'use strict'; const util = require('../lib/test-utils.js'); const expect = require('chai').expect; describe('fs.symlink', function () { beforeEach(util.setup); afterEach(util.cleanup); it('should be a function', function () { const fs = util.fs(); expect(fs.symlink).to.be.a('function'); }); it('should return an error if part of the parent destination path does not exist', function (done) { const fs = util.fs(); fs.symlink('/', '/tmp/mydir', function (error) { expect(error).to.exist; expect(error.code).to.equal('ENOENT'); done(); }); }); it('should return an error if the destination path already exists', function (done) { const fs = util.fs(); fs.symlink('/tmp', '/', function (error) { expect(error).to.exist; expect(error.code).to.equal('EEXIST'); done(); }); }); it('should create a symlink', function (done) { const fs = util.fs(); fs.symlink('/', '/myfile', function (error) { expect(error).not.to.exist; fs.stat('/myfile', function (err, stats) { expect(error).not.to.exist; expect(stats.isDirectory()).to.be.true; done(); }); }); }); /** Tests for fsPromises API */ describe('fsPromises.symlink', function () { it('should return an error if destination path does not exist', function () { const fsPromises = util.fs().promises; return fsPromises.symlink('/', '/tmp/link') .catch(error => { expect(error).to.exist; expect(error.code).to.equal('ENOENT'); }); }); it('should return an error if source path does not exist', function () { const fsPromises = util.fs().promises; return fsPromises.symlink('/tmp/myLink', '/myLink') .catch(error => { expect(error).to.exist; expect(error.code).to.equal('ENOENT'); }); }); it('Promise should create a symlink of type DIRECTORY when directory provided', function () { const fsPromises = util.fs().promises; return fsPromises.symlink('/', '/myDirLink') .then(() => fsPromises.stat('/myDirLink')) .then(stats => { expect(stats).to.exist; expect(stats.type).to.equal('DIRECTORY'); }); }); it('Promise should create a symlink of type FILE when file provided', function () { const fsPromises = util.fs().promises; return fsPromises.writeFile('/myFile', 'data') .then(() => fsPromises.symlink('/myFile', '/myFileLink')) .then(() => fsPromises.stat('/myFileLink')) .then(stats => { expect(stats).to.exist; expect(stats.type).to.equal('FILE'); }); }); it('Promise should return an error if the destination path already exists', function () { const fsPromises = util.fs().promises; return fsPromises.symlink('/tmp', '/') .catch(error => { expect(error).to.exist; expect(error.code).to.equal('EEXIST'); }); }); }); }); describe('fsPromises.symlink', function () { beforeEach(util.setup); afterEach(util.cleanup); it('should return an error if part of the parent destination path does not exist', () => { const fsPromises = util.fs().promises; return fsPromises.symlink('/', '/tmp/mydir') .catch(error => { expect(error).to.exist; expect(error.code).to.equal('ENOENT'); }); }); });