when calling fs.truncate() with NOMTIME', function(done) { memoryFS(['NOMTIME'], function(error, fs) { createTree(fs, function() { stat(fs, filename, function(stats1) { fs.truncate(filename, 5, function(error) { if(error) throw error; stat(fs, filename, function(stats2) { expect(stats2.ctime); expect(stats2.mtime).to.equal(stats1.mtime); expect(stats2.atime); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); });