350 lines
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350 lines
12 KiB
//! Helper functions for deriving `EthEvent`
use crate::{abi_ty, utils};
use ethers_contract_abigen::Source;
use ethers_core::{
abi::{Event, EventExt, EventParam, HumanReadableParser},
macros::{ethers_contract_crate, ethers_core_crate},
use proc_macro2::{Span, TokenStream};
use quote::quote;
use syn::{spanned::Spanned, Data, DeriveInput, Error, Field, Fields, LitStr, Result, Token};
/// Generates the `EthEvent` trait support
pub(crate) fn derive_eth_event_impl(input: DeriveInput) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let name = &input.ident;
let attributes = parse_event_attributes(&input)?;
let mut event = if let Some((src, span)) = attributes.abi {
// try to parse as a Solidity event
match HumanReadableParser::parse_event(&src) {
Ok(event) => Ok(event),
Err(parse_err) => {
match src.parse::<Source>().and_then(|s| s.get()) {
Ok(abi) => {
// try to derive the signature from the abi from the parsed abi
// TODO(mattsse): this will fail for events that contain other non
// elementary types in their abi because the parser
// doesn't know how to substitute the types.
// This could be mitigated by getting the ABI of each non elementary type
// at runtime and computing the the signature as a Lazy static.
match HumanReadableParser::parse_event(&abi) {
Ok(event) => Ok(event),
// Ignore parse_err since this is a valid [Source]
Err(err) => Err(Error::new(span, err)),
Err(source_err) => {
// Return both error messages
let mut error = Error::new(span, parse_err);
error.combine(Error::new(span, source_err));
} else {
// try to determine the abi from the fields
if let Some((attribute_name, _)) = attributes.name {
event.name = attribute_name;
if let Some((anon, _)) = attributes.anonymous.as_ref() {
event.anonymous = *anon;
let decode_log_impl = derive_decode_from_log_impl(&input, &event)?;
let (abi, event_sig) = (event.abi_signature(), event.signature());
let signature = if let Some((hash, _)) = attributes.signature {
} else {
let anon = attributes.anonymous.map(|(b, _)| b).unwrap_or_default();
let event_name = &event.name;
let ethers_core = ethers_core_crate();
let ethers_contract = ethers_contract_crate();
let ethevent_impl = quote! {
impl #ethers_contract::EthEvent for #name {
fn name() -> ::std::borrow::Cow<'static, str> {
fn signature() -> #ethers_core::types::H256 {
fn abi_signature() -> ::std::borrow::Cow<'static, str> {
fn decode_log(log: &#ethers_core::abi::RawLog) -> ::std::result::Result<Self, #ethers_core::abi::Error> where Self: Sized {
fn is_anonymous() -> bool {
let tokenize_impl = abi_ty::derive_tokenizeable_impl(&input)?;
Ok(quote! {
/// Internal helper type for an event/log
struct EventField {
topic_name: Option<String>,
index: usize,
param: EventParam,
impl EventField {
fn is_indexed(&self) -> bool {
fn derive_decode_from_log_impl(input: &DeriveInput, event: &Event) -> Result<TokenStream> {
let ethers_core = ethers_core_crate();
let fields: Vec<_> = match input.data {
Data::Struct(ref data) => match data.fields {
Fields::Named(ref fields) => {
if fields.named.len() != event.inputs.len() {
return Err(Error::new(
"EthEvent {}'s fields length don't match with signature inputs {}",
Fields::Unnamed(ref fields) => {
if fields.unnamed.len() != event.inputs.len() {
return Err(Error::new(
"EthEvent {}'s fields length don't match with signature inputs {}",
Fields::Unit => {
// Empty structs or unit, no fields
Data::Enum(_) => {
return Err(Error::new(input.span(), "EthEvent cannot be derived for enums"))
Data::Union(_) => {
return Err(Error::new(input.span(), "EthEvent cannot be derived for unions"))
// decode
let (signature_check, flat_topics_init, topic_tokens_len_check) = if event.anonymous {
quote! {
let flat_topics = topics.iter().flat_map(|t| t.as_ref().to_vec()).collect::<Vec<u8>>();
quote! {
if topic_tokens.len() != topics.len() {
return Err(#ethers_core::abi::Error::InvalidData);
} else {
Some(quote! {
