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//! Output artifact handling
use crate::{
artifacts::{CompactContract, CompactContractBytecode, Contract, FileToContractsMap},
utils, HardhatArtifact, ProjectPathsConfig, SolcError,
use ethers_core::{abi::Abi, types::Bytes};
use semver::Version;
use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Serialize};
use std::{
fmt, fs, io,
path::{Path, PathBuf},
/// Represents an artifact file representing a [`crate::Contract`]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct ArtifactFile<T> {
/// The Artifact that was written
pub artifact: T,
/// path to the file where the `artifact` was written to
pub file: PathBuf,
/// `solc` version that produced this artifact
pub version: Version,
impl<T: Serialize> ArtifactFile<T> {
/// Writes the given contract to the `out` path creating all parent directories
pub fn write(&self) -> Result<()> {
fs::write(&self.file, serde_json::to_vec_pretty(&self.artifact)?)
.map_err(|err| SolcError::io(err, &self.file))?;
impl<T> ArtifactFile<T> {
/// Sets the file to `root` adjoined to `self.file`.
pub fn join(&mut self, root: impl AsRef<Path>) {
self.file = root.as_ref().join(&self.file);
/// Removes `base` from the artifact's path
pub fn strip_prefix(&mut self, base: impl AsRef<Path>) {
if let Ok(prefix) = self.file.strip_prefix(base) {
self.file = prefix.to_path_buf();
/// local helper type alias `file name -> (contract name -> Vec<..>)`
pub(crate) type ArtifactsMap<T> = FileToContractsMap<Vec<ArtifactFile<T>>>;
/// Represents a set of Artifacts
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Artifacts<T>(pub ArtifactsMap<T>);
impl<T> From<ArtifactsMap<T>> for Artifacts<T> {
fn from(m: ArtifactsMap<T>) -> Self {
impl<'a, T> IntoIterator for &'a Artifacts<T> {
type Item = (&'a String, &'a BTreeMap<String, Vec<ArtifactFile<T>>>);
type IntoIter =
std::collections::btree_map::Iter<'a, String, BTreeMap<String, Vec<ArtifactFile<T>>>>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
impl<T> IntoIterator for Artifacts<T> {
type Item = (String, BTreeMap<String, Vec<ArtifactFile<T>>>);
type IntoIter =
std::collections::btree_map::IntoIter<String, BTreeMap<String, Vec<ArtifactFile<T>>>>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
impl<T> Default for Artifacts<T> {
fn default() -> Self {
impl<T> AsRef<ArtifactsMap<T>> for Artifacts<T> {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &ArtifactsMap<T> {
impl<T> AsMut<ArtifactsMap<T>> for Artifacts<T> {
fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut ArtifactsMap<T> {
&mut self.0
impl<T: Serialize> Artifacts<T> {
/// Writes all artifacts into the given `artifacts_root` folder
pub fn write_all(&self) -> Result<()> {
for artifact in self.artifact_files() {
impl<T> Artifacts<T> {
pub fn into_inner(self) -> ArtifactsMap<T> {
/// Sets the artifact files location to `root` adjoined to `self.file`.
