
374 lines
13 KiB

use ethers_core::{abi::ParamType, macros::ethers_core_crate, types::Selector};
use proc_macro2::{Ident, Literal, Span, TokenStream};
use quote::{quote, quote_spanned};
use syn::{
parse::Error, spanned::Spanned, Data, DeriveInput, Expr, Fields, GenericArgument, Lit,
PathArguments, Type,
pub fn ident(name: &str) -> Ident {
Ident::new(name, Span::call_site())
pub fn signature(hash: &[u8]) -> TokenStream {
let ethers_core = ethers_core_crate();
let bytes = hash.iter().copied().map(Literal::u8_unsuffixed);
quote! {#ethers_core::types::H256([#( #bytes ),*])}
pub fn selector(selector: Selector) -> TokenStream {
let bytes = selector.iter().copied().map(Literal::u8_unsuffixed);
quote! {[#( #bytes ),*]}
/// Parses an int / hash type from its string representation
pub fn parse_param_type(s: &str) -> Option<ParamType> {
match s.chars().next() {
Some('H' | 'h') => {
let size = s[1..].parse::<usize>().ok()? / 8;
Some(c @ 'U' | c @ 'I' | c @ 'u' | c @ 'i') => {
let size = s[1..].parse::<usize>().ok()?;
if matches!(c, 'U' | 'u') {
} else {
_ => None,
// Converts param types for indexed parameters to bytes32 where appropriate
// This applies to strings, arrays, structs and bytes to follow the encoding of
// these indexed param types according to
// <>
pub fn topic_param_type_quote(kind: &ParamType) -> TokenStream {
let ethers_core = ethers_core_crate();
match kind {
ParamType::String |
ParamType::Bytes |
ParamType::Array(_) |
ParamType::FixedArray(_, _) |
ParamType::Tuple(_) => quote! {#ethers_core::abi::ParamType::FixedBytes(32)},
ty => param_type_quote(ty),
/// Returns the rust type for the given parameter
pub fn param_type_quote(kind: &ParamType) -> TokenStream {
let ethers_core = ethers_core_crate();
match kind {
ParamType::Address => {
quote! {#ethers_core::abi::ParamType::Address}
ParamType::Bytes => {
quote! {#ethers_core::abi::ParamType::Bytes}
ParamType::Int(size) => {
let size = Literal::usize_suffixed(*size);
quote! {#ethers_core::abi::ParamType::Int(#size)}
ParamType::Uint(size) => {
let size = Literal::usize_suffixed(*size);
quote! {#ethers_core::abi::ParamType::Uint(#size)}
ParamType::Bool => {
quote! {#ethers_core::abi::ParamType::Bool}
ParamType::String => {
quote! {#ethers_core::abi::ParamType::String}
ParamType::Array(ty) => {
let ty = param_type_quote(ty);
quote! {#ethers_core::abi::ParamType::Array(Box::new(#ty))}
ParamType::FixedBytes(size) => {
let size = Literal::usize_suffixed(*size);
quote! {#ethers_core::abi::ParamType::FixedBytes(#size)}
ParamType::FixedArray(ty, size) => {
let ty = param_type_quote(ty);
let size = Literal::usize_suffixed(*size);
quote! {#ethers_core::abi::ParamType::FixedArray(Box::new(#ty), #size)}
ParamType::Tuple(tuple) => {
let elements = tuple.iter().map(param_type_quote);
quote!(#ethers_core::abi::ParamType::Tuple(::std::vec![#( #elements ),*]))
/// Tries to find the corresponding `ParamType` used for tokenization for the
/// given type
pub fn find_parameter_type(ty: &Type) -> Result<ParamType, Error> {
match ty {
Type::Array(arr) => {
let ty = find_parameter_type(&arr.elem)?;
if let Expr::Lit(ref expr) = arr.len {
if let Lit::Int(ref len) = expr.lit {
if let Ok(size) = len.base10_parse::<usize>() {
return Ok(ParamType::FixedArray(Box::new(ty), size))
Err(Error::new(arr.span(), "Failed to derive proper ABI from array field"))
Type::Path(ty) => {
// check for `Vec`
if let Some(segment) = ty.path.segments.iter().find(|s| s.ident == "Vec") {
if let PathArguments::AngleBracketed(ref args) = segment.arguments {
// Vec<T, A?>
debug_assert!(matches!(args.args.len(), 1 | 2));
let ty = args.args.iter().next().unwrap();
if let GenericArgument::Type(ref ty) = ty {
return find_parameter_type(ty).map(|kind| ParamType::Array(Box::new(kind)))
// match on the last segment of the path
.or_else(|| ty.path.segments.last().map(|s| &s.ident))
.and_then(|ident| {
match ident.to_string().as_str() {
// eth types
"Address" => Some(ParamType::Address),
"Bytes" => Some(ParamType::Bytes),
"Uint8" => Some(ParamType::Uint(8)),
// core types
"String" => Some(ParamType::String),
"bool" => Some(ParamType::Bool),
// usize / isize, shouldn't happen but use max width
"usize" => Some(ParamType::Uint(64)),
"isize" => Some(ParamType::Int(64)),
s => parse_param_type(s),
.ok_or_else(|| Error::new(ty.span(), "Failed to derive proper ABI from fields"))
Type::Tuple(ty) => ty
.collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()
_ => Err(Error::new(ty.span(), "Failed to derive proper ABI from fields")),
/// Attempts to determine the ABI Paramtypes from the type's AST
pub fn derive_abi_inputs_from_fields(
input: &DeriveInput,
trait_name: &str,
) -> Result<Vec<(String, ParamType)>, Error> {
let fields: Vec<_> = match {
Data::Struct(ref data) => match data.fields {
Fields::Named(ref fields) => fields.named.iter().collect(),
Fields::Unnamed(ref fields) => fields.unnamed.iter().collect(),
Fields::Unit => {
return Err(Error::new(
format!("{trait_name} cannot be derived for empty structs and unit"),
Data::Enum(_) => {
return Err(Error::new(
format!("{trait_name} cannot be derived for enums"),
Data::Union(_) => {
return Err(Error::new(
format!("{trait_name} cannot be derived for unions"),
.map(|f| {
let name =
f.ident.as_ref().map(|name| name.to_string()).unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_string());
find_parameter_type(&f.ty).map(|ty| (name, ty))
/// Use `AbiType::param_type` fo each field to construct the input types own param type
pub fn derive_param_type_with_abi_type(
input: &DeriveInput,
trait_name: &str,
) -> Result<TokenStream, Error> {
let ethers_core = ethers_core_crate();
let params = abi_parameters_array(input, trait_name)?;
Ok(quote! {
/// Use `AbiType::param_type` fo each field to construct the whole signature `<name>(<params,>*)` as
/// `String`.
