import { createHashRouter, RouteObject, RouterProvider, useMatches, } from "react-router-dom"; import Page from "./components/Page.js"; // @ts-ignore import lumeLogo from "../../assets/lume-logo.png"; // @ts-ignore import classNames from "classnames"; import "./App.scss"; // @ts-ignore import browser from "webextension-polyfill"; const contentPages = [ { heading: <>Thank you for supporting an open web., content: ( <> We are an independent, pure organization. We have decided not to take money from venture capitalists. Nor do we have a large treasury funding our work. ), }, { heading: <>Thank you for supporting an open web., content: ( <> Easy Access to Web3. With native Handshake (HNS) and Ethereum (ENS) support, you can forget and This is your gateway. ), }, { heading: <>Thank you for supporting an open web., content: ( <> We are an independent, pure organization. We have decided not to take money from venture capitalists. Nor do we have a large treasury funding our work. ), }, { heading: <>Thank you for supporting an open web., content: ( <> Stop worrying about being vendor-locked. Remain flexible and reduce your storage costs by 50% or more. Lume is affordable storage on-demand. ), }, ] as { heading: React.ReactElement; content: React.ReactElement; }[];, index) => { if (!index) { return; } }); const childRoutes = contentPages.slice(1).map((item, index): RouteObject => { return { path: `page-${index + 1}`, handle: { page: index + 1, }, }; }); const rootRoute = { path: "/", element: , handle: { page: 0, }, }; const router = createHashRouter([{ ...rootRoute, children: childRoutes }]); export default function App() { return ( <>
); } function Content() { const routeData = useMatches(); const accountUrl = browser.runtime.getURL("account.html"); const handle = routeData.pop().handle as { page: number }; const start = === 0 ? `page-1` : false; const next = !start && contentPages.length - 1 > ? `page-${ + 1}` : false; const back = > 1 ? `page-${ - 1}` : false; const getStarted = + 1 === contentPages.length ? accountUrl : false; const skip = === 1 ? accountUrl : false; return (
0 })}> {Array(contentPages.length) .fill(0) .map((_, index) => (
); } function GrantInfo() { return (
Lume is a 503c Grant recipient, learn more about the work we’re doing to provide accessible access to the open web for everyone.
); }