
963 lines
37 KiB

use async_trait::async_trait;
use auto_impl::auto_impl;
use ethers_core::types::{
transaction::{eip2718::TypedTransaction, eip2930::AccessListWithGasUsed},
use futures_util::future::join_all;
use serde::{de::DeserializeOwned, Serialize};
use std::fmt::Debug;
use url::Url;
use crate::{
erc, EscalatingPending, EscalationPolicy, FilterKind, FilterWatcher, JsonRpcClient, LogQuery,
MiddlewareError, NodeInfo, PeerInfo, PendingTransaction, Provider, ProviderError, PubsubClient,
/// A middleware allows customizing requests send and received from an ethereum node.
/// Writing a middleware is as simple as:
/// 1. implementing the [`inner`](crate::Middleware::inner) method to point to the next layer in the
/// "middleware onion", 2. implementing the
/// [`MiddlewareError`](crate::MiddlewareError) trait on your middleware's
/// error type 3. implementing any of the methods you want to override
/// ```
/// use ethers_providers::{Middleware, MiddlewareError};
/// use ethers_core::types::{U64, TransactionRequest, U256, transaction::eip2718::TypedTransaction, BlockId};
/// use thiserror::Error;
/// use async_trait::async_trait;
/// #[derive(Debug)]
/// struct MyMiddleware<M>(M);
/// #[derive(Error, Debug)]
/// pub enum MyError<M: Middleware> {
/// #[error("{0}")]
/// MiddlewareError(M::Error),
/// // Add your middleware's specific errors here
/// }
/// impl<M: Middleware> MiddlewareError for MyError<M> {
/// type Inner = M::Error;
/// fn from_err(src: M::Error) -> MyError<M> {
/// MyError::MiddlewareError(src)
/// }
/// fn as_inner(&self) -> Option<&Self::Inner> {
/// match self {
/// MyError::MiddlewareError(e) => Some(e),
/// _ => None,
/// }
/// }
/// }
/// #[async_trait]
/// impl<M> Middleware for MyMiddleware<M>
/// where
/// M: Middleware,
/// {
/// type Error = MyError<M>;
/// type Provider = M::Provider;
/// type Inner = M;
/// fn inner(&self) -> &M {
/// &self.0
/// }
/// /// Overrides the default `get_block_number` method to always return 0
/// async fn get_block_number(&self) -> Result<U64, Self::Error> {
/// Ok(U64::zero())
/// }
/// /// Overrides the default `estimate_gas` method to log that it was called,
/// /// before forwarding the call to the next layer.
/// async fn estimate_gas(&self, tx: &TypedTransaction, block: Option<BlockId>) -> Result<U256, Self::Error> {
/// println!("Estimating gas...");
/// self.inner().estimate_gas(tx, block).await.map_err(MiddlewareError::from_err)
/// }
/// }
/// ```
#[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", async_trait(?Send))]
#[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), async_trait)]
#[auto_impl(&, Box, Arc)]
pub trait Middleware: Sync + Send + Debug {
/// Error type returned by most operations
type Error: MiddlewareError<Inner = <<Self as Middleware>::Inner as Middleware>::Error>;
/// The JSON-RPC client type at the bottom of the stack
type Provider: JsonRpcClient;
/// The next-lower middleware in the middleware stack
type Inner: Middleware<Provider = Self::Provider>;
/// Get a reference to the next-lower middleware in the middleware stack
fn inner(&self) -> &Self::Inner;
/// Convert a provider error into the associated error type by successively
/// converting it to every intermediate middleware error
fn convert_err(p: ProviderError) -> Self::Error {
/// The HTTP or Websocket provider.
fn provider(&self) -> &Provider<Self::Provider> {
/// Return the default sender (if any). This will typically be the
/// connected node's first address, or the address of a Signer in a lower
/// middleware stack
fn default_sender(&self) -> Option<Address> {
/// Returns the current client version using the `web3_clientVersion` RPC.
async fn client_version(&self) -> Result<String, Self::Error> {
/// Fill necessary details of a transaction for dispatch
/// This function is defined on providers to behave as follows:
/// 1. populate the `from` field with the default sender
/// 2. resolve any ENS names in the tx `to` field
/// 3. Estimate gas usage
/// 4. Poll and set legacy or 1559 gas prices
/// 5. Set the chain_id with the provider's, if not already set
/// It does NOT set the nonce by default.