let event_signature = topics.get(0).ok_or(#ethers_core::abi::Error::InvalidData)?;
if event_signature != &Self::signature() {
return Err(#ethers_core::abi::Error::InvalidData);
quote! {
let flat_topics = topics.iter().skip(1).flat_map(|t| t.as_ref().to_vec()).collect::<Vec<u8>>();
quote! {
if topic_tokens.len() != topics.len() - 1 {
return Err(#ethers_core::abi::Error::InvalidData);
// Event with no fields, can skip decoding
if fields.is_empty() {
return Ok(quote! {
let #ethers_core::abi::RawLog {topics, data} = log;
if topics.len() != 1usize || !data.is_empty() {
return Err(#ethers_core::abi::Error::InvalidData);
let mut event_fields = Vec::with_capacity(fields.len());
for (index, field) in fields.iter().enumerate() {
let mut param = event.inputs[index].clone();
let (topic_name, indexed) = parse_field_attributes(field)?;
if indexed {
param.indexed = true;
let topic_name =
param.indexed.then(|| topic_name.or_else(|| Some(param.name.clone()))).flatten();
event_fields.push(EventField { topic_name, index, param });
// convert fields to params list
let topic_types = event_fields
.filter(|f| f.is_indexed())
.map(|f| utils::topic_param_type_quote(&f.param.kind));
let topic_types_init = quote! {let topic_types = ::std::vec![#( #topic_types ),*];};
let data_types = event_fields
.filter(|f| !f.is_indexed())
.map(|f| utils::param_type_quote(&f.param.kind));
let data_types_init = quote! {let data_types = [#( #data_types ),*];};
// check if indexed are sorted
let tokens_init = if event_fields
.filter(|f| f.is_indexed())
.all(|(idx, f)| f.index == idx)
quote! {
let topic_tokens = #ethers_core::abi::decode(&topic_types, &flat_topics)?;
let data_tokens = #ethers_core::abi::decode(&data_types, data)?;
let tokens:Vec<_> = topic_tokens.into_iter().chain(data_tokens.into_iter()).collect();
} else {
let swap_tokens = event_fields.iter().map(|field| {
if field.is_indexed() {
quote! { topic_tokens.remove(0) }
} else {
quote! { data_tokens.remove(0) }
quote! {
let mut topic_tokens = #ethers_core::abi::decode(&topic_types, &flat_topics)?;
let mut data_tokens = #ethers_core::abi::decode(&data_types, &data)?;
let mut tokens = Vec::with_capacity(topics.len() + data_tokens.len());
#( tokens.push(#swap_tokens); )*
Ok(quote! {
let #ethers_core::abi::RawLog {data, topics} = log;
/// Determine the event's ABI by parsing the AST
fn derive_abi_event_from_fields(input: &DeriveInput) -> Result<Event> {
let event = Event {
name: input.ident.to_string(),
inputs: utils::derive_abi_inputs_from_fields(input, "EthEvent")?
.map(|(name, kind)| EventParam { name, kind, indexed: false })
anonymous: false,
fn parse_field_attributes(field: &Field) -> Result<(Option<String>, bool)> {
let mut indexed = None::<bool>;
let mut topic_name = None::<String>;
utils::parse_attributes!(field.attrs.iter(), "ethevent", meta,
"indexed", indexed => { indexed = Some(true) }
"name", topic_name => {
let litstr: LitStr = meta.input.parse()?;
topic_name = Some(litstr.value());
Ok((topic_name, indexed.unwrap_or_default()))
/// All the attributes the `EthEvent` macro supports
struct EthEventAttributes {
name: Option<(String, Span)>,
abi: Option<(String, Span)>,
signature: Option<(Vec<u8>, Span)>,
anonymous: Option<(bool, Span)>,
/// extracts the attributes from the struct annotated with `EthEvent`
fn parse_event_attributes(input: &DeriveInput) -> Result<EthEventAttributes> {
let mut result = EthEventAttributes::default();
utils::parse_attributes!(input.attrs.iter(), "ethevent", meta,
"name", result.name => {
let litstr: LitStr = meta.input.parse()?;
result.name = Some((litstr.value(), litstr.span()));
"abi", result.abi => {
let litstr: LitStr = meta.input.parse()?;
result.abi = Some((litstr.value(), litstr.span()));
"signature", result.signature => {
let litstr: LitStr = meta.input.parse()?;
let s = litstr.value();
let b = hex::decode(s.strip_prefix("0x").unwrap_or(&s)).map_err(|e| meta.error(e))?;
result.signature = Some((b, litstr.span()));
"anonymous", result.anonymous => { result.anonymous = Some((true, meta.path.span())); }