
226 lines
7.4 KiB

use ethers::{contract::ContractFactory, types::H256};
mod common;
pub use common::*;
#[cfg(not(feature = "celo"))]
mod eth_tests {
use super::*;
use ethers::{
providers::{Http, Provider, StreamExt},
use serial_test::serial;
use std::convert::TryFrom;
async fn deploy_and_call_contract() {
let (abi, bytecode) = compile();
// launch ganache
let _ganache = Ganache::new()
.mnemonic("abstract vacuum mammal awkward pudding scene penalty purchase dinner depart evoke puzzle")
// Instantiate the clients. We assume that clients consume the provider and the wallet
// (which makes sense), so for multi-client tests, you must clone the provider.
let client = connect("380eb0f3d505f087e438eca80bc4df9a7faa24f868e69fc0440261a0fc0567dc");
let client2 = connect("cc96601bc52293b53c4736a12af9130abf347669b3813f9ec4cafdf6991b087e");
// create a factory which will be used to deploy instances of the contract
let factory = ContractFactory::new(abi, bytecode, &client);
// `send` consumes the deployer so it must be cloned for later re-use
// (practically it's not expected that you'll need to deploy multiple instances of
// the _same_ deployer, so it's fine to clone here from a dev UX vs perf tradeoff)
let deployer = factory.deploy("initial value".to_string()).unwrap();
let contract = deployer.clone().send().await.unwrap();
let get_value = contract.method::<_, String>("getValue", ()).unwrap();
let last_sender = contract.method::<_, Address>("lastSender", ()).unwrap();
// the initial value must be the one set in the constructor
let value = get_value.clone().call().await.unwrap();
assert_eq!(value, "initial value");
// make a call with `client2`
let _tx_hash = contract
.method::<_, H256>("setValue", "hi".to_owned())
assert_eq!(last_sender.clone().call().await.unwrap(), client2.address());
assert_eq!(get_value.clone().call().await.unwrap(), "hi");
// we can also call contract methods at other addresses with the `at` call
// (useful when interacting with multiple ERC20s for example)
let contract2_addr = deployer.clone().send().await.unwrap().address();
let contract2 =;
let init_value: String = contract2
.method::<_, String>("getValue", ())
let init_address = contract2
.method::<_, Address>("lastSender", ())
assert_eq!(init_address, Address::zero());
assert_eq!(init_value, "initial value");
async fn get_past_events() {
let (abi, bytecode) = compile();
let client = connect("380eb0f3d505f087e438eca80bc4df9a7faa24f868e69fc0440261a0fc0567dc");
let (_ganache, contract) = deploy(&client, abi, bytecode).await;
// make a call with `client2`
let _tx_hash = contract
.method::<_, H256>("setValue", "hi".to_owned())
// and we can fetch the events
let logs: Vec<ValueChanged> = contract
.topic1(client.address()) // Corresponds to the first indexed parameter
assert_eq!(logs[0].new_value, "initial value");
assert_eq!(logs[1].new_value, "hi");
assert_eq!(logs.len(), 2);
async fn watch_events() {
let (abi, bytecode) = compile();
let client = connect("380eb0f3d505f087e438eca80bc4df9a7faa24f868e69fc0440261a0fc0567dc");
let (_ganache, contract) = deploy(&client, abi, bytecode).await;
// We spawn the event listener:
let mut stream = contract
let num_calls = 3u64;
// and we make a few calls
for i in 0..num_calls {
let _tx_hash = contract
.method::<_, H256>("setValue", i.to_string())
for i in 0..num_calls {
// unwrap the option of the stream, then unwrap the decoding result
let log =;
assert_eq!(log.new_value, i.to_string());
async fn signer_on_node() {
let (abi, bytecode) = compile();
let provider = Provider::<Http>::try_from("http://localhost:8545").unwrap();
let deployer = "3cDB3d9e1B74692Bb1E3bb5fc81938151cA64b02"
let client = Client::from(provider).with_sender(deployer);
let (_ganache, contract) = deploy(&client, abi, bytecode).await;
// make a call without the signer
let _tx = contract
.method::<_, H256>("setValue", "hi".to_owned())
let value: String = contract
.method::<_, String>("getValue", ())
assert_eq!(value, "hi");
#[cfg(feature = "celo")]
mod celo_tests {
use super::*;
use ethers::{
providers::{Http, Provider},
use std::convert::TryFrom;
async fn deploy_and_call_contract() {
let (abi, bytecode) = compile();
// Celo testnet
let provider =
// Funded with
let client = "d652abb81e8c686edba621a895531b1f291289b63b5ef09a94f686a5ecdd5db1"
let factory = ContractFactory::new(abi, bytecode, &client);
let deployer = factory.deploy("initial value".to_string()).unwrap();
let contract = deployer.send().await.unwrap();
let value: String = contract
.method("getValue", ())
assert_eq!(value, "initial value");
// make a state mutating transaction
let pending_tx = contract
.method::<_, H256>("setValue", "hi".to_owned())
let _receipt = pending_tx.await.unwrap();
let value: String = contract
.method("getValue", ())
assert_eq!(value, "hi");