
581 lines
21 KiB

//! A [JsonRpcClient] implementation that retries requests filtered by [RetryPolicy]
//! with an exponential backoff.
use super::{common::JsonRpcError, http::ClientError};
use crate::{errors::ProviderError, JsonRpcClient};
use async_trait::async_trait;
use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Deserialize, Serialize};
use std::{
sync::atomic::{AtomicU32, Ordering},
use thiserror::Error;
use tracing::trace;
/// [RetryPolicy] defines logic for which [JsonRpcClient::Error] instances should
/// the client retry the request and try to recover from.
pub trait RetryPolicy<E>: Send + Sync + Debug {
/// Whether to retry the request based on the given `error`
fn should_retry(&self, error: &E) -> bool;
/// Providers may include the `backoff` in the error response directly
fn backoff_hint(&self, error: &E) -> Option<Duration>;
/// [RetryClient] presents as a wrapper around [JsonRpcClient] that will retry
/// requests based with an exponential backoff and filtering based on [RetryPolicy].
/// The `RetryPolicy`, mainly for rate-limiting errors, can be adjusted for specific applications,
/// endpoints. In addition to the `RetryPolicy` errors due to connectivity issues, like timed out
/// connections or responses in range `5xx` can be retried separately.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # async fn demo() {
/// use ethers_providers::{Http, RetryClient, RetryClientBuilder, HttpRateLimitRetryPolicy};
/// use std::time::Duration;
/// use url::Url;
/// let http = Http::new(Url::parse("http://localhost:8545").unwrap());
/// let client = RetryClientBuilder::default()
/// .rate_limit_retries(10)
/// .timeout_retries(3)
/// .initial_backoff(Duration::from_millis(500))
/// .build(http, Box::new(HttpRateLimitRetryPolicy::default()));
/// # }
/// ```
pub struct RetryClient<T>
T: JsonRpcClient,
T::Error: crate::RpcError + Sync + Send + 'static,
inner: T,
requests_enqueued: AtomicU32,
/// The policy to use to determine whether to retry a request due to rate limiting
policy: Box<dyn RetryPolicy<T::Error>>,
/// How many connection `TimedOut` should be retried.
timeout_retries: u32,
/// How many retries for rate limited responses
rate_limit_retries: u32,
/// How long to wait initially
initial_backoff: Duration,
/// available CPU per second
compute_units_per_second: u64,
impl<T> RetryClient<T>
T: JsonRpcClient,
T::Error: Sync + Send + 'static,
/// Creates a new `RetryClient` that wraps a client and adds retry and backoff support
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # async fn demo() {
/// use ethers_providers::{Http, RetryClient, HttpRateLimitRetryPolicy};
/// use std::time::Duration;
/// use url::Url;
/// let http = Http::new(Url::parse("http://localhost:8545").unwrap());
/// let backoff_timeout = 3000; // in ms
/// let max_retries = 10;
/// let client = RetryClient::new(http, Box::new(HttpRateLimitRetryPolicy::default()), max_retries, backoff_timeout);
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn new(
inner: T,
policy: Box<dyn RetryPolicy<T::Error>>,
max_retry: u32,
// in milliseconds
initial_backoff: u64,
) -> Self {
.build(inner, policy)
/// Sets the free compute units per second limit.
/// This is the maximum number of weighted request that can be handled per second by the
/// endpoint before rate limit kicks in.
/// This is used to guesstimate how long to wait until to retry again
pub fn set_compute_units(&mut self, cpus: u64) -> &mut Self {
self.compute_units_per_second = cpus;
/// Builder for a [`RetryClient`]
#[derive(Debug, Clone, Eq, PartialEq)]
pub struct RetryClientBuilder {
/// How many connection `TimedOut` should be retried.
