331 lines
9.7 KiB
331 lines
9.7 KiB
//! AWS KMS-based Signer
use ethers_core::{
k256::ecdsa::{Error as K256Error, Signature as KSig, VerifyingKey},
transaction::{eip2718::TypedTransaction, eip712::Eip712},
Address, Signature as EthSig, H256,
use rusoto_core::RusotoError;
use rusoto_kms::{
GetPublicKeyError, GetPublicKeyRequest, Kms, KmsClient, SignError, SignRequest, SignResponse,
use tracing::{debug, instrument, trace};
mod utils;
use utils::{apply_eip155, rsig_to_ethsig, verifying_key_to_address};
/// An ethers Signer that uses keys held in Amazon AWS KMS.
/// The AWS Signer passes signing requests to the cloud service. AWS KMS keys
/// are identified by a UUID, the `key_id`.
/// Because the public key is unknown, we retrieve it on instantiation of the
/// signer. This means that the new function is `async` and must be called
/// within some runtime.
/// ```compile_fail
/// use rusoto_core::Client;
/// use rusoto_kms::{Kms, KmsClient};
/// user ethers_signers::Signer;
/// let client = Client::new_with(
/// EnvironmentProvider::default(),
/// HttpClient::new().unwrap()
/// );
/// let kms_client = KmsClient::new_with_client(client, Region::UsWest1);
/// let key_id = "...";
/// let chain_id = 1;
/// let signer = AwsSigner::new(kms_client, key_id, chain_id).await?;
/// let sig = signer.sign_message(H256::zero()).await?;
/// ```
pub struct AwsSigner {
kms: KmsClient,
chain_id: u64,
key_id: String,
pubkey: VerifyingKey,
address: Address,
impl std::fmt::Debug for AwsSigner {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
.field("key_id", &self.key_id)
.field("chain_id", &self.chain_id)
.field("pubkey", &hex::encode(self.pubkey.to_bytes()))
.field("address", &self.address)
impl std::fmt::Display for AwsSigner {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
"AwsSigner {{ address: {}, chain_id: {}, key_id: {} }}",
self.address, self.chain_id, self.key_id
/// Errors produced by the AwsSigner
#[derive(thiserror::Error, Debug)]
pub enum AwsSignerError {
SignError(#[from] RusotoError<SignError>),
GetPublicKeyError(#[from] RusotoError<GetPublicKeyError>),
K256(#[from] K256Error),
/// Error when converting from a hex string
HexError(#[from] hex::FromHexError),
/// Error type from Eip712Error message
#[error("error encoding eip712 struct: {0:?}")]
impl From<String> for AwsSignerError {
fn from(s: String) -> Self {
impl From<spki::Error> for AwsSignerError {
fn from(e: spki::Error) -> Self {
#[instrument(err, skip(kms, key_id), fields(key_id = %key_id.as_ref()))]
async fn request_get_pubkey<T>(
kms: &KmsClient,
key_id: T,
) -> Result<rusoto_kms::GetPublicKeyResponse, RusotoError<GetPublicKeyError>>
T: AsRef<str>,
debug!("Dispatching get_public_key");
let req = GetPublicKeyRequest { grant_tokens: None, key_id: key_id.as_ref().to_owned() };
trace!("{:?}", &req);
let resp = kms.get_public_key(req).await;
trace!("{:?}", &resp);
#[instrument(err, skip(kms, digest, key_id), fields(digest = %hex::encode(digest), key_id = %key_id.as_ref()))]
async fn request_sign_digest<T>(
kms: &KmsClient,
key_id: T,
digest: [u8; 32],
) -> Result<SignResponse, RusotoError<SignError>>
T: AsRef<str>,
debug!("Dispatching sign");
let req = SignRequest {
grant_tokens: None,
key_id: key_id.as_ref().to_owned(),
message: digest.to_vec().into(),
message_type: Some("DIGEST".to_owned()),
signing_algorithm: "ECDSA_SHA_256".to_owned(),
trace!("{:?}", &req);
let resp = kms.sign(req).await;
trace!("{:?}", &resp);
impl AwsSigner {
/// Instantiate a new signer from an existing `KmsClient` and Key ID.
/// This function retrieves the public key from AWS and calculates the
/// Etheruem address. It is therefore `async`.