/// Middleware are encouraged to override any values _before_ delegating
/// to the inner implementation AND/OR modify the values provided by the
/// default implementation _after_ delegating.
/// E.g. a middleware wanting to double gas prices should consider doing so
/// _after_ delegating and allowing the default implementation to poll gas.
async fn fill_transaction(
tx: &mut TypedTransaction,
block: Option<BlockId>,
) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
self.inner().fill_transaction(tx, block).await.map_err(MiddlewareError::from_err)
/// Get the block number
async fn get_block_number(&self) -> Result<U64, Self::Error> {
/// Sends the transaction to the entire Ethereum network and returns the
/// transaction's hash. This will consume gas from the account that signed
/// the transaction. This call will fail if no signer is available, and the
/// RPC node does not have an unlocked accounts
async fn send_transaction<T: Into<TypedTransaction> + Send + Sync>(
tx: T,
block: Option<BlockId>,
) -> Result<PendingTransaction<'_, Self::Provider>, Self::Error> {
self.inner().send_transaction(tx, block).await.map_err(MiddlewareError::from_err)
/// Send a transaction with a simple escalation policy.
/// `policy` should be a boxed function that maps `original_gas_price`
/// and `number_of_previous_escalations` -> `new_gas_price`.
/// e.g. `Box::new(|start, escalation_index| start * 1250.pow(escalations) /
/// 1000.pow(escalations))`
async fn send_escalating<'a>(
&'a self,
tx: &TypedTransaction,
escalations: usize,
policy: EscalationPolicy,
) -> Result<EscalatingPending<'a, Self::Provider>, Self::Error> {
let mut original = tx.clone();
self.fill_transaction(&mut original, None).await?;
// set the nonce, if no nonce is found
if original.nonce().is_none() {
let nonce =
self.get_transaction_count(tx.from().copied().unwrap_or_default(), None).await?;
let gas_price = original.gas_price().expect("filled");
let sign_futs: Vec<_> = (0..escalations)
.map(|i| {
let new_price = policy(gas_price, i);
let mut r = original.clone();
.map(|req| async move {
self.sign_transaction(&req, self.default_sender().unwrap_or_default())
.map(|sig| req.rlp_signed(&sig))
// we reverse for convenience. Ensuring that we can always just
// `pop()` the next tx off the back later
let mut signed = join_all(sign_futs).await.into_iter().collect::<Result<Vec<_>, _>>()?;
Ok(EscalatingPending::new(self.provider(), signed))
////// Ethereum Naming Service
// The Ethereum Naming Service (ENS) allows easy to remember and use names to
// be assigned to Ethereum addresses. Any provider operation which takes an address
// may also take an ENS name.
// ENS also provides the ability for a reverse lookup, which determines the name for an address
// if it has been configured.
/// Returns the address that the `ens_name` resolves to (or None if not configured).
/// # Panics
/// If the bytes returned from the ENS registrar/resolver cannot be interpreted as
/// an address. This should theoretically never happen.
async fn resolve_name(&self, ens_name: &str) -> Result<Address, Self::Error> {
/// Returns the ENS name the `address` resolves to (or None if not configured).
/// # Panics
/// If the bytes returned from the ENS registrar/resolver cannot be interpreted as
/// a string. This should theoretically never happen.
async fn lookup_address(&self, address: Address) -> Result<String, Self::Error> {
/// Returns the avatar HTTP link of the avatar that the `ens_name` resolves to (or None
/// if not configured)
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # use ethers_providers::{Provider, Http as HttpProvider, Middleware};
/// # use std::convert::TryFrom;
/// # #[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")]
/// # async fn main() {
/// # let provider = Provider::<HttpProvider>::try_from("").unwrap();
/// let avatar = provider.resolve_avatar("parishilton.eth").await.unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(avatar.to_string(), "");
/// # }
/// ```
/// # Panics
/// If the bytes returned from the ENS registrar/resolver cannot be interpreted as
/// a string. This should theoretically never happen.
async fn resolve_avatar(&self, ens_name: &str) -> Result<Url, Self::Error> {
/// Returns the URL (not necesserily HTTP) of the image behind a token.
