var test = require('tape'); var ss = require('../'); test('sample skewness', function(t) { test('the skewness of an empty sample is null', function(t) { var data = []; t.equal(ss.sample_skewness(data), null); t.end(); }); test('the skewness of an sample with one number is null', function(t) { var data = [1]; t.equal(ss.sample_skewness(data), null); t.end(); }); test('the skewness of an sample with two numbers is null', function(t) { var data = [1, 2]; t.equal(ss.sample_skewness(data), null); t.end(); }); test('can calculate the skewness of SAS example 1', function(t) { // Data and answer taken from SKEWNESS function documentation at // var data = [0, 1, 1]; t.equal(+ss.sample_skewness(data).toPrecision(10), -1.732050808); t.end(); }); test('can calculate the skewness of SAS example 2', function(t) { // Data and answer taken from SKEWNESS function documentation at // var data = [2, 4, 6, 3, 1]; t.equal(+ss.sample_skewness(data).toPrecision(10), 0.5901286564); t.end(); }); test('can calculate the skewness of SAS example 3', function(t) { // Data and answer taken from SKEWNESS function documentation at // var data = [2, 0, 0]; t.equal(+ss.sample_skewness(data).toPrecision(10), 1.732050808); t.end(); }); t.end(); });