var errors = {}; [ /** * node.js errors */ '-1:UNKNOWN:unknown error', '0:OK:success', '1:EOF:end of file', '2:EADDRINFO:getaddrinfo error', '3:EACCES:permission denied', '4:EAGAIN:resource temporarily unavailable', '5:EADDRINUSE:address already in use', '6:EADDRNOTAVAIL:address not available', '7:EAFNOSUPPORT:address family not supported', '8:EALREADY:connection already in progress', '9:EBADF:bad file descriptor', '10:EBUSY:resource busy or locked', '11:ECONNABORTED:software caused connection abort', '12:ECONNREFUSED:connection refused', '13:ECONNRESET:connection reset by peer', '14:EDESTADDRREQ:destination address required', '15:EFAULT:bad address in system call argument', '16:EHOSTUNREACH:host is unreachable', '17:EINTR:interrupted system call', '18:EINVAL:invalid argument', '19:EISCONN:socket is already connected', '20:EMFILE:too many open files', '21:EMSGSIZE:message too long', '22:ENETDOWN:network is down', '23:ENETUNREACH:network is unreachable', '24:ENFILE:file table overflow', '25:ENOBUFS:no buffer space available', '26:ENOMEM:not enough memory', '27:ENOTDIR:not a directory', '28:EISDIR:illegal operation on a directory', '29:ENONET:machine is not on the network', // errno 30 skipped, as per '31:ENOTCONN:socket is not connected', '32:ENOTSOCK:socket operation on non-socket', '33:ENOTSUP:operation not supported on socket', '34:ENOENT:no such file or directory', '35:ENOSYS:function not implemented', '36:EPIPE:broken pipe', '37:EPROTO:protocol error', '38:EPROTONOSUPPORT:protocol not supported', '39:EPROTOTYPE:protocol wrong type for socket', '40:ETIMEDOUT:connection timed out', '41:ECHARSET:invalid Unicode character', '42:EAIFAMNOSUPPORT:address family for hostname not supported', // errno 43 skipped, as per '44:EAISERVICE:servname not supported for ai_socktype', '45:EAISOCKTYPE:ai_socktype not supported', '46:ESHUTDOWN:cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown', '47:EEXIST:file already exists', '48:ESRCH:no such process', '49:ENAMETOOLONG:name too long', '50:EPERM:operation not permitted', '51:ELOOP:too many symbolic links encountered', '52:EXDEV:cross-device link not permitted', '53:ENOTEMPTY:directory not empty', '54:ENOSPC:no space left on device', '55:EIO:i/o error', '56:EROFS:read-only file system', '57:ENODEV:no such device', '58:ESPIPE:invalid seek', '59:ECANCELED:operation canceled', /** * Filer specific errors */ '1000:ENOTMOUNTED:not mounted', '1001:EFILESYSTEMERROR:missing super node, use \'FORMAT\' flag to format filesystem.', '1002:ENOATTR:attribute does not exist' ].forEach(function(e) { e = e.split(':'); var errno = e[0]|0, err = e[1], message = e[2]; function FilerError(msg, path) { = err; this.code = err; this.errno = errno; this.message = msg || message; if(path) { this.path = path; } } FilerError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); FilerError.prototype.constructor = FilerError; FilerError.prototype.toString = function() { var pathInfo = this.path ? (', \'' + this.path + '\'') : ''; return + ': ' + message + pathInfo; }; // We expose the error as both Errors.EINVAL and Errors[18] errors[err] = errors[errno] = FilerError; }); module.exports = errors;