/*! * JavaScript Debug - v0.4 - 6/22/2010 * http://benalman.com/projects/javascript-debug-console-log/ * * Copyright (c) 2010 "Cowboy" Ben Alman * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. * http://benalman.com/about/license/ * * With lots of help from Paul Irish! * http://paulirish.com/ */ // Script: JavaScript Debug: A simple wrapper for console.log // // *Version: 0.4, Last Updated: 6/22/2010* // // Tested with Internet Explorer 6-8, Firefox 3-3.6, Safari 3-4, Chrome 3-5, Opera 9.6-10.5 // // Home - http://benalman.com/projects/javascript-debug-console-log/ // GitHub - http://github.com/cowboy/javascript-debug/ // Source - http://github.com/cowboy/javascript-debug/raw/master/ba-debug.js // (Minified) - http://github.com/cowboy/javascript-debug/raw/master/ba-debug.min.js (1.1kb) // // About: License // // Copyright (c) 2010 "Cowboy" Ben Alman, // Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. // http://benalman.com/about/license/ // // About: Support and Testing // // Information about what browsers this code has been tested in. // // Browsers Tested - Internet Explorer 6-8, Firefox 3-3.6, Safari 3-4, Chrome // 3-5, Opera 9.6-10.5 // // About: Examples // // These working examples, complete with fully commented code, illustrate a few // ways in which this plugin can be used. // // Examples - http://benalman.com/code/projects/javascript-debug/examples/debug/ // // About: Revision History // // 0.4 - (6/22/2010) Added missing passthrough methods: exception, // groupCollapsed, table // 0.3 - (6/8/2009) Initial release // // Topic: Pass-through console methods // // assert, clear, count, dir, dirxml, exception, group, groupCollapsed, // groupEnd, profile, profileEnd, table, time, timeEnd, trace // // These console methods are passed through (but only if both the console and // the method exists), so use them without fear of reprisal. Note that these // methods will not be passed through if the logging level is set to 0 via // . (function(define, console) { define(function() { "use strict"; // Some convenient shortcuts. var aps = Array.prototype.slice, con = console, // Public object to be returned. that = {}, callback_func, callback_force, // Default logging level, show everything. log_level = 9, // Logging methods, in "priority order". Not all console implementations // will utilize these, but they will be used in the callback passed to // setCallback. log_methods = [ 'error', 'warn', 'info', 'debug', 'log' ], // Pass these methods through to the console if they exist, otherwise just // fail gracefully. These methods are provided for convenience. pass_methods = 'assert clear count dir dirxml exception group groupCollapsed groupEnd profile profileEnd table time timeEnd trace'.split(' '), idx = pass_methods.length, // Logs are stored here so that they can be recalled as necessary. logs = []; while ( --idx >= 0 ) { (function( method ){ // Generate pass-through methods. These methods will be called, if they // exist, as long as the logging level is non-zero. that[ method ] = function() { log_level !== 0 && con && con[ method ] && con[ method ].apply( con, arguments ); } })( pass_methods[idx] ); } idx = log_methods.length; while ( --idx >= 0 ) { (function( idx, level ){ // Method: debug.log // // Call the console.log method if available. Adds an entry into the logs // array for a callback specified via . // // Usage: // // debug.log( object [, object, ...] ); - - // // Arguments: // // object - (Object) Any valid JavaScript object. // Method: debug.debug // // Call the console.debug method if available, otherwise call console.log. // Adds an entry into the logs array for a callback specified via // . // // Usage: // // debug.debug( object [, object, ...] ); - - // // Arguments: // // object - (Object) Any valid JavaScript object. // Method: debug.info // // Call the console.info method if available, otherwise call console.log. // Adds an entry into the logs array for a callback specified via // . // // Usage: // // debug.info( object [, object, ...] ); - - // // Arguments: // // object - (Object) Any valid JavaScript object. // Method: debug.warn // // Call the console.warn method if available, otherwise call console.log. // Adds an entry into the logs array for a callback specified via // . // // Usage: // // debug.warn( object [, object, ...] ); - - // // Arguments: // // object - (Object) Any valid JavaScript object. // Method: debug.error // // Call the console.error method if available, otherwise call console.log. // Adds an entry into the logs array for a callback specified via // . // // Usage: // // debug.error( object [, object, ...] ); - - // // Arguments: // // object - (Object) Any valid JavaScript object. that[ level ] = function() { var args = aps.call( arguments ), log_arr = [ level ].concat( args ); logs.push( log_arr ); exec_callback( log_arr ); if ( !con || !is_level( idx ) ) { return; } con.firebug ? con[ level ].apply( window, args ) : con[ level ] ? con[ level ].apply( window, args ) : con.log.apply( window, args ); }; })( idx, log_methods[idx] ); } // Execute the callback function if set. function exec_callback( args ) { if ( callback_func && (callback_force || !con || !con.log) ) { callback_func.apply( window, args ); } }; // Method: debug.setLevel // // Set a minimum or maximum logging level for the console. Doesn't affect // the callback function, but if set to 0 to disable // logging, will be disabled as well. // // Usage: // // debug.setLevel( [ level ] ) - - // // Arguments: // // level - (Number) If 0, disables logging. If negative, shows N lowest // priority levels of log messages. If positive, shows N highest priority // levels of log messages. // // Priority levels: // // log (1) < debug (2) < info (3) < warn (4) < error (5) that.setLevel = function( level ) { log_level = typeof level === 'number' ? level : 9; }; // Determine if the level is visible given the current log_level. function is_level( level ) { return log_level > 0 ? log_level > level : log_methods.length + log_level <= level; }; // Method: debug.setCallback // // Set a callback to be used if logging isn't possible due to console.log // not existing. If unlogged logs exist when callback is set, they will all // be logged immediately unless a limit is specified. // // Usage: // // debug.setCallback( callback [, force ] [, limit ] ) // // Arguments: // // callback - (Function) The aforementioned callback function. The first // argument is the logging level, and all subsequent arguments are those // passed to the initial debug logging method. // force - (Boolean) If false, log to console.log if available, otherwise // callback. If true, log to both console.log and callback. // limit - (Number) If specified, number of lines to limit initial scrollback // to. that.setCallback = function() { var args = aps.call( arguments ), max = logs.length, i = max; callback_func = args.shift() || null; callback_force = typeof args[0] === 'boolean' ? args.shift() : false; i -= typeof args[0] === 'number' ? args.shift() : max; while ( i < max ) { exec_callback( logs[i++] ); } }; return that; }); })(typeof define == 'function' ? define : function (factory) { typeof exports != 'undefined' ? (module.exports = factory()) : (this.when = factory()); }, window.console // Boilerplate for AMD, Node, and browser global );