Arguments: | |
Returns: | result |
Adds two buffers of the same size.
Arguments: | |
Returns: | result |
Subtracts two buffers of the same size.
Arguments: | |
Returns: | result |
Scales a buffer by multiplying each component by a scalar.
Arguments: | |
Returns: | true if operands are equal (within tolerance), false otherwise |
Compares two buffers component-wise for equality. Differences smaller than e are ignored.
Arguments: |
Creates a component-wise copy of a buffer.
Arguments: |
Clears a buffer by writing a scalar into each component.
Arguments: | |
Returns: | inner product of v1 and v2 |
Arguments: |
Returns: | v resized to have length at most s |
Arguments: | |
Returns: | a unit vector in the direction of v |
Arguments: | |
Returns: | the distance from v1 to v2 |
Arguments: | |
Returns: | the angle betwen v1 and v2 |
Arguments: | |
Returns: | interpolation from v1 to v2 by s |
Arguments: | |
Returns: | unit vector pointing from v1 to v2 |
Arguments: | |
Returns: | length elements of v, starting from offset |
Arguments: |
Returns: | a new Vector with all components 0 |
Arguments: |
Returns: | a new Vector with all components 1 |
Arguments: | |
Returns: | outer product of v1 and v2 |
Not yet implemented
Arguments: | |
Returns: | vector projected from screen space to object space |
Arguments: |
Returns: | 3-dimensional y unit vector (1, 0, 0) |
Arguments: |
Returns: | 3-dimensional y unit vector (0, 1, 0) |
Arguments: |
Returns: | 4-dimensional y unit vector (1, 0, 0, 0) |
Arguments: |
Returns: | 4-dimensional y unit vector (0, 1, 0, 0) |
Arguments: |
Returns: | 4-dimensional z unit vector (0, 0, 1, 0) |
Arguments: |
Returns: | inverse of q |
Arguments: |
Returns: | conjugate of q |
Arguments: |
Returns: | the identity quaternion (0, 0, 0, 1) |
Arguments: |
Returns: | spherical linear interpolation between q1 and q2 |
Not yet implemented
Arguments: |
Returns: | quaternion of rotation between two 3-dimensional vectors |
Arguments: |
Returns: | axis-angle representated as a 3-dimensional vector |
Arguments: |
Returns: | quaternion computed from axis-angle as a 3-dimensional vector |
Arguments: | |
Returns: | the matrix product of m1 with m2 |
Valid for square matrices only
Arguments: | |
Returns: | inverse of m |
Implemented for square matrices only
Arguments: | |
Returns: | transpose of m |
Valid for square matrices only
Arguments: |
Returns: | identity matrix |
Arguments: |
Returns: | identity matrix of dimension d |
Not yet implemented
Arguments: | |
Returns: | sub-matrix of m |
Not yet implemented
Arguments: |
Returns: | quaternion rotation |
Not yet implemented
Arguments: |
Returns: | rotation matrix |
Not yet implemented
Arguments: | |
Returns: | axis-angle vector |
One of the operands must be a Transform
Arguments: |
Returns: | transform with translation applied |
The translation should be expressed as a 3-dimensional vector.
One of the operands must be a Transform
Arguments: |
Returns: | transform with rotation applied |
The rotation should be expressed as an angle or rotation matrix for 2 dimensions, or rotation matrix, axis-angle or quaternion for 3 dimensions.
One of the operands must be a Transform
Arguments: |
Returns: | transform with scaling applied |
The scaling should be expressed as a vector, with each component specifying the factor in the corresponding dimension.
Arguments: | |
Returns: | linear part (rotation and scaling) of the affine transform |
Arguments: |