define(["Filer"], function(Filer) { describe('fs.xattr', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.db_name = mk_db_name(); this.fs = new Filer.FileSystem({ name: this.db_name, flags: 'FORMAT' }); }); afterEach(function() { indexedDB.deleteDatabase(this.db_name); delete this.fs; }); it('should be a function', function () { expect(typeof this.fs.setxattr).toEqual('function'); expect(typeof this.fs.getxattr).toEqual('function'); expect(typeof this.fs.removexattr).toEqual('function'); expect(typeof this.fs.fsetxattr).toEqual('function'); expect(typeof this.fs.fgetxattr).toEqual('function'); }); it('should error when setting with a name that is not a string', function () { var complete = false; var _error; var that = this; that.fs.writeFile('/testfile', '', function (error) { if (error) throw error; that.fs.setxattr('/testfile', 89, 'testvalue', function (error) { _error = error; complete = true; }); }); waitsFor(function () { return complete; }, 'test to complete', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); runs(function () { expect(_error).toBeDefined(); expect('EInvalid'); }); }); it('should error when setting with a name that is null', function () { var complete = false; var _error; var that = this; that.fs.writeFile('/testfile', '', function (error) { if (error) throw error; that.fs.setxattr('/testfile', null, 'testvalue', function (error) { _error = error; complete = true; }); }); waitsFor(function () { return complete; }, 'test to complete', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); runs(function () { expect(_error).toBeDefined(); expect('EInvalid'); }); }); it('should error when setting with an invalid flag', function () { var complete = false; var _error; var that = this; that.fs.writeFile('/testfile', '', function (error) { if (error) throw error; that.fs.setxattr('/testfile', 'test', 'value', 'InvalidFlag', function (error) { _error = error; complete = true; }); }); waitsFor(function () { return complete; }, 'test to complete', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); runs(function () { expect(_error).toBeDefined(); expect('EInvalid'); }); }); it('should error when when setting an extended attribute which exists with XATTR_CREATE flag', function (error) { var complete = false; var _error; var that = this; that.fs.writeFile('/testfile', '', function (error) { if (error) throw error; that.fs.setxattr('/testfile', 'test', 'value', function (error) { if (error) throw error; that.fs.setxattr('/testfile', 'test', 'othervalue', 'CREATE', function (error) { _error = error; complete = true; }); }); }); waitsFor(function () { return complete; }, 'test to complete', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); runs(function () { expect(_error).toBeDefined(); expect('EExists'); }); }); it('should error when setting an extended attribute which does not exist with XATTR_REPLACE flag', function (error) { var complete = false; var _error; var that = this; that.fs.writeFile('/testfile', '', function (error) { if (error) throw error; that.fs.setxattr('/testfile', 'test', 'value', 'REPLACE', function (error) { _error = error; complete = true; }); }); waitsFor(function () { return complete; }, 'test to complete', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); runs(function () { expect(_error).toBeDefined(); expect('ENoAttr'); }); }); it ('should error when getting an attribute with a name that is empty', function (error) { var complete = false; var _error; var that = this; that.fs.writeFile('/testfile', '', function (error) { if (error) throw error; that.fs.getxattr('/testfile', '', function (error, value) { _error = error; complete = true; }); }); waitsFor(function () { return complete; }, 'test to complete', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); runs(function () { expect(_error).toBeDefined(); expect('EInvalid'); }); }); it('should error when getting an attribute where the name is not a string', function (error) { var complete = false; var _error; var that = this; that.fs.writeFile('/testfile', '', function (error) { if (error) throw error; that.fs.getxattr('/testfile', 89, function (error, value) { _error = error; complete = true; }); }); waitsFor(function () { return complete; }, 'test to complete', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); runs(function () { expect(_error).toBeDefined(); expect('EInvalid'); }); }); it('should error when getting an attribute that does not exist', function (error) { var complete = false; var _error; var that = this; that.fs.writeFile('/testfile', '', function (error) { if (error) throw error; that.fs.getxattr('/testfile', 'test', function (error, value) { _error = error; complete = true; }); }); waitsFor(function () { return complete; }, 'test to complete', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); runs(function () { expect(_error).toBeDefined(); expect('ENoAttr'); }); }); it('should error when file descriptor is invalid', function (error) { var completeSet, completeGet, completeRemove; var _errorSet, _errorGet, _errorRemove; var that = this; var _value; completeSet = completeGet = completeRemove = false; that.fs.fsetxattr(1, 'test', 'value', function (error) { _errorSet = error; completeSet = true; }); that.fs.fgetxattr(1, 'test', function (error, value) { _errorGet = error; _value = value; completeGet = true; }); that.fs.fremovexattr(1, 'test', function (error, value) { _errorRemove = error; completeRemove = true; }); waitsFor(function () { return completeSet && completeGet && completeRemove; }, 'test to complete', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); runs(function () { expect(_value).toEqual(null); expect(_errorSet).toBeDefined(); expect('EBadFileDescriptor'); expect(_errorGet).toBeDefined(); expect('EBadFileDescriptor'); expect(_errorRemove).toBeDefined(); expect('EBadFileDescriptor'); }); }); it('should set and get an extended attribute of a path', function (error) { var complete = false; var _errorSet; var that = this; var name = 'test'; var _value;; that.fs.writeFile('/testfile', '', function (error) { if (error) throw error; that.fs.setxattr('/testfile', name, 'somevalue', function (error) { _errorSet = error; that.fs.getxattr('/testfile', name, function (error, value) { _errorGet = error; _value = value; complete = true; }); }); }); waitsFor(function () { return complete; }, 'test to complete', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); runs(function () { expect(_errorSet).toEqual(null); expect(_errorGet).toEqual(null); expect(_value).toEqual('somevalue'); }); }); it('should error when attempting to remove a non-existing attribute', function (error) { var complete = false; var _error; var that = this; that.fs.writeFile('/testfile', '', function (error) { if (error) throw error; that.fs.setxattr('/testfile', 'test', '', function (error) { if (error) throw error; that.fs.removexattr('/testfile', 'testenoattr', function (error) { _error = error; complete = true; }); }); }); waitsFor(function () { return complete; }, 'test to complete', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); runs(function () { expect(_error).toBeDefined(); expect('ENoAttr'); }); }); it('should set and get an empty string as a value', function (error) { var complete = false; var _error; var _value; var that = this; that.fs.writeFile('/testfile', '', function (error) { if (error) throw error; that.fs.setxattr('/testfile', 'test', '', function (error) { _error = error; that.fs.getxattr('/testfile', 'test', function (error, value) { _error = error; _value = value; complete = true; }); }); }); waitsFor(function () { return complete; }, 'test to complete', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); runs(function () { expect(_error).toEqual(null); expect(_value).toBeDefined(); expect(_value).toEqual(''); }); }); it('should set and get an extended attribute for a valid file descriptor', function (error) { var complete = false; var _errorSet, _errorGet; var _value; var that = this; var ofd;'/testfile', 'w', function (error, result) { if (error) throw error; ofd = result; that.fs.fsetxattr(ofd, 'test', 'value', function (error) { _errorSet = error; that.fs.fgetxattr(ofd, 'test', function (error, value) { _errorGet = error; _value = value; complete = true; }); }); }); waitsFor(function () { return complete; }, 'test to complete', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); runs(function () { expect(_errorSet).toEqual(null); expect(_errorGet).toEqual(null); expect(_value).toBeDefined(); expect(_value).toEqual('value'); }); }); it('should set and get an object to an extended attribute', function (error) { var complete = false; var _error; var that = this; var value; that.fs.writeFile('/testfile', '', function (error) { if (error) throw error; that.fs.setxattr('/testfile', 'test', { key1: 'test', key2: 'value', key3: 87 }, function (error) { _error = error; that.fs.getxattr('/testfile', 'test', function (error, value) { _error = error; _value = value; complete = true; }); }); }); waitsFor(function () { return complete; }, 'test to