timeout_retries: u32,
/// How many retries for rate limited responses
rate_limit_retries: u32,
/// How long to wait initially
initial_backoff: Duration,
/// available CPU per second
compute_units_per_second: u64,
// === impl RetryClientBuilder ===
impl RetryClientBuilder {
/// Sets the number of retries after a connection times out
/// **Note:** this will only be used for `request::Error::TimedOut`
pub fn timeout_retries(mut self, timeout_retries: u32) -> Self {
self.timeout_retries = timeout_retries;
/// How many retries for rate limited responses
pub fn rate_limit_retries(mut self, rate_limit_retries: u32) -> Self {
self.rate_limit_retries = rate_limit_retries;
/// Sets the number of assumed available compute units per second
/// See also, <>
pub fn compute_units_per_second(mut self, compute_units_per_second: u64) -> Self {
self.compute_units_per_second = compute_units_per_second;
/// Sets the duration to wait initially before retrying
pub fn initial_backoff(mut self, initial_backoff: Duration) -> Self {
self.initial_backoff = initial_backoff;
/// Creates the `RetryClient` with the configured settings
pub fn build<T>(self, client: T, policy: Box<dyn RetryPolicy<T::Error>>) -> RetryClient<T>
T: JsonRpcClient,
T::Error: Sync + Send + 'static,
let RetryClientBuilder {
} = self;
RetryClient {
inner: client,
requests_enqueued: AtomicU32::new(0),
// Some sensible defaults
impl Default for RetryClientBuilder {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
timeout_retries: 3,
// this should be enough to even out heavy loads
rate_limit_retries: 10,
initial_backoff: Duration::from_millis(1000),
// alchemy max cpus <>
compute_units_per_second: 330,
/// Error thrown when:
/// 1. Internal client throws an error we do not wish to try to recover from.
/// 2. Params serialization failed.
/// 3. Request timed out i.e. max retries were already made.
#[derive(Error, Debug)]
pub enum RetryClientError {
/// Internal provider error
/// Timeout while making requests
/// (De)Serialization error
impl crate::RpcError for RetryClientError {
fn as_error_response(&self) -> Option<&super::JsonRpcError> {
if let RetryClientError::ProviderError(err) = self {
} else {
fn as_serde_error(&self) -> Option<&serde_json::Error> {
match self {
RetryClientError::ProviderError(e) => e.as_serde_error(),
RetryClientError::SerdeJson(e) => Some(e),
_ => None,
impl std::fmt::Display for RetryClientError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{self:?}")
impl From<RetryClientError> for ProviderError {
fn from(src: RetryClientError) -> Self {
match src {
RetryClientError::ProviderError(err) => err,
RetryClientError::TimeoutError => ProviderError::JsonRpcClientError(Box::new(src)),
RetryClientError::SerdeJson(err) => err.into(),
#[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), async_trait)]
#[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", async_trait(?Send))]
impl<T> JsonRpcClient for RetryClient<T>
T: JsonRpcClient + 'static,
T::Error: Sync + Send + 'static,
type Error = RetryClientError;
async fn request<A, R>(&self, method: &str, params: A) -> Result<R, Self::Error>
A: Debug + Serialize + Send + Sync,
R: DeserializeOwned + Send,
// Helper type that caches the `params` value across several retries
// This is necessary because the wrapper provider is supposed to skip he `params` if it's of
// size 0, see `crate::transports::common::Request`
enum RetryParams<Params> {
let params = if std::mem::size_of::<A>() == 0 {
} else {
let params = serde_json::to_value(params).map_err(RetryClientError::SerdeJson)?;
let ahead_in_queue = self.requests_enqueued.fetch_add(1, Ordering::SeqCst) as u64;
let mut rate_limit_retry_number: u32 = 0;
let mut timeout_retries: u32 = 0;
loop {
let err;
// hack to not hold `R` across an await in the sleep future and prevent requiring
// R: Send + Sync
let resp = match params {
RetryParams::Value(ref params) => self.inner.request(method, params).await,
RetryParams::Zst(unit) => self.inner.request(method, unit).await,
match resp {
Ok(ret) => {
self.requests_enqueued.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
return Ok(ret)
Err(err_) => err = err_,
let should_retry = self.policy.should_retry(&err);
if should_retry {
rate_limit_retry_number += 1;