/// # Example
/// ```no_run
/// # use ethers_providers::{Provider, Http as HttpProvider, Middleware};
/// # use std::{str::FromStr, convert::TryFrom};
/// # #[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")]
/// # async fn main() {
/// # let provider = Provider::<HttpProvider>::try_from("").unwrap();
/// let token = ethers_providers::erc::ERCNFT::from_str("erc721:0xc92ceddfb8dd984a89fb494c376f9a48b999aafc/9018").unwrap();
/// let token_image = provider.resolve_nft(token).await.unwrap();
/// assert_eq!(token_image.to_string(), "");
/// # }
/// ```
/// # Panics
/// If the bytes returned from the ENS registrar/resolver cannot be interpreted as
/// a string. This should theoretically never happen.
async fn resolve_nft(&self, token: erc::ERCNFT) -> Result<Url, Self::Error> {
/// Fetch a field for the `ens_name` (no None if not configured).
/// # Panics
/// If the bytes returned from the ENS registrar/resolver cannot be interpreted as
/// a string. This should theoretically never happen.
async fn resolve_field(&self, ens_name: &str, field: &str) -> Result<String, Self::Error> {
self.inner().resolve_field(ens_name, field).await.map_err(MiddlewareError::from_err)
/// Gets the block at `block_hash_or_number` (transaction hashes only)
async fn get_block<T: Into<BlockId> + Send + Sync>(
block_hash_or_number: T,
) -> Result<Option<Block<TxHash>>, Self::Error> {
/// Gets the block at `block_hash_or_number` (full transactions included)
async fn get_block_with_txs<T: Into<BlockId> + Send + Sync>(
block_hash_or_number: T,
) -> Result<Option<Block<Transaction>>, Self::Error> {
/// Gets the block uncle count at `block_hash_or_number`
async fn get_uncle_count<T: Into<BlockId> + Send + Sync>(
block_hash_or_number: T,
) -> Result<U256, Self::Error> {
/// Gets the block uncle at `block_hash_or_number` and `idx`
async fn get_uncle<T: Into<BlockId> + Send + Sync>(
block_hash_or_number: T,
idx: U64,
) -> Result<Option<Block<H256>>, Self::Error> {
self.inner().get_uncle(block_hash_or_number, idx).await.map_err(MiddlewareError::from_err)
/// Returns the nonce of the address
async fn get_transaction_count<T: Into<NameOrAddress> + Send + Sync>(
from: T,
block: Option<BlockId>,
) -> Result<U256, Self::Error> {
self.inner().get_transaction_count(from, block).await.map_err(MiddlewareError::from_err)
/// Sends a transaction to a single Ethereum node and return the estimated amount of gas
/// required (as a U256) to send it This is free, but only an estimate. Providing too little
/// gas will result in a transaction being rejected (while still consuming all provided
/// gas).
async fn estimate_gas(
tx: &TypedTransaction,
block: Option<BlockId>,
) -> Result<U256, Self::Error> {
self.inner().estimate_gas(tx, block).await.map_err(MiddlewareError::from_err)
/// Sends the read-only (constant) transaction to a single Ethereum node and return the result
/// (as bytes) of executing it. This is free, since it does not change any state on the
/// blockchain.
async fn call(
tx: &TypedTransaction,
block: Option<BlockId>,
) -> Result<Bytes, Self::Error> {
self.inner().call(tx, block).await.map_err(MiddlewareError::from_err)
/// Return current client syncing status. If IsFalse sync is over.
async fn syncing(&self) -> Result<SyncingStatus, Self::Error> {
/// Returns the currently configured chain id, a value used in replay-protected
/// transaction signing as introduced by EIP-155.
async fn get_chainid(&self) -> Result<U256, Self::Error> {
/// Returns the network version.
async fn get_net_version(&self) -> Result<String, Self::Error> {
/// Returns the account's balance
async fn get_balance<T: Into<NameOrAddress> + Send + Sync>(
from: T,
block: Option<BlockId>,
) -> Result<U256, Self::Error> {
self.inner().get_balance(from, block).await.map_err(MiddlewareError::from_err)
/// Gets the transaction with `transaction_hash`
async fn get_transaction<T: Send + Sync + Into<TxHash>>(
transaction_hash: T,
) -> Result<Option<Transaction>, Self::Error> {
/// Gets the transaction receipt with `transaction_hash`
async fn get_transaction_receipt<T: Send + Sync + Into<TxHash>>(
transaction_hash: T,
) -> Result<Option<TransactionReceipt>, Self::Error> {
/// Returns all receipts for a block.