pub fn join_all(&mut self, root: impl AsRef<Path>) -> &mut Self {
let root = root.as_ref();
self.artifact_files_mut().for_each(|artifact| artifact.join(root));
/// Removes `base` from all artifacts
pub fn strip_prefix_all(&mut self, base: impl AsRef<Path>) -> &mut Self {
let base = base.as_ref();
self.artifact_files_mut().for_each(|artifact| artifact.strip_prefix(base));
/// Returns all `ArtifactFile`s for the contract with the matching name
fn get_contract_artifact_files(&self, contract_name: &str) -> Option<&Vec<ArtifactFile<T>>> {
self.0.values().find_map(|all| all.get(contract_name))
/// Returns true if this type contains an artifact with the given path for the given contract
pub fn has_contract_artifact(&self, contract_name: &str, artifact_path: &Path) -> bool {
.map(|artifacts| artifacts.iter().any(|artifact| artifact.file == artifact_path))
/// Returns true if this type contains an artifact with the given path
pub fn has_artifact(&self, artifact_path: &Path) -> bool {
self.artifact_files().any(|artifact| artifact.file == artifact_path)
/// Iterate over all artifact files
pub fn artifact_files(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &ArtifactFile<T>> {
self.0.values().flat_map(|c| c.values().flat_map(|artifacts| artifacts.iter()))
/// Iterate over all artifact files
pub fn artifact_files_mut(&mut self) -> impl Iterator<Item = &mut ArtifactFile<T>> {
self.0.values_mut().flat_map(|c| c.values_mut().flat_map(|artifacts| artifacts.iter_mut()))
/// Returns an iterator over _all_ artifacts and `<file name:contract name>`
pub fn into_artifacts<O: ArtifactOutput<Artifact = T>>(
) -> impl Iterator<Item = (String, T)> {
self.0.into_values().flat_map(|contract_artifacts| {
contract_artifacts.into_iter().flat_map(|(_contract_name, artifacts)| {
artifacts.into_iter().filter_map(|artifact| {
O::contract_name(&artifact.file).map(|name| {
/// Returns an iterator that yields the tuple `(file, contract name, artifact)`
/// **NOTE** this returns the path as is
pub fn into_artifacts_with_files(self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (String, String, T)> {
self.0.into_iter().flat_map(|(f, contract_artifacts)| {
contract_artifacts.into_iter().flat_map(move |(name, artifacts)| {
let contract_name = name;
let file = f.clone();
.map(move |artifact| (file.clone(), contract_name.clone(), artifact.artifact))
/// Strips the given prefix from all artifact file paths to make them relative to the given
/// `root` argument
pub fn into_stripped_file_prefixes(self, base: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Self {
let base = base.as_ref();
let artifacts = self
.map(|(file, c)| {
let file_path = Path::new(&file);
if let Ok(p) = file_path.strip_prefix(base) {
(p.to_string_lossy().to_string(), c)
} else {
(file, c)
/// Finds the first artifact `T` with a matching contract name
pub fn find(&self, contract_name: impl AsRef<str>) -> Option<&T> {
let contract_name = contract_name.as_ref();
self.0.iter().find_map(|(_file, contracts)| {
contracts.get(contract_name).and_then(|c| c.get(0).map(|a| &a.artifact))
/// Removes the first artifact `T` with a matching contract name
/// *Note:* if there are multiple artifacts (contract compiled with different solc) then this
/// returns the first artifact in that set
pub fn remove(&mut self, contract_name: impl AsRef<str>) -> Option<T> {
let contract_name = contract_name.as_ref();
self.0.iter_mut().find_map(|(_file, contracts)| {
let mut artifact = None;
if let Some((c, mut artifacts)) = contracts.remove_entry(contract_name) {
if !artifacts.is_empty() {
artifact = Some(artifacts.remove(0).artifact);
if !artifacts.is_empty() {
contracts.insert(c, artifacts);
/// A trait representation for a [`crate::Contract`] artifact
pub trait Artifact {
/// Returns the artifact's `Abi` and bytecode
fn into_inner(self) -> (Option<Abi>, Option<Bytes>);
/// Turns the artifact into a container type for abi, compact bytecode and deployed bytecode
fn into_compact_contract(self) -> CompactContract;
/// Turns the artifact into a container type for abi, full bytecode and deployed bytecode
fn into_contract_bytecode(self) -> CompactContractBytecode;
/// Returns the contents of this type as a single tuple of abi, bytecode and deployed bytecode
fn into_parts(self) -> (Option<Abi>, Option<Bytes>, Option<Bytes>);
/// Same as [`Self::into_parts()`] but returns `Err` if an element is `None`
fn try_into_parts(self) -> Result<(Abi, Bytes, Bytes)>
Self: Sized,
let (abi, bytecode, deployed_bytecode) = self.into_parts();
abi.ok_or_else(|| SolcError::msg("abi missing"))?,
bytecode.ok_or_else(|| SolcError::msg("bytecode missing"))?,
deployed_bytecode.ok_or_else(|| SolcError::msg("deployed bytecode missing"))?,
impl<T> Artifact for T
T: Into<CompactContractBytecode> + Into<CompactContract>,
fn into_inner(self) -> (Option<Abi>, Option<Bytes>) {
let artifact = self.into_compact_contract();
(artifact.abi, artifact.bin.and_then(|bin| bin.into_bytes()))
fn into_compact_contract(self) -> CompactContract {
fn into_contract_bytecode(self) -> CompactContractBytecode {
fn into_parts(self) -> (Option<Abi>, Option<Bytes>, Option<Bytes>) {
/// Handler invoked with the output of `solc`
/// Implementers of this trait are expected to take care of [`crate::Contract`] to
/// [`crate::ArtifactOutput::Artifact`] conversion and how that `Artifact` type is stored on disk,
/// this includes artifact file location and naming.
