var Filer = require('../../src'); var expect = require('chai').expect; describe('Filer', function() { it('is defined', function() { expect(typeof Filer); }); it('has FileSystem constructor', function() { expect(typeof Filer.FileSystem).to.equal('function'); }); it('has Shell constructor', function() { expect(typeof Filer.Shell).to.equal('function'); }); it('must honor the \'FORMAT\' flag', function(done) { var name = 'local-test'; // Because we need to use a bunch of Filer filesystems // in this test, we can't use the usual test infrastructure // to create/manage the fs instance. Pick the best one // based on the testing environment (browser vs. node) var providers = Filer.FileSystem.providers; var Provider; if(providers.IndexedDB.isSupported()) { Provider = providers.IndexedDB; } else if(providers.WebSQL.isSupported()) { Provider = providers.WebSQL; } else { Provider = providers.Memory; } var fs = new Filer.FileSystem({name, provider: new Provider(name)}); var fs2 = new Filer.FileSystem({name, provider: new Provider(name)}); fs.mkdir('/test', function(err){ if(err) throw err; fs2.readdir('/', function(err, list) { if(err) throw err; expect(list).to.exist; expect(list).to.have.length(1); fs2 = new Filer.FileSystem({name, provider: new Provider(name), flags:['FORMAT']}); fs2.readdir('/', function(err, list2) { expect(err).to.not.exist; expect(list2).to.exist; expect(list2).to.have.length(0); done(); }); }); }); }); });