
179 lines
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#![deny(missing_docs, unsafe_code)]
//! Module for generating type-safe bindings to Ethereum smart contracts. This
//! module is intended to be used either indirectly with the `abigen` procedural
//! macro or directly from a build script / CLI
#[path = "test/"]
mod test_macros;
/// Contains types to generate rust bindings for solidity contracts
pub mod contract;
use contract::Context;
pub mod rawabi;
mod rustfmt;
mod source;
mod util;
pub use ethers_core::types::Address;
pub use source::Source;
pub use util::parse_address;
use anyhow::Result;
use proc_macro2::TokenStream;
use std::{collections::HashMap, fs::File, io::Write, path::Path};
/// Builder struct for generating type-safe bindings from a contract's ABI
/// Note: Your contract's ABI must contain the `stateMutability` field. This is
/// [still not supported by Vyper](, so you must adjust your ABIs and replace
/// `constant` functions with `view` or `pure`.
/// # Example
/// Running the command below will generate a file called `` containing the
/// bindings inside, which exports an `ERC20Token` struct, along with all its events.
/// ```no_run
/// # use ethers_contract_abigen::Abigen;
/// # fn foo() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>> {
/// Abigen::new("ERC20Token", "./abi.json")?.generate()?.write_to_file("")?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
pub struct Abigen {
/// The source of the ABI JSON for the contract whose bindings
/// are being generated.
abi_source: Source,
/// Override the contract name to use for the generated type.
contract_name: String,
/// Manually specified contract method aliases.
method_aliases: HashMap<String, String>,
/// Derives added to event structs and enums.
event_derives: Vec<String>,
/// Format the code using a locally installed copy of `rustfmt`.
rustfmt: bool,
/// Manually specified event name aliases.
event_aliases: HashMap<String, String>,
impl Abigen {
/// Creates a new builder with the given ABI JSON source.
pub fn new<S: AsRef<str>>(contract_name: &str, abi_source: S) -> Result<Self> {
let abi_source = abi_source.as_ref().parse()?;
Ok(Self {
contract_name: contract_name.to_owned(),
method_aliases: HashMap::new(),
event_derives: Vec::new(),
event_aliases: HashMap::new(),
rustfmt: true,
/// Manually adds a solidity event alias to specify what the event struct
/// and function name will be in Rust.
pub fn add_event_alias<S1, S2>(mut self, signature: S1, alias: S2) -> Self
S1: Into<String>,
S2: Into<String>,
self.event_aliases.insert(signature.into(), alias.into());
/// Manually adds a solidity method alias to specify what the method name
/// will be in Rust. For solidity methods without an alias, the snake cased
/// method name will be used.
pub fn add_method_alias<S1, S2>(mut self, signature: S1, alias: S2) -> Self
S1: Into<String>,
S2: Into<String>,
self.method_aliases.insert(signature.into(), alias.into());
/// Specify whether or not to format the code using a locally installed copy
/// of `rustfmt`.
/// Note that in case `rustfmt` does not exist or produces an error, the
/// unformatted code will be used.
pub fn rustfmt(mut self, rustfmt: bool) -> Self {
self.rustfmt = rustfmt;
/// Add a custom derive to the derives for event structs and enums.
/// This makes it possible to for example derive serde::Serialize and
/// serde::Deserialize for events.
pub fn add_event_derive<S>(mut self, derive: S) -> Self
S: Into<String>,
/// Generates the contract bindings.
pub fn generate(self) -> Result<ContractBindings> {
let rustfmt = self.rustfmt;
let tokens = Context::from_abigen(self)?.expand()?.into_tokens();
Ok(ContractBindings { tokens, rustfmt })
/// Type-safe contract bindings generated by a `Builder`. This type can be
/// either written to file or into a token stream for use in a procedural macro.
pub struct ContractBindings {
/// The TokenStream representing the contract bindings.
tokens: TokenStream,
/// The output options used for serialization.
rustfmt: bool,
impl ContractBindings {
/// Writes the bindings to a given `Write`.
pub fn write<W>(&self, mut w: W) -> Result<()>
W: Write,
let source = {
let raw = self.tokens.to_string();
if self.rustfmt {
} else {
/// Writes the bindings to the specified file.
pub fn write_to_file<P>(&self, path: P) -> Result<()>
P: AsRef<Path>,
let file = File::create(path)?;
/// Converts the bindings into its underlying token stream. This allows it
/// to be used within a procedural macro.
pub fn into_tokens(self) -> TokenStream {