/// Note that this uses the `eth_getBlockReceipts` RPC, which is
/// non-standard and currently supported by Erigon.
async fn get_block_receipts<T: Into<BlockNumber> + Send + Sync>(
block: T,
) -> Result<Vec<TransactionReceipt>, Self::Error> {
/// Gets the current gas price as estimated by the node
async fn get_gas_price(&self) -> Result<U256, Self::Error> {
/// Gets a heuristic recommendation of max fee per gas and max priority fee per gas for
/// EIP-1559 compatible transactions.
async fn estimate_eip1559_fees(
estimator: Option<fn(U256, Vec<Vec<U256>>) -> (U256, U256)>,
) -> Result<(U256, U256), Self::Error> {
/// Gets the accounts on the node
async fn get_accounts(&self) -> Result<Vec<Address>, Self::Error> {
/// Send the raw RLP encoded transaction to the entire Ethereum network and returns the
/// transaction's hash This will consume gas from the account that signed the transaction.
async fn send_raw_transaction<'a>(
&'a self,
tx: Bytes,
) -> Result<PendingTransaction<'a, Self::Provider>, Self::Error> {
/// This returns true if either the middleware stack contains a `SignerMiddleware`, or the
/// JSON-RPC provider has an unlocked key that can sign using the `eth_sign` call. If none of
/// the above conditions are met, then the middleware stack is not capable of signing data.
async fn is_signer(&self) -> bool {
/// Signs data using a specific account. This account needs to be unlocked,
/// or the middleware stack must contain a `SignerMiddleware`
async fn sign<T: Into<Bytes> + Send + Sync>(
data: T,
from: &Address,
) -> Result<Signature, Self::Error> {
self.inner().sign(data, from).await.map_err(MiddlewareError::from_err)
/// Sign a transaction via RPC call
async fn sign_transaction(
tx: &TypedTransaction,
from: Address,
) -> Result<Signature, Self::Error> {
self.inner().sign_transaction(tx, from).await.map_err(MiddlewareError::from_err)
////// Contract state
/// Returns an array (possibly empty) of logs that match the filter
async fn get_logs(&self, filter: &Filter) -> Result<Vec<Log>, Self::Error> {
/// Returns a stream of logs are loaded in pages of given page size
fn get_logs_paginated<'a>(
&'a self,
filter: &Filter,
page_size: u64,
) -> LogQuery<'a, Self::Provider> {
self.inner().get_logs_paginated(filter, page_size)
/// Install a new filter on the node.
/// This method is hidden because filter lifecycle should be managed by
/// the [`FilterWatcher`]
async fn new_filter(&self, filter: FilterKind<'_>) -> Result<U256, Self::Error> {
/// Uninstalls a filter.
/// This method is hidden because filter lifecycle should be managed by
/// the [`FilterWatcher`]
async fn uninstall_filter<T: Into<U256> + Send + Sync>(
id: T,
) -> Result<bool, Self::Error> {
/// Streams event logs matching the filter.
/// This function streams via a polling system, by repeatedly dispatching
/// RPC requests. If possible, prefer using a WS or IPC connection and the
/// `stream` interface
async fn watch<'a>(
&'a self,
filter: &Filter,
) -> Result<FilterWatcher<'a, Self::Provider, Log>, Self::Error> {
/// Streams pending transactions.
/// This function streams via a polling system, by repeatedly dispatching
/// RPC requests. If possible, prefer using a WS or IPC connection and the
/// `stream` interface
async fn watch_pending_transactions(
) -> Result<FilterWatcher<'_, Self::Provider, H256>, Self::Error> {
/// Polling method for a filter, which returns an array of logs which occurred since last poll.