if rate_limit_retry_number > self.rate_limit_retries {
trace!("request timed out after {} retries", self.rate_limit_retries);
return Err(RetryClientError::TimeoutError)
let current_queued_requests = self.requests_enqueued.load(Ordering::SeqCst) as u64;
// try to extract the requested backoff from the error or compute the next backoff
// based on retry count
let mut next_backoff = self.policy.backoff_hint(&err).unwrap_or_else(|| {
Duration::from_millis(self.initial_backoff.as_millis() as u64)
// requests are usually weighted and can vary from 10 CU to several 100 CU, cheaper
// requests are more common some example alchemy weights:
// - `eth_getStorageAt`: 17
// - `eth_getBlockByNumber`: 16
// - `eth_newFilter`: 20
// (coming from forking mode) assuming here that storage request will be the driver
// for Rate limits we choose `17` as the average cost of any request
const AVG_COST: u64 = 17u64;
let seconds_to_wait_for_compute_budget = compute_unit_offset_in_secs(
next_backoff += Duration::from_secs(seconds_to_wait_for_compute_budget);
trace!("retrying and backing off for {:?}", next_backoff);
#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
} else {
let err: ProviderError = err.into();
if timeout_retries < self.timeout_retries && maybe_connectivity(&err) {
timeout_retries += 1;
trace!(err = ?err, "retrying due to spurious network");
trace!(err = ?err, "should not retry");
self.requests_enqueued.fetch_sub(1, Ordering::SeqCst);
return Err(RetryClientError::ProviderError(err))
/// Implements [RetryPolicy] that will retry requests that errored with
/// status code 429 i.e. TOO_MANY_REQUESTS
/// Infura often fails with a `"header not found"` rpc error which is apparently linked to load
/// balancing, which are retried as well.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct HttpRateLimitRetryPolicy;
impl RetryPolicy<ClientError> for HttpRateLimitRetryPolicy {
fn should_retry(&self, error: &ClientError) -> bool {
fn should_retry_json_rpc_error(err: &JsonRpcError) -> bool {
let JsonRpcError { code, message, .. } = err;
// alchemy throws it this way
if *code == 429 {
return true
// This is an infura error code for `exceeded project rate limit`
if *code == -32005 {
return true
// alternative alchemy error for specific IPs
if *code == -32016 && message.contains("rate limit") {
return true
match message.as_str() {
// this is commonly thrown by infura and is apparently a load balancer issue, see also <>
"header not found" => true,
// also thrown by infura if out of budget for the day and ratelimited
"daily request count exceeded, request rate limited" => true,
_ => false,
match error {
ClientError::ReqwestError(err) => {
err.status() == Some(http::StatusCode::TOO_MANY_REQUESTS)
ClientError::JsonRpcError(err) => should_retry_json_rpc_error(err),
ClientError::SerdeJson { text, .. } => {
// some providers send invalid JSON RPC in the error case (no `id:u64`), but the
// text should be a `JsonRpcError`
struct Resp {
error: JsonRpcError,
if let Ok(resp) = serde_json::from_str::<Resp>(text) {
return should_retry_json_rpc_error(&resp.error)
fn backoff_hint(&self, error: &ClientError) -> Option<Duration> {
if let ClientError::JsonRpcError(JsonRpcError { data, .. }) = error {
let data = data.as_ref()?;
// if daily rate limit exceeded, infura returns the requested backoff in the error
// response
let backoff_seconds = &data["rate"]["backoff_seconds"];
// infura rate limit error
if let Some(seconds) = backoff_seconds.as_u64() {
return Some(Duration::from_secs(seconds))
if let Some(seconds) = backoff_seconds.as_f64() {
return Some(Duration::from_secs(seconds as u64 + 1))
/// Calculates an offset in seconds by taking into account the number of currently queued requests,
/// number of requests that were ahead in the queue when the request was first issued, the average
/// cost a weighted request (heuristic), and the number of available compute units per seconds.
/// Returns the number of seconds (the unit the remote endpoint measures compute budget) a request
/// is supposed to wait to not get rate limited. The budget per second is
/// `compute_units_per_second`, assuming an average cost of `avg_cost` this allows (in theory)
/// `compute_units_per_second / avg_cost` requests per seconds without getting rate limited.