#[instrument(err, skip(kms, key_id, chain_id), fields(key_id = %key_id.as_ref()))]
pub async fn new<T>(
kms: KmsClient,
key_id: T,
chain_id: u64,
) -> Result<AwsSigner, AwsSignerError>
T: AsRef<str>,
let pubkey = request_get_pubkey(&kms, &key_id).await.map(utils::decode_pubkey)??;
let address = verifying_key_to_address(&pubkey);
"Instantiated AWS signer with pubkey 0x{} and address 0x{}",
Ok(Self { kms, chain_id, key_id: key_id.as_ref().to_owned(), pubkey, address })
/// Fetch the pubkey associated with a key id
pub async fn get_pubkey_for_key<T>(&self, key_id: T) -> Result<VerifyingKey, AwsSignerError>
T: AsRef<str>,
request_get_pubkey(&self.kms, key_id).await.map(utils::decode_pubkey)?
/// Fetch the pubkey associated with this signer's key ID
pub async fn get_pubkey(&self) -> Result<VerifyingKey, AwsSignerError> {
/// Sign a digest with the key associated with a key id
pub async fn sign_digest_with_key<T>(
key_id: T,
digest: [u8; 32],
) -> Result<KSig, AwsSignerError>
T: AsRef<str>,
request_sign_digest(&self.kms, key_id, digest).await.map(utils::decode_signature)?
/// Sign a digest with this signer's key
pub async fn sign_digest(&self, digest: [u8; 32]) -> Result<KSig, AwsSignerError> {
self.sign_digest_with_key(self.key_id.clone(), digest).await
/// Sign a digest with this signer's key and add the eip155 `v` value
/// corresponding to the input chain_id
#[instrument(err, skip(digest), fields(digest = %hex::encode(digest)))]
async fn sign_digest_with_eip155(
digest: H256,
chain_id: u64,
) -> Result<EthSig, AwsSignerError> {
let sig = self.sign_digest(digest.into()).await?;
let sig = utils::rsig_from_digest_bytes_trial_recovery(&sig, digest.into(), &self.pubkey);
let mut sig = rsig_to_ethsig(&sig);
apply_eip155(&mut sig, chain_id);
impl super::Signer for AwsSigner {
type Error = AwsSignerError;
#[instrument(err, skip(message))]
async fn sign_message<S: Send + Sync + AsRef<[u8]>>(
message: S,
) -> Result<EthSig, Self::Error> {
let message = message.as_ref();
let message_hash = hash_message(message);
trace!("{:?}", message_hash);
trace!("{:?}", message);
self.sign_digest_with_eip155(message_hash, self.chain_id).await
async fn sign_transaction(&self, tx: &TypedTransaction) -> Result<EthSig, Self::Error> {
let mut tx_with_chain = tx.clone();
let chain_id = tx_with_chain.chain_id().map(|id| id.as_u64()).unwrap_or(self.chain_id);
let sighash = tx_with_chain.sighash();
self.sign_digest_with_eip155(sighash, chain_id).await
async fn sign_typed_data<T: Eip712 + Send + Sync>(
payload: &T,
) -> Result<EthSig, Self::Error> {
let digest =
payload.encode_eip712().map_err(|e| Self::Error::Eip712Error(e.to_string()))?;
let sig = self.sign_digest(digest).await?;
let sig = utils::rsig_from_digest_bytes_trial_recovery(&sig, digest, &self.pubkey);
let sig = rsig_to_ethsig(&sig);
fn address(&self) -> Address {
/// Returns the signer's chain id
fn chain_id(&self) -> u64 {
/// Sets the signer's chain id
fn with_chain_id<T: Into<u64>>(mut self, chain_id: T) -> Self {
self.chain_id = chain_id.into();
mod tests {
use rusoto_core::{
credential::{EnvironmentProvider, StaticProvider},
Client, HttpClient, Region,
use tracing::metadata::LevelFilter;
use super::*;
use crate::Signer;
fn setup_tracing() {
fn static_client() -> KmsClient {
let access_key = "".to_owned();
let secret_access_key = "".to_owned();
let client = Client::new_with(
StaticProvider::new(access_key, secret_access_key, None, None),
KmsClient::new_with_client(client, Region::UsWest1)
fn env_client() -> KmsClient {
let client = Client::new_with(EnvironmentProvider::default(), HttpClient::new().unwrap());
KmsClient::new_with_client(client, Region::UsWest1)
async fn it_signs_messages() {
let chain_id = 1;
let key_id = match std::env::var("AWS_KEY_ID") {
Ok(id) => id,
_ => return,
let client = env_client();
let signer = AwsSigner::new(client, key_id, chain_id).await.unwrap();
let message = vec![0, 1, 2, 3];
let sig = signer.sign_message(&message).await.unwrap();
sig.verify(message, signer.address).expect("valid sig");