
223 lines
7.2 KiB

//! Subscribe to events in the compiler pipeline
use crate::{CompilerInput, CompilerOutput, Solc};
use semver::Version;
use std::{
atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering},
/// Install this `Reporter` as the global default if one is
/// not already set.
/// # Errors
/// Returns an Error if the initialization was unsuccessful, likely
/// because a global reporter was already installed by another
/// call to `try_init`.
pub fn try_init<T>(reporter: T) -> Result<(), Box<dyn Error + Send + Sync + 'static>>
T: Reporter + Send + Sync + 'static,
/// Install this `Reporter` as the global default.
/// # Panics
/// Panics if the initialization was unsuccessful, likely because a
/// global reporter was already installed by another call to `try_init`.
/// ```rust
/// use ethers_solc::report::BasicStdoutReporter;
/// let subscriber = ethers_solc::report::init(BasicStdoutReporter::default());
/// ```
pub fn init<T>(reporter: T)
T: Reporter + Send + Sync + 'static,
try_init(reporter).expect("Failed to install global reporter")
/// Trait representing the functions required to emit information about various steps in the
/// compiler pipeline.
/// This trait provides a series of callbacks that are invoked at certain parts of the
/// [`crate::Project::compile()`] process.
/// Implementers of this trait can use these callbacks to emit additional information, for example
/// print custom messages to `stdout`.
/// A `Reporter` is entirely passive and only listens to incoming "events".
pub trait Reporter: 'static {
/// Callback invoked right before [`Solc::compile()`] is called
fn on_solc_spawn(&self, _solc: &Solc, _version: &Version, _input: &CompilerInput) {}
/// Invoked with the `CompilerOutput` if [`Solc::compiled()`] was successful
fn on_solc_success(&self, _solc: &Solc, _version: &Version, _output: &CompilerOutput) {}
/// Invoked before a new [`Solc`] bin is installed
fn on_solc_installation_start(&self, _version: &Version) {}
/// Invoked before a new [`Solc`] bin was successfully installed
fn on_solc_installation_success(&self, _version: &Version) {}
/// Invoked if the import couldn't be resolved
fn on_unresolved_import(&self, _import: &Path) {}
pub(crate) fn solc_spawn(solc: &Solc, version: &Version, input: &CompilerInput) {
with_global(|r| r.reporter.on_solc_spawn(solc, version, input));
pub(crate) fn solc_success(solc: &Solc, version: &Version, output: &CompilerOutput) {
with_global(|r| r.reporter.on_solc_success(solc, version, output));
pub(crate) fn solc_installation_start(version: &Version) {
with_global(|r| r.reporter.on_solc_installation_start(version));
pub(crate) fn solc_installation_success(version: &Version) {
with_global(|r| r.reporter.on_solc_installation_success(version));
pub(crate) fn unresolved_import(import: &Path) {
with_global(|r| r.reporter.on_unresolved_import(import));
fn get_global() -> Option<&'static Report> {
if GLOBAL_REPORTER_STATE.load(Ordering::SeqCst) != SET {
return None
unsafe {
// This is safe given the invariant that setting the global reporter
// also sets `GLOBAL_REPORTER_STATE` to `SET`.
"Reporter invariant violated: GLOBAL_REPORTER must be initialized before GLOBAL_REPORTER_STATE is set",
/// Executes a closure with a reference to the `Reporter`.
pub fn with_global<T>(f: impl FnOnce(&Report) -> T) -> Option<T> {
let dispatch = get_global()?;
/// A no-op [`Reporter`] that does nothing.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct NoReporter(());
impl Reporter for NoReporter {}
/// A [`Reporter`] that emits some general information to `stdout`
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct BasicStdoutReporter(());
impl Reporter for BasicStdoutReporter {
/// Callback invoked right before [`Solc::compile()`] is called
fn on_solc_spawn(&self, _solc: &Solc, version: &Version, input: &CompilerInput) {
"Compiling {} files with {}.{}.{}",
/// Invoked with the `CompilerOutput` if [`Solc::compiled()`] was successful
fn on_solc_success(&self, _: &Solc, _: &Version, _: &CompilerOutput) {
println!("Compilation finished successfully");
/// Invoked before a new [`Solc`] bin is installed
fn on_solc_installation_start(&self, version: &Version) {
println!("installing solc version \"{}\"", version);
/// Invoked before a new [`Solc`] bin was successfully installed
fn on_solc_installation_success(&self, version: &Version) {
println!("Successfully installed solc {}", version);
fn on_unresolved_import(&self, import: &Path) {
println!("Unable to resolve imported file: \"{}\"", import.display());
/// Returned if setting the global reporter fails.
pub struct SetGlobalReporterError {
// private marker so this type can't be initiated
_priv: (),
impl fmt::Display for SetGlobalReporterError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
f.pad("a global reporter has already been set")
impl Error for SetGlobalReporterError {}
/// `Report` trace data to a [`Reporter`].
pub struct Report {
reporter: Arc<dyn Reporter + Send + Sync>,
impl Report {
/// Returns a new `Report` that does nothing
pub fn none() -> Self {
Report { reporter: Arc::new(NoReporter::default()) }
/// Returns a `Report` that forwards to the given [`Reporter`].
/// [`Reporter`]: ../reporter/trait.Reporter.html
pub fn new<S>(reporter: S) -> Self
S: Reporter + Send + Sync + 'static,
Self { reporter: Arc::new(reporter) }
// tracks the state of `GLOBAL_REPORTER`
static GLOBAL_REPORTER_STATE: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(UN_SET);
const UN_SET: usize = 0;
const SETTING: usize = 1;
const SET: usize = 2;
static mut GLOBAL_REPORTER: Option<Report> = None;
/// Sets this report as the global default for the duration of the entire program.
/// The global reporter can only be set once; additional attempts to set the global reporter will
/// fail. Returns `Err` if the global reporter has already been set.
fn set_global_reporter(report: Report) -> Result<(), SetGlobalReporterError> {
// `compare_exchange` tries to store `SETTING` if the current value is `UN_SET`
// this returns `Ok(_)` if the current value of `GLOBAL_REPORTER_STATE` was `UN_SET` and
// `SETTING` was written, this guarantees the value is `SETTING`.
.compare_exchange(UN_SET, SETTING, Ordering::SeqCst, Ordering::SeqCst)
unsafe {
GLOBAL_REPORTER = Some(report);
}, Ordering::SeqCst);
} else {
Err(SetGlobalReporterError { _priv: () })