/// By taking into account the number of concurrent request and the position in queue when the
/// request was first issued and determine the number of seconds a request is supposed to wait, if
/// at all
fn compute_unit_offset_in_secs(
avg_cost: u64,
compute_units_per_second: u64,
current_queued_requests: u64,
ahead_in_queue: u64,
) -> u64 {
let request_capacity_per_second = compute_units_per_second.saturating_div(avg_cost);
if current_queued_requests > request_capacity_per_second {
} else {
/// Checks whether the `error` is the result of a connectivity issue, like
/// `request::Error::TimedOut`
fn maybe_connectivity(err: &ProviderError) -> bool {
if let ProviderError::HTTPError(reqwest_err) = err {
if reqwest_err.is_timeout() {
return true
#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
if reqwest_err.is_connect() {
return true
// Error HTTP codes (5xx) are considered connectivity issues and will prompt retry
if let Some(status) = reqwest_err.status() {
let code = status.as_u16();
if (500..600).contains(&code) {
return true
mod tests {
use super::*;
// assumed average cost of a request
const AVG_COST: u64 = 17u64;
const COMPUTE_UNITS: u64 = 330u64;
fn compute_offset(current_queued_requests: u64, ahead_in_queue: u64) -> u64 {
fn can_measure_unit_offset_single_request() {
let current_queued_requests = 1;
let ahead_in_queue = 0;
let to_wait = compute_offset(current_queued_requests, ahead_in_queue);
assert_eq!(to_wait, 0);
let current_queued_requests = 19;
let ahead_in_queue = 18;
let to_wait = compute_offset(current_queued_requests, ahead_in_queue);
assert_eq!(to_wait, 0);
fn can_measure_unit_offset_1x_over_budget() {
let current_queued_requests = 20;
let ahead_in_queue = 19;
let to_wait = compute_offset(current_queued_requests, ahead_in_queue);
// need to wait 1 second
assert_eq!(to_wait, 1);
fn can_measure_unit_offset_2x_over_budget() {
let current_queued_requests = 49;
let ahead_in_queue = 48;
let to_wait = compute_offset(current_queued_requests, ahead_in_queue);
// need to wait 1 second
assert_eq!(to_wait, 2);
let current_queued_requests = 49;
let ahead_in_queue = 20;
let to_wait = compute_offset(current_queued_requests, ahead_in_queue);
// need to wait 1 second
assert_eq!(to_wait, 1);
fn can_extract_backoff() {
let resp = r#"{"rate": {"allowed_rps": 1, "backoff_seconds": 30, "current_rps": 1.1}, "see": ""}"#;
let err = ClientError::JsonRpcError(JsonRpcError {
code: 0,
message: "daily request count exceeded, request rate limited".to_string(),
data: Some(serde_json::from_str(resp).unwrap()),
let backoff = HttpRateLimitRetryPolicy.backoff_hint(&err).unwrap();
assert_eq!(backoff, Duration::from_secs(30));
let err = ClientError::JsonRpcError(JsonRpcError {
code: 0,
message: "daily request count exceeded, request rate limited".to_string(),
data: Some(serde_json::Value::String("blocked".to_string())),
let backoff = HttpRateLimitRetryPolicy.backoff_hint(&err);
fn test_alchemy_ip_rate_limit() {
let s = "{\"code\":-32016,\"message\":\"Your IP has exceeded its requests per second capacity. To increase your rate limits, please sign up for a free Alchemy account at\"}";
let err: JsonRpcError = serde_json::from_str(s).unwrap();
let err = ClientError::JsonRpcError(err);
let should_retry = HttpRateLimitRetryPolicy::default().should_retry(&err);
fn test_rate_limit_omitted_id() {
let s = r#"{"jsonrpc":"2.0","error":{"code":-32016,"message":"Your IP has exceeded its requests per second capacity. To increase your rate limits, please sign up for a free Alchemy account at"},"id":null}"#;
let err = ClientError::SerdeJson {
err: serde::de::Error::custom("unexpected notification over HTTP transport"),
text: s.to_string(),
let should_retry = HttpRateLimitRetryPolicy::default().should_retry(&err);