pub fn abi_signature_with_abi_type(
input: &DeriveInput,
function_name: &str,
trait_name: &str,
) -> Result<TokenStream, Error> {
let params = abi_parameters_array(input, trait_name)?;
Ok(quote! {
let params: String = #params
.map(|p| p.to_string())
let function_name = #function_name;
format!("{}({})", function_name, params)
/// Use `AbiType::param_type` fo each field to construct the signature's parameters as runtime array
/// `[param1, param2,...]`
pub fn abi_parameters_array(input: &DeriveInput, trait_name: &str) -> Result<TokenStream, Error> {
let ethers_core = ethers_core_crate();
let fields = match {
Data::Struct(ref data) => match data.fields {
Fields::Named(ref fields) => &fields.named,
Fields::Unnamed(ref fields) => &fields.unnamed,
Fields::Unit => {
return Err(Error::new(
format!("{trait_name} cannot be derived for empty structs and unit"),
Data::Enum(_) => {
return Err(Error::new(
format!("{trait_name} cannot be derived for enums"),
Data::Union(_) => {
return Err(Error::new(
format!("{trait_name} cannot be derived for unions"),
let iter = fields.iter().map(|f| {
let ty = &f.ty;
quote_spanned!(f.span() => <#ty as #ethers_core::abi::AbiType>::param_type())
Ok(quote! {
[#( #iter ),*]
mod tests {
use super::*;
use syn::parse_quote;
macro_rules! type_test_cases {
($($t:ty => $e:expr),+ $(,)?) => {{
(parse_quote!($t), $e),
fn arr(ty: ParamType) -> ParamType {
fn farr(ty: ParamType, len: usize) -> ParamType {
ParamType::FixedArray(Box::new(ty), len)
fn can_find_params() {
use ParamType as PT;
let test_cases: &[(Type, ParamType)] = type_test_cases! {
u8 => PT::Uint(8),
u16 => PT::Uint(16),
u32 => PT::Uint(32),
u64 => PT::Uint(64),
usize => PT::Uint(64),
u128 => PT::Uint(128),
::ethers::types::U256 => PT::Uint(256),
ethers::types::U256 => PT::Uint(256),
::ethers_core::types::U256 => PT::Uint(256),
ethers_core::types::U256 => PT::Uint(256),
U256 => PT::Uint(256),
i8 => PT::Int(8),
i16 => PT::Int(16),
i32 => PT::Int(32),
i64 => PT::Int(64),
isize => PT::Int(64),
i128 => PT::Int(128),
::ethers::types::I256 => PT::Int(256),
ethers::types::I256 => PT::Int(256),
::ethers_core::types::I256 => PT::Int(256),
ethers_core::types::I256 => PT::Int(256),
I256 => PT::Int(256),
::ethers::types::H160 => PT::FixedBytes(20),
H160 => PT::FixedBytes(20),
::ethers::types::H256 => PT::FixedBytes(32),
H256 => PT::FixedBytes(32),
::ethers::types::H512 => PT::FixedBytes(64),
H512 => PT::FixedBytes(64),
::std::vec::Vec<::ethers_core::types::U256, ::std::alloc::Global> => arr(PT::Uint(256)),
::std::vec::Vec<::ethers_core::types::U256, Global> => arr(PT::Uint(256)),
::std::vec::Vec<::ethers_core::types::U256> => arr(PT::Uint(256)),
::std::vec::Vec<ethers::types::U256> => arr(PT::Uint(256)),
::std::vec::Vec<U256> => arr(PT::Uint(256)),
std::vec::Vec<U256> => arr(PT::Uint(256)),
vec::Vec<U256> => arr(PT::Uint(256)),
Vec<U256> => arr(PT::Uint(256)),
[u64; 8] => farr(PT::Uint(64), 8),
[u64; 16] => farr(PT::Uint(64), 16),
[::ethers_core::types::U256; 2] => farr(PT::Uint(256), 2),
[String; 4] => farr(PT::String, 4),
[Address; 2] => farr(PT::Address, 2),
(String, String, Address) => PT::Tuple(vec![PT::String, PT::String, PT::Address]),
(::ethers_core::types::U256, u8, ::ethers_core::types::Address)
=> PT::Tuple(vec![PT::Uint(256), PT::Uint(8), PT::Address]),
(::ethers::types::Bytes, ::ethers::types::H256, (::ethers::types::Address, ::std::string::String))
=> PT::Tuple(vec![
PT::Tuple(vec![PT::Address, PT::String])
for (ty, expected) in test_cases {
match find_parameter_type(ty) {
Ok(ty) => assert_eq!(ty, *expected),
Err(e) => panic!("{e}: {ty:#?}\n{expected}"),