/// This method must be called with one of the following return types, depending on the filter
/// type:
/// - `eth_newBlockFilter`: [`H256`], returns block hashes
/// - `eth_newPendingTransactionFilter`: [`H256`], returns transaction hashes
/// - `eth_newFilter`: [`Log`], returns raw logs
/// If one of these types is not used, decoding will fail and the method will
/// return an error.
/// [`H256`]: ethers_core::types::H256
/// [`Log`]: ethers_core::types::Log
/// This method is hidden because filter lifecycle should be managed by
/// the [`FilterWatcher`]
async fn get_filter_changes<T, R>(&self, id: T) -> Result<Vec<R>, Self::Error>
T: Into<U256> + Send + Sync,
R: Serialize + DeserializeOwned + Send + Sync + Debug,
/// Streams new block hashes
/// This function streams via a polling system, by repeatedly dispatching
/// RPC requests. If possible, prefer using a WS or IPC connection and the
/// `stream` interface
async fn watch_blocks(&self) -> Result<FilterWatcher<'_, Self::Provider, H256>, Self::Error> {
/// Returns the deployed code at a given address
async fn get_code<T: Into<NameOrAddress> + Send + Sync>(
at: T,
block: Option<BlockId>,
) -> Result<Bytes, Self::Error> {
self.inner().get_code(at, block).await.map_err(MiddlewareError::from_err)
/// Get the storage of an address for a particular slot location
async fn get_storage_at<T: Into<NameOrAddress> + Send + Sync>(
from: T,
location: H256,
block: Option<BlockId>,
) -> Result<H256, Self::Error> {
self.inner().get_storage_at(from, location, block).await.map_err(MiddlewareError::from_err)
/// Returns the EIP-1186 proof response
/// <>
async fn get_proof<T: Into<NameOrAddress> + Send + Sync>(
from: T,
locations: Vec<H256>,
block: Option<BlockId>,
) -> Result<EIP1186ProofResponse, Self::Error> {
self.inner().get_proof(from, locations, block).await.map_err(MiddlewareError::from_err)
/// Returns an indication if this node is currently mining.
async fn mining(&self) -> Result<bool, Self::Error> {
// Personal namespace
// NOTE: This will eventually need to be enabled by users explicitly because the personal
// namespace is being deprecated:
// Issue:
// PR:
/// Sends the given key to the node to be encrypted with the provided
/// passphrase and stored.
/// The key represents a secp256k1 private key and should be 32 bytes.
async fn import_raw_key(
private_key: Bytes,
passphrase: String,
) -> Result<Address, Self::Error> {
.import_raw_key(private_key, passphrase)
/// Prompts the node to decrypt the given account from its keystore.
/// If the duration provided is `None`, then the account will be unlocked
/// indefinitely. Otherwise, the account will be unlocked for the provided
/// number of seconds.
async fn unlock_account<T: Into<Address> + Send + Sync>(
account: T,
passphrase: String,
duration: Option<u64>,
) -> Result<bool, Self::Error> {
.unlock_account(account, passphrase, duration)
// Admin namespace
/// Requests adding the given peer, returning a boolean representing
/// whether or not the peer was accepted for tracking.
async fn add_peer(&self, enode_url: String) -> Result<bool, Self::Error> {
/// Requests adding the given peer as a trusted peer, which the node will
/// always connect to even when its peer slots are full.
async fn add_trusted_peer(&self, enode_url: String) -> Result<bool, Self::Error> {
/// Returns general information about the node as well as information about the running p2p
/// protocols (e.g. `eth`, `snap`).
async fn node_info(&self) -> Result<NodeInfo, Self::Error> {
/// Returns the list of peers currently connected to the node.
async fn peers(&self) -> Result<Vec<PeerInfo>, Self::Error> {
/// Requests to remove the given peer, returning true if the enode was successfully parsed and
/// the peer was removed.
async fn remove_peer(&self, enode_url: String) -> Result<bool, Self::Error> {
/// Requests to remove the given peer, returning a boolean representing whether or not the
/// enode url passed was validated. A return value of `true` does not necessarily mean that the
/// peer was disconnected.