/// Depending on the [`crate::Project`] contracts and their compatible versions,
/// [`crate::ProjectCompiler::compile()`] may invoke different `solc` executables on the same
/// solidity file leading to multiple [`crate::CompilerOutput`]s for the same `.sol` file.
/// In addition to the `solidity file` to `contract` relationship (1-N*)
/// [`crate::VersionedContracts`] also tracks the `contract` to (`artifact` + `solc version`)
/// relationship (1-N+).
pub trait ArtifactOutput {
/// Represents the artifact that will be stored for a `Contract`
type Artifact: Artifact + DeserializeOwned + Serialize + fmt::Debug;
/// Handle the aggregated set of compiled contracts from the solc [`crate::CompilerOutput`].
/// This will be invoked with all aggregated contracts from (multiple) solc `CompilerOutput`.
/// See [`crate::AggregatedCompilerOutput`]
fn on_output(
contracts: &VersionedContracts,
layout: &ProjectPathsConfig,
) -> Result<Artifacts<Self::Artifact>> {
let mut artifacts = Self::output_to_artifacts(contracts);
Self::write_extras(contracts, layout)?;
/// Writes additional files for the contracts if the included in the `Contract`, such as `ir`,
/// `ewasm`, `iropt`.
/// By default, these fields are _not_ enabled in the [`crate::Settings`], see
/// [`crate::Settings::default_output_selection()`], and the respective fields of the
/// [`Contract`] will `None`. If they'll be manually added to the `output_selection`, then
/// we're also creating individual files for this output, such as `Greeter.iropt`,
/// `Gretter.ewasm`
fn write_extras(contracts: &VersionedContracts, layout: &ProjectPathsConfig) -> Result<()> {
for (file, contracts) in contracts.as_ref().iter() {
for (name, versioned_contracts) in contracts {
for c in versioned_contracts {
let artifact_path = if versioned_contracts.len() > 1 {
Self::output_file_versioned(file, name, &c.version)
} else {
Self::output_file(file, name)
let file = layout.artifacts.join(artifact_path);
if let Some(iropt) = &c.contract.ir_optimized {
fs::write(&file.with_extension("iropt"), iropt)
.map_err(|err| SolcError::io(err, file.with_extension("iropt")))?
if let Some(ir) = & {
fs::write(&file.with_extension("ir"), ir)
.map_err(|err| SolcError::io(err, file.with_extension("ir")))?
if let Some(ewasm) = &c.contract.ewasm {
.map_err(|err| SolcError::io(err, file.with_extension("ewasm")))?;
if let Some(evm) = &c.contract.evm {
if let Some(asm) = &evm.assembly {
fs::write(&file.with_extension("asm"), asm)
.map_err(|err| SolcError::io(err, file.with_extension("asm")))?
/// Returns the file name for the contract's artifact
/// `Greeter.json`
fn output_file_name(name: impl AsRef<str>) -> PathBuf {
format!("{}.json", name.as_ref()).into()
/// Returns the file name for the contract's artifact and the given version
/// `Greeter.0.8.11.json`
fn output_file_name_versioned(name: impl AsRef<str>, version: &Version) -> PathBuf {
format!("{}.{}.{}.{}.json", name.as_ref(), version.major, version.minor, version.patch)
/// Returns the path to the contract's artifact location based on the contract's file and name
/// This returns `contract.sol/contract.json` by default
fn output_file(contract_file: impl AsRef<Path>, name: impl AsRef<str>) -> PathBuf {
let name = name.as_ref();
.map(|p| p.join(Self::output_file_name(name)))
.unwrap_or_else(|| Self::output_file_name(name))
/// Returns the path to the contract's artifact location based on the contract's file, name and
/// version
/// This returns `contract.sol/contract.0.8.11.json` by default
fn output_file_versioned(
contract_file: impl AsRef<Path>,
name: impl AsRef<str>,
version: &Version,
) -> PathBuf {
let name = name.as_ref();
.map(|p| p.join(Self::output_file_name_versioned(name, version)))
.unwrap_or_else(|| Self::output_file_name_versioned(name, version))
/// The inverse of `contract_file_name`
/// Expected to return the solidity contract's name derived from the file path
/// `sources/Greeter.sol` -> `Greeter`
fn contract_name(file: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Option<String> {
file.as_ref().file_stem().and_then(|s| s.to_str().map(|s| s.to_string()))
