'use strict'; const Filer = require('../../src'); const util = require('../lib/test-utils.js'); const expect = require('chai').expect; // Support global URL and node's url module const URL = global.URL || require('url').URL; describe('path resolution', function() { beforeEach(util.setup); afterEach(util.cleanup); it('should follow a symbolic link to the root directory', function(done) { const fs = util.fs(); fs.symlink('/', '/mydirectorylink', function(error) { if(error) throw error; fs.stat('/', function(error, result) { if(error) throw error; expect(result['node']).to.exist; const _node = result['node']; fs.stat('/mydirectorylink', function(error, result) { expect(error).not.to.exist; expect(result).to.exist; expect(result['node']).to.equal(_node); done(); }); }); }); }); it('should follow a symbolic link to a directory', function(done) { const fs = util.fs(); fs.mkdir('/mydir', function(error) { if(error) throw error; fs.symlink('/mydir', '/mydirectorylink', function(error) { if(error) throw error; fs.stat('/mydir', function(error, result) { if(error) throw error; expect(result['node']).to.exist; const _node = result['node']; fs.stat('/mydirectorylink', function(error, result) { expect(error).not.to.exist; expect(result).to.exist; expect(result['node']).to.equal(_node); done(); }); }); }); }); }); it('should follow a symbolic link to a file', function(done) { const fs = util.fs(); fs.open('/myfile', 'w', function(error, result) { if(error) throw error; const fd = result; fs.close(fd, function(error) { if(error) throw error; fs.stat('/myfile', function(error, result) { if(error) throw error; expect(result['node']).to.exist; const _node = result['node']; fs.symlink('/myfile', '/myfilelink', function(error) { if(error) throw error; fs.stat('/myfilelink', function(error, result) { expect(error).not.to.exist; expect(result).to.exist; expect(result['node']).to.equal(_node); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); it('should follow multiple symbolic links to a file', function(done) { const fs = util.fs(); fs.open('/myfile', 'w', function(error, result) { if(error) throw error; const fd = result; fs.close(fd, function(error) { if(error) throw error; fs.stat('/myfile', function(error, result) { if(error) throw error; expect(result['node']).to.exist; const _node = result['node']; fs.symlink('/myfile', '/myfilelink1', function(error) { if(error) throw error; fs.symlink('/myfilelink1', '/myfilelink2', function(error) { if(error) throw error; fs.stat('/myfilelink2', function(error, result) { expect(error).not.to.exist; expect(result).to.exist; expect(result['node']).to.equal(_node); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); it('should error if symbolic link leads to itself', function(done) { const fs = util.fs(); fs.symlink('/mylink1', '/mylink2', function(error) { if(error) throw error; fs.symlink('/mylink2', '/mylink1', function(error) { if(error) throw error; fs.stat('/myfilelink1', function(error, result) { expect(error).to.exist; expect(error.code).to.equal('ENOENT'); expect(result).not.to.exist; done(); }); }); }); }); it('should error if it follows more than 10 symbolic links', function(done) { const fs = util.fs(); const nlinks = 11; function createSymlinkChain(n, callback) { if(n > nlinks) { return callback(); } fs.symlink('/myfile' + (n-1), '/myfile' + n, createSymlinkChain.bind(this, n+1, callback)); } fs.open('/myfile0', 'w', function(error, result) { if(error) throw error; const fd = result; fs.close(fd, function(error) { if(error) throw error; fs.stat('/myfile0', function(error, result) { if(error) throw error; expect(result).to.exist; createSymlinkChain(1, function() { fs.stat('/myfile11', function(error, result) { expect(error).to.exist; expect(error.code).to.equal('ELOOP'); expect(result).not.to.exist; done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); it('should follow a symbolic link in the path to a file', function(done) { const fs = util.fs(); fs.open('/myfile', 'w', function(error, result) { if(error) throw error; const fd = result; fs.close(fd, function(error) { if(error) throw error; fs.stat('/myfile', function(error, result) { if(error) throw error; const _node = result['node']; fs.symlink('/', '/mydirlink', function(error) { if(error) throw error; fs.stat('/mydirlink/myfile', function(error, result) { expect(result).to.exist; expect(error).not.to.exist; expect(_node).to.exist; expect(result['node']).to.equal(_node); done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); it('should error if a symbolic link in the path to a file is itself a file', function(done) { const fs = util.fs(); fs.open('/myfile', 'w', function(error, result) { if(error) throw error; const fd = result; fs.close(fd, function(error) { if(error) throw error; fs.stat('/myfile', function(error, result) { if(error) throw error; expect(result).to.exist; fs.open('/myfile2', 'w', function(error, result) { if(error) throw error; const fd = result; fs.close(fd, function(error) { if(error) throw error; fs.symlink('/myfile2', '/mynotdirlink', function(error) { if(error) throw error; fs.stat('/mynotdirlink/myfile', function(error, result) { expect(error).to.exist; expect(error.code).to.equal('ENOTDIR'); expect(result).not.to.exist; done(); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); }); it('should properly add trailing slashes with Path.addTrailing()', function() { const Path = Filer.Path; expect(Path.addTrailing('/')).to.equal('/'); expect(Path.addTrailing('/////')).to.equal('/'); expect(Path.addTrailing('.')).to.equal('./'); expect(Path.addTrailing('/dir')).to.equal('/dir/'); expect(Path.addTrailing('/dir/')).to.equal('/dir/'); }); it('should properly remove trailing slashes with Path.removeTrailing()', function() { const Path = Filer.Path; expect(Path.removeTrailing('/')).to.equal('/'); expect(Path.removeTrailing('/////')).to.equal('/'); expect(Path.removeTrailing('./')).to.equal('.'); expect(Path.removeTrailing('/dir/')).to.equal('/dir'); expect(Path.removeTrailing('/dir//')).to.equal('/dir'); }); it('should allow using Buffer for paths', function(done) { const fs = util.fs(); const filePath = '/file'; const bufferPath = Buffer.from(filePath); const data = 'data'; fs.writeFile(bufferPath, data, function(err) { if(err) throw err; fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf8', function(err, result) { if(err) throw err; expect(result).to.equal(data); done(); }); }); }); it('should allow using file: URLs for paths', function(done) { const fs = util.fs(); const filePath = '/file'; const fileUrl = new URL(`file://${filePath}`); const data = 'data'; fs.writeFile(fileUrl, data, function(err) { if(err) throw err; fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf8', function(err, result) { if(err) throw err; expect(result).to.equal(data); done(); }); }); }); it('should error for non file: URLs for paths', function() { const fs = util.fs(); const fileUrl = new URL('http://file'); const fn = () => fs.writeFile(fileUrl, 1); expect(fn).to.throw(); }); it('should error if file: URLs include escaped / characters', function() { const fs = util.fs(); const fileUrl = new URL('file:///p/a/t/h/%2F'); const fn = () => fs.writeFile(fileUrl, 1); expect(fn).to.throw(); }); });