async fn remove_trusted_peer(&self, enode_url: String) -> Result<bool, Self::Error> {
// Miner namespace
/// Starts the miner with the given number of threads. If threads is nil, the number of workers
/// started is equal to the number of logical CPUs that are usable by this process. If mining
/// is already running, this method adjust the number of threads allowed to use and updates the
/// minimum price required by the transaction pool.
async fn start_mining(&self, threads: Option<usize>) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
/// Stop terminates the miner, both at the consensus engine level as well as at
/// the block creation level.
async fn stop_mining(&self) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
// Mempool inspection for Geth's API
/// Returns the details of all transactions currently pending for inclusion in the next
/// block(s), as well as the ones that are being scheduled for future execution only.
/// Ref: [Here](
async fn txpool_content(&self) -> Result<TxpoolContent, Self::Error> {
/// Returns a summary of all the transactions currently pending for inclusion in the next
/// block(s), as well as the ones that are being scheduled for future execution only.
/// Ref: [Here](
async fn txpool_inspect(&self) -> Result<TxpoolInspect, Self::Error> {
/// Returns the number of transactions currently pending for inclusion in the next block(s), as
/// well as the ones that are being scheduled for future execution only.
/// Ref: [Here](
async fn txpool_status(&self) -> Result<TxpoolStatus, Self::Error> {
// Geth `trace` support
/// After replaying any previous transactions in the same block,
/// Replays a transaction, returning the traces configured with passed options
async fn debug_trace_transaction(
tx_hash: TxHash,
trace_options: GethDebugTracingOptions,
) -> Result<GethTrace, Self::Error> {
.debug_trace_transaction(tx_hash, trace_options)
/// Executes the given call and returns a number of possible traces for it
async fn debug_trace_call<T: Into<TypedTransaction> + Send + Sync>(
req: T,
block: Option<BlockId>,
trace_options: GethDebugTracingCallOptions,
) -> Result<GethTrace, Self::Error> {
.debug_trace_call(req, block, trace_options)
// Parity `trace` support
/// Executes the given call and returns a number of possible traces for it
async fn trace_call<T: Into<TypedTransaction> + Send + Sync>(
req: T,
trace_type: Vec<TraceType>,
block: Option<BlockNumber>,
) -> Result<BlockTrace, Self::Error> {
self.inner().trace_call(req, trace_type, block).await.map_err(MiddlewareError::from_err)
/// Executes given calls and returns a number of possible traces for each
/// call
async fn trace_call_many<T: Into<TypedTransaction> + Send + Sync>(
req: Vec<(T, Vec<TraceType>)>,
block: Option<BlockNumber>,
) -> Result<Vec<BlockTrace>, Self::Error> {
self.inner().trace_call_many(req, block).await.map_err(MiddlewareError::from_err)
/// Traces a call to `eth_sendRawTransaction` without making the call, returning the traces
async fn trace_raw_transaction(
data: Bytes,
trace_type: Vec<TraceType>,
) -> Result<BlockTrace, Self::Error> {
.trace_raw_transaction(data, trace_type)
/// Replays a transaction, returning the traces
async fn trace_replay_transaction(
hash: H256,
trace_type: Vec<TraceType>,
) -> Result<BlockTrace, Self::Error> {
.trace_replay_transaction(hash, trace_type)
/// Replays all transactions in a block returning the requested traces for each transaction
async fn trace_replay_block_transactions(
block: BlockNumber,
trace_type: Vec<TraceType>,
) -> Result<Vec<BlockTrace>, Self::Error> {
.trace_replay_block_transactions(block, trace_type)
/// Returns traces created at given block
async fn trace_block(&self, block: BlockNumber) -> Result<Vec<Trace>, Self::Error> {
/// Return traces matching the given filter
async fn trace_filter(&self, filter: TraceFilter) -> Result<Vec<Trace>, Self::Error> {
/// Returns trace at the given position
async fn trace_get<T: Into<U64> + Send + Sync>(
hash: H256,
index: Vec<T>,
) -> Result<Trace, Self::Error> {
self.inner().trace_get(hash, index).await.map_err(MiddlewareError::from_err)
/// Returns all traces of a given transaction
async fn trace_transaction(&self, hash: H256) -> Result<Vec<Trace>, Self::Error> {
// Parity namespace
/// Returns all receipts for that block. Must be done on a parity node.