/// Whether the corresponding artifact of the given contract file and name exists
fn output_exists(
contract_file: impl AsRef<Path>,
name: impl AsRef<str>,
root: impl AsRef<Path>,
) -> bool {
root.as_ref().join(Self::output_file(contract_file, name)).exists()
/// Read the artifact that's stored at the given path
/// # Errors
/// Returns an error if
/// - The file does not exist
/// - The file's content couldn't be deserialized into the `Artifact` type
fn read_cached_artifact(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<Self::Artifact> {
let path = path.as_ref();
let file = fs::File::open(path).map_err(|err| SolcError::io(err, path))?;
let file = io::BufReader::new(file);
/// Read the cached artifacts that are located the paths the iterator yields
/// See [`Self::read_cached_artifact()`]
fn read_cached_artifacts<T, I>(files: I) -> Result<BTreeMap<PathBuf, Self::Artifact>>
I: IntoIterator<Item = T>,
T: Into<PathBuf>,
let mut artifacts = BTreeMap::default();
for path in files.into_iter() {
let path = path.into();
let artifact = Self::read_cached_artifact(&path)?;
artifacts.insert(path, artifact);
/// Convert a contract to the artifact type
/// This is the core conversion function that takes care of converting a `Contract` into the
/// associated `Artifact` type
fn contract_to_artifact(_file: &str, _name: &str, contract: Contract) -> Self::Artifact;
/// Convert the compiler output into a set of artifacts
/// **Note:** This does only convert, but _NOT_ write the artifacts to disk, See
/// [`Self::on_output()`]
fn output_to_artifacts(contracts: &VersionedContracts) -> Artifacts<Self::Artifact> {
let mut artifacts = ArtifactsMap::new();
for (file, contracts) in contracts.as_ref().iter() {
let mut entries = BTreeMap::new();
for (name, versioned_contracts) in contracts {
let mut contracts = Vec::with_capacity(versioned_contracts.len());
// check if the same contract compiled with multiple solc versions
for contract in versioned_contracts {
let artifact_path = if versioned_contracts.len() > 1 {
Self::output_file_versioned(file, name, &contract.version)
} else {
Self::output_file(file, name)
let artifact =
Self::contract_to_artifact(file, name, contract.contract.clone());
contracts.push(ArtifactFile {
file: artifact_path,
version: contract.version.clone(),
entries.insert(name.to_string(), contracts);
artifacts.insert(file.to_string(), entries);
/// An Artifacts implementation that uses a compact representation
/// Creates a single json artifact with
/// ```json
/// {
/// "abi": [],
/// "bin": "...",
/// "runtime-bin": "..."
/// }
/// ```
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct MinimalCombinedArtifacts;
impl ArtifactOutput for MinimalCombinedArtifacts {
type Artifact = CompactContractBytecode;
fn contract_to_artifact(_file: &str, _name: &str, contract: Contract) -> Self::Artifact {
/// An Artifacts handler implementation that works the same as `MinimalCombinedArtifacts` but also
/// supports reading hardhat artifacts if an initial attempt to deserialize an artifact failed
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct MinimalCombinedArtifactsHardhatFallback;
impl ArtifactOutput for MinimalCombinedArtifactsHardhatFallback {
type Artifact = CompactContractBytecode;
fn on_output(
output: &VersionedContracts,
layout: &ProjectPathsConfig,
) -> Result<Artifacts<Self::Artifact>> {
MinimalCombinedArtifacts::on_output(output, layout)
fn read_cached_artifact(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> Result<Self::Artifact> {
let path = path.as_ref();
let content = fs::read_to_string(path).map_err(|err| SolcError::io(err, path))?;
if let Ok(a) = serde_json::from_str(&content) {
} else {
tracing::error!("Failed to deserialize compact artifact");
tracing::trace!("Fallback to hardhat artifact deserialization");
let artifact = serde_json::from_str::<HardhatArtifact>(&content)?;
tracing::trace!("successfully deserialized hardhat artifact");
fn contract_to_artifact(file: &str, name: &str, contract: Contract) -> Self::Artifact {
MinimalCombinedArtifacts::contract_to_artifact(file, name, contract)