complete', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); runs(function () { expect(_error).toEqual(null); expect(_value).toEqual({ key1: 'test', key2: 'value', key3: 87 }); }); }); it('should update/overwrite an existing extended attribute', function (error) { var complete = false; var _error; var that = this; var _value1, _value2, _value3; that.fs.writeFile('/testfile', '', function (error) { if (error) throw error; that.fs.setxattr('/testfile', 'test', 'value', function (error) { _error = error; that.fs.getxattr('/testfile', 'test', function (error, value) { _error = error; _value1 = value; that.fs.setxattr('/testfile', 'test', { o: 'object', t: 'test' }, function (error) { _error = error; that.fs.getxattr('/testfile', 'test', function (error, value) { _error = error; _value2 = value; that.fs.setxattr('/testfile', 'test', 100, 'REPLACE', function (error) { _error = error; that.fs.getxattr('/testfile', 'test', function (error, value) { _error = error; _value3 = value; complete = true; }); }); }); }); }); }) }); waitsFor(function () { return complete; }, 'test to complete' , DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); runs(function () { expect(_error).toEqual(null); expect(_value1).toEqual('value'); expect(_value2).toEqual({ o: 'object', t: 'test' }); expect(_value3).toEqual(100); }); }); it('should set multiple extended attributes for a path', function (error) { var complete = false; var _error; var that = this; var _value1, _value2; that.fs.writeFile('/testfile', '', function (error) { if (error) throw error; that.fs.setxattr('/testfile', 'test', 89, function (error) { _error = error; that.fs.setxattr('/testfile', 'other', 'attribute', function (error) { _error = error; that.fs.getxattr('/testfile', 'test', function (error, value) { _error = error; _value1 = value; that.fs.getxattr('/testfile', 'other', function (error, value) { _error = error; _value2 = value; complete = true; }); }); }); }); }); waitsFor(function () { return complete; }, 'test to complete', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); runs(function () { expect(_error).toEqual(null); expect(_value1).toEqual(89); expect(_value2).toEqual('attribute'); }); }); it('should remove an extended attribute from a path', function (error) { var complete = false; var _error, _value; var that = this; that.fs.writeFile('/testfile', '', function (error) { if (error) throw error; that.fs.setxattr('/testfile', 'test', 'somevalue', function (error) { if (error) throw error; that.fs.getxattr('/testfile', 'test', function (error, value) { if (error) throw error; _value = value; that.fs.removexattr('/testfile', 'test', function (error) { if (error) throw error; that.fs.getxattr('/testfile', 'test', function (error) { _error = error; complete = true; }); }); }); }); }); waitsFor(function () { return complete; }, 'test to complete', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); runs(function () { expect(_error).toBeDefined(); expect(_value).toBeDefined(); expect(_value).toEqual('somevalue'); expect('ENoAttr'); }); }); it('should remove an extended attribute from a valid file descriptor', function () { var complete = false; var _error, _value; var that = this; var ofd;'/testfile', 'w', function (error, result) { if (error) throw error; var ofd = result; that.fs.fsetxattr(ofd, 'test', 'somevalue', function (error) { if (error) throw error; that.fs.fgetxattr(ofd, 'test', function (error, value) { if (error) throw error; _value = value; that.fs.fremovexattr(ofd, 'test', function (error) { if (error) throw error; that.fs.fgetxattr(ofd, 'test', function (error) { _error = error; complete = true; }); }); }); }); }); waitsFor(function () { return complete; }, 'test to complete', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); runs(function () { expect(_error).toBeDefined(); expect(_value).toBeDefined(); expect(_value).toEqual('somevalue'); expect('ENoAttr'); }); }); it('should allow setting with a null value', function () { var complete = false; var _error; var _value; var that = this; that.fs.writeFile('/testfile', '', function (error) { if (error) throw error; that.fs.setxattr('/testfile', 'test', null, function (error) { if (error) throw error; that.fs.getxattr('/testfile', 'test', function (error, value) { _error = error; _value = value; complete = true; }); }); }); waitsFor(function () { return complete; }, 'test to complete', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); runs(function () { expect(_error).toEqual(null); expect(_value).toEqual(null); }); }); }); });