async fn parity_block_receipts<T: Into<BlockNumber> + Send + Sync>(
block: T,
) -> Result<Vec<TransactionReceipt>, Self::Error> {
/// Create a new subscription
/// This method is hidden as subscription lifecycles are intended to be
/// handled by a [`SubscriptionStream`] object.
async fn subscribe<T, R>(
params: T,
) -> Result<SubscriptionStream<'_, Self::Provider, R>, Self::Error>
T: Debug + Serialize + Send + Sync,
R: DeserializeOwned + Send + Sync,
<Self as Middleware>::Provider: PubsubClient,
/// Instruct the RPC to cancel a subscription by its ID
/// This method is hidden as subscription lifecycles are intended to be
/// handled by a [`SubscriptionStream`] object
async fn unsubscribe<T>(&self, id: T) -> Result<bool, Self::Error>
T: Into<U256> + Send + Sync,
<Self as Middleware>::Provider: PubsubClient,
/// Subscribe to a stream of incoming blocks.
/// This function is only available on pubsub clients, such as Websockets
/// or IPC. For a polling alternative available over HTTP, use
/// [`Middleware::watch_blocks`]. However, be aware that polling increases
/// RPC usage drastically.
async fn subscribe_blocks(
) -> Result<SubscriptionStream<'_, Self::Provider, Block<TxHash>>, Self::Error>
<Self as Middleware>::Provider: PubsubClient,
/// Subscribe to a stream of pending transactions.
/// This function is only available on pubsub clients, such as Websockets
/// or IPC. For a polling alternative available over HTTP, use
/// [`Middleware::watch_pending_transactions`]. However, be aware that
/// polling increases RPC usage drastically.
async fn subscribe_pending_txs(
) -> Result<SubscriptionStream<'_, Self::Provider, TxHash>, Self::Error>
<Self as Middleware>::Provider: PubsubClient,
/// Subscribe to a stream of event logs matchin the provided [`Filter`].
/// This function is only available on pubsub clients, such as Websockets
/// or IPC. For a polling alternative available over HTTP, use
/// [`Middleware::watch`]. However, be aware that polling increases
/// RPC usage drastically.
async fn subscribe_logs<'a>(
&'a self,
filter: &Filter,
) -> Result<SubscriptionStream<'a, Self::Provider, Log>, Self::Error>
<Self as Middleware>::Provider: PubsubClient,
/// Query the node for a [`FeeHistory`] object. This objct contains
/// information about the EIP-1559 base fee in past blocks, as well as gas
/// utilization within those blocks.
/// See the
/// [EIP-1559 documentation]( for
/// details
async fn fee_history<T: Into<U256> + serde::Serialize + Send + Sync>(
block_count: T,
last_block: BlockNumber,
reward_percentiles: &[f64],
) -> Result<FeeHistory, Self::Error> {
.fee_history(block_count, last_block, reward_percentiles)
/// Querty the node for an EIP-2930 Access List.
/// See the
/// [EIP-2930 documentation]( for
/// details
async fn create_access_list(
tx: &TypedTransaction,
block: Option<BlockId>,
) -> Result<AccessListWithGasUsed, Self::Error> {
self.inner().create_access_list(tx, block).await.map_err(MiddlewareError::from_err)
#[cfg(feature = "celo")]
#[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", async_trait(?Send))]
#[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), async_trait)]
/// Celo-specific extension trait
pub trait CeloMiddleware: Middleware {
/// Get validator BLS public keys
async fn get_validators_bls_public_keys<T: Into<BlockId> + Send + Sync>(
block_id: T,
) -> Result<Vec<String>, ProviderError> {
#[cfg(feature = "celo")]
#[cfg_attr(target_arch = "wasm32", async_trait(?Send))]
#[cfg_attr(not(target_arch = "wasm32"), async_trait)]
impl<T> CeloMiddleware for T where T: Middleware {}