var util = require('../../../lib/test-utils.js'); var expect = require('chai').expect; /** * NOTE: unlike node.js, which either doesn't give filenames (e.g., in case of * fd vs. path) for events, or gives only a portion thereof (e.g., basname), * we give full, abs paths always. */ var filenameOne = '/watch.txt'; var filenameTwo = '/hasOwnProperty'; describe('node.js tests:', function() { beforeEach(util.setup); afterEach(util.cleanup); it('should get change event for writeFile() using FSWatcher object', function(done) { var fs = util.fs(); var changes = 0; var watcher =; watcher.on('change', function(event, filename) { expect(event).to.equal('change'); expect(filename).to.equal(filenameOne); // Make sure only one change event comes in (i.e., close() works) changes++; watcher.close(); fs.writeFile(filenameOne, 'hello again', function(error) { expect(changes).to.equal(1); done(); }); }); fs.writeFile(filenameOne, 'hello'); }); it('should get change event for writeFile() using only', function(done) { var fs = util.fs(); var changes = 0; var watcher =, function(event, filename) { expect(event).to.equal('change'); expect(filename).to.equal(filenameTwo); watcher.close(); done(); }); fs.writeFile(filenameTwo, 'pardner'); }); it('should allow watches on dirs', function(done) { var fs = util.fs(); fs.mkdir('/tmp', function(error) { if(error) throw error; var watcher ='/tmp', function(event, filename) { // TODO: node thinks this should be 'rename', need to add rename along with change. expect(event).to.equal('change'); expect(filename).to.equal('/tmp'); watcher.close(); done(); });'/tmp/newfile.txt', 'w', function(error, fd) { if(error) throw error; fs.close(fd); }); }); }); });