var Filer = require('../..'); var util = require('../lib/test-utils.js'); var expect = require('chai').expect; describe('undefined and relative paths, issue270', function() { beforeEach(util.setup); afterEach(util.cleanup); it('should fail with EINVAL when called on an undefined path', function(done) { var fs = util.fs(); fs.writeFile(undefined, 'data', function(err) { expect(err).to.exist; expect(err.code).to.equal('EINVAL'); done(); }); }); it('should fail with EINVAL when called on a relative path', function(done) { var fs = util.fs(); fs.writeFile('relpath/file.txt', 'data', function(err) { expect(err).to.exist; expect(err.code).to.equal('EINVAL'); done(); }); }); });