define(["Filer"], function(Filer) { describe('fs.appendFile', function() { beforeEach(function() { this.db_name = mk_db_name(); this.fs = new Filer.FileSystem({ name: this.db_name, flags: 'FORMAT' }); this.fs.writeFile('/myfile', "This is a file.", { encoding: 'utf8' }, function(error) { if(error) throw error; }); }); afterEach(function() { indexedDB.deleteDatabase(this.db_name); delete this.fs; }); it('should be a function', function() { expect(typeof this.fs.appendFile).toEqual('function'); }); it('should append a utf8 file without specifying utf8 in appendFile', function() { var complete = false; var _error, _result; var that = this; var contents = "This is a file."; var more = " Appended."; that.fs.appendFile('/myfile', more, function(error) { if(error) throw error; }); that.fs.readFile('/myfile', 'utf8', function(error, data) { if(error) throw error; _result = data; complete = true; }); waitsFor(function() { return complete; }, 'test to complete', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); runs(function() { expect(_error).toEqual(null); expect(_result).toEqual(contents+more); }); }); it('should append a utf8 file with "utf8" option to appendFile', function() { var complete = false; var _error, _result; var that = this; var contents = "This is a file."; var more = " Appended."; that.fs.appendFile('/myfile', more, 'utf8', function(error) { if(error) throw error; }); that.fs.readFile('/myfile', 'utf8', function(error, data) { if(error) throw error; _result = data; complete = true; }); waitsFor(function() { return complete; }, 'test to complete', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); runs(function() { expect(_error).toEqual(null); expect(_result).toEqual(contents+more); }); }); it('should append a utf8 file with {encoding: "utf8"} option to appendFile', function() { var complete = false; var _error, _result; var that = this; var contents = "This is a file."; var more = " Appended."; that.fs.appendFile('/myfile', more, { encoding: 'utf8' }, function(error) { if(error) throw error; }); that.fs.readFile('/myfile', { encoding: 'utf8' }, function(error, data) { if(error) throw error; _result = data; complete = true; }); waitsFor(function() { return complete; }, 'test to complete', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); runs(function() { expect(_error).toEqual(null); expect(_result).toEqual(contents+more); }); }); it('should append a binary file', function() { var complete = false; var _error, _result; var that = this; // String and utf8 binary encoded versions of the same thing: var contents = "This is a file."; var binary = new Uint8Array([84, 104, 105, 115, 32, 105, 115, 32, 97, 32, 102, 105, 108, 101, 46]); var more = " Appended."; var binary2 = new Uint8Array([32, 65, 112, 112, 101, 110, 100, 101, 100, 46]); var binary3 = new Uint8Array([84, 104, 105, 115, 32, 105, 115, 32, 97, 32, 102, 105, 108, 101, 46, 32, 65, 112, 112, 101, 110, 100, 101, 100, 46]); that.fs.writeFile('/mybinaryfile', binary, function(error) { if(error) throw error; }); that.fs.appendFile('/mybinaryfile', binary2, function(error) { if(error) throw error; }); that.fs.readFile('/mybinaryfile', 'ascii', function(error, data) { if(error) throw error; _result = data; complete = true; }); waitsFor(function() { return complete; }, 'test to complete', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); runs(function() { expect(_error).toEqual(null); expect(_result).toEqual(binary3); }); }); it('should follow symbolic links', function () { var complete = false; var _result; var that = this; var contents = "This is a file."; var more = " Appended."; that.fs.symlink('/myfile', '/myFileLink', function (error) { if (error) throw error; }); that.fs.appendFile('/myFileLink', more, 'utf8', function (error) { if (error) throw error; }); that.fs.readFile('/myFileLink', 'utf8', function(error, data) { if(error) throw error; _result = data; complete = true; }); waitsFor(function() { return complete; }, 'test to complete', DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); runs(function() { expect(_result).toEqual(contents+more); }); }); }); });