
33 lines
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/// The IPC (Inter-Process Communication) transport is a way for a process to communicate with a
/// running Ethereum client over a local Unix domain socket. Using the IPC transport allows the
/// ethers library to send JSON-RPC requests to the Ethereum client and receive responses, without
/// the need for a network connection or HTTP server. This can be useful for interacting with a
/// local Ethereum node that is running on the same machine.
#[cfg(feature = "ipc")]
async fn main() -> eyre::Result<()> {
use ethers::prelude::*;
// We instantiate the provider using the path of a local Unix domain socket
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// NOTE: The IPC transport supports push notifications, but we still need to specify a polling
// interval because only subscribe RPC calls (e.g., transactions, blocks, events) support push
// notifications in Ethereum's RPC API. For other calls we must use repeated polling for many
// operations even with the IPC transport.
let provider = Provider::connect_ipc("~/.ethereum/geth.ipc")
let block = provider.get_block_number().await?;
println!("Current block: {block}");
let mut stream = provider.watch_blocks().await?.stream();
while let Some(block) = {
#[cfg(not(feature = "ipc"))